1920 Census
Enum = 125 and Page = 156B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 156B 40 Burger Rufus R., Jr. Son M W 8 Georgia
125 156B 40 Sims Nancy A. Mother-in-law F W 69 Georgia
125 156B 41 Morton Alpheus H. Head M W 66 Georgia
125 156B 41 Morton Mattie W. Wife F W 63 Georgia
125 156B 41 Morton Nancy L. Daughter F W 23 Georgia
125 156B 42 Langford Nancy E. Head F W 74 Georgia
125 156B 42 McKee Clarence B. grand son-in-law M W 30 Georgia
125 156B 42 McKee Ruth E. Grand-daughter F W 25 Georgia
125 156B 42 McKee Frances S. Grt. Grand-daughter F W 3 6/12 Georgia
125 156B 43 Ashford Alexander W. Head M W 68 Georgia
125 156B 43 Ashford Loula K. Wife F W 64 Georgia
125 156B 43 Ashford Robert Son M W 40 Georgia
125 156B 43 Ashford Grover F. Son M W 31 Georgia
125 156B 43 Ashford Helen E. Daughter F W 22 Georgia
125 156B 43 Ashford Loula W. Daughter F W 18 Georgia
125 156B 44 Grant Lucinda Head F B 50 Georgia
125 156B 45 Evans Rony Head M B 40 Georgia
125 156B 45 Evans Gertrude Wife F B 35 Georgia
125 156B 45 Evans Zefferine Daughter F B 15 Georgia
125 156B 45 Evans Eunice E. Daughter F B 13 Georgia
125 156B 45 Evans Virginia Daughter F B 11 Georgia
125 156B 45 Evans Almon Daughter F B 9 Georgia
125 156B 45 Evans Ed Son M W 7 Georgia
125 156B 45 Evans Augustus Son M W 4 Georgia
125 156B 46 Savage Aaron R. Head M W 32 Georgia
125 156B 46 Savage Mary S. Wife F W 28 Georgia
125 156B 45 Savage Lessie E. Daughter F W 11 Georgia
125 156B 45 Savage Clyde Son M W 9 Georgia
125 156B 45 Savage Ethel C. Daughter F W 7 Georgia
125 156B 45 Savage T. W. Son M W 5 Georgia
125 156B 46 Ashford Clinton A. Head M W 38 Georgia
125 156B 46 Ashford Constance S. Wife F W 26 Georgia
125 156B 46 Ashford Clinton A., Jr. Son M W 4 11/12 Georgia
125 156B 46 Ashford Martha V. Daughter F W 2 9/12 Georgia
125 156B 46 Ashford John W. Son M W 1 1/12 Georgia
125 156B 46 Chalker Charles C. Boarder M W 31 Tennessee
125 156B 48 Gregory Clem C. Head M W 47 Georgia
125 156B 48 Gregory Sarah S. Sister F W 60 Georgia
125 156B 49 Murray Lonoer Head M W 44 Georgia
125 156B 49 Murray Louise Daughter F W 13 Georgia
125 156B 49 Murray Lawrence Son M W 9 Georgia
125 156B 49 Murray William Son M W 7 Georgia
125 156B 49 Murray James E. Brother M W 50 Georgia
125 156B 50 Rice George H. Head M W 51 Georgia
125 156B 50 Rice Evie M. Wife F W 44 Georgia
125 156B 50 Rice Isaac C. Son M W 8 Georgia
125 156B 50 Rice George H. Son M W 3 0/12 Georgia
125 156B 51 Branche Alfred R. Head M W 33 Georgia
125 156B 51 Branche Ruth M. Wife F W 27 Georgia
125 156B 51 Branche Alfred A. Son M W 8 Georgia

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