1920 Census
Enum = 125 and Page = 164B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 164B 86 Williams Sam Son M B 12 Georgia
125 164B 86 Williams Robert Son M B 30 Georgia
125 164B 87 Jewsom Clifford Head M B 25 Georgia
125 164B 87 Jewsom Viola Wife F B 23 Georgia
125 164B 87 Jewsom Loula B. Daughter F B 4 1/12 Georgia
125 164B 87 Jewsom Lillie M. Daughter F B 2 6/12 Georgia
125 164B 87 Jewsom Leonard Son M B 1 6/12 Georgia
125 164B 88 Ivy Curtis P. Head M W 33 Georgia
125 164B 88 Ivy Sallie A. Wife F W 34 Georgia
125 164B 88 Ivy Winifred W. Son M W 13 Georgia
125 164B 88 Ivy Pearlie I. daughter F W 10 Georgia
125 164B 88 Ivy Ina B. daughter F W 8 Georgia
125 164B 88 Ivy Elmer A. Son M W 7 Georgia
125 164B 88 Ivy Everett D. Son M W 4 10/12 Georgia
125 164B 88 Ivy Elsie L. daughter F W 3 1/12 Georgia
125 164B 89 Slaton Joe B. Head M W 48 Georgia
125 164B 89 Slaton Minnie F. Wife F W 39 Georgia
125 164B 89 Slaton Josephine Daughter F W 14 Georgia
125 164B 89 Sargeant Efran C. Father in law M W 68 South Carolina
125 164B 89 Sargeant Logan C. Brother in law M W 19 Georgia
125 164B 90 Bradberry Elijah R. Head M W 62 Georgia
125 164B 90 Bradberry Mary M. Wife F W 51 Georgia
125 164B 90 Bradberry Robert T. Son M W 25 Georgia
125 164B 90 Bradberry Annie L. Daughter in law F W 22 Georgia
125 164B 90 Bradberry Esther M. Daughter F W 20 Georgia
125 164B 90 Bradberry Eddie W. Son M W 18 Georgia
125 164B 90 Bradberry Merint H. Son M W 15 Georgia
125 164B 90 Bradberry Lawrence J. Son M W 1 1/12 Georgia
125 164B 91 Logan Oscar Head M W 28 Georgia
125 164B 91 Logan Mickie Wife F W 30 Georgia
125 164B 91 Logan Eva M. Daughter F W 5 Georgia
125 164B 91 Logan Loyd T. Son M W 4 2/12 Georgia
125 164B 91 Logan Earl F. Son M W 2 4/12 Georgia
125 164B 92 Butler Jesse E. Head M W 45 Georgia
125 164B 92 Butler Cora D. Wife F W 46 Georgia
125 164B 92 Butler Sarah L. Daughter F W 14 Georgia
125 164B 92 Butler Arthur Son M W 12 Georgia
125 164B 92 Butler Durham Son M W 9 Georgia
125 164B 92 Butler James E. Son M W 7 Georgia
125 164B 93 Payne Thomas Head M W 70 Georgia
125 164B 92 Payne Louisa A. Wife F W 65 Georgia
125 164B 94 Elder Bud Head M B 21 Georgia
125 164B 94 Elder Sallie B. Wife F B 20 Georgia
125 164B 94 Elder Russell Son M B 2 5/12 Georgia
125 164B 94 Elder Edward Son M B 2/12 Georgia
125 164B 95 Thrasher West Head M B 44 Georgia
125 164B 95 Thrasher Matt Wife F B 44 Georgia
125 164B 95 Thrasher Hosby Son M B 21 Georgia
125 164B 96 Turnbull Luscius *. Head M W 47 Georgia
125 164B 96 Turnbull Dora I. Wife F W 43 Georgia

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