1920 Census
Enum = 125 and Page = 165B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 165B 105 Bingham Virgil Son M B 17 Georgia
125 165B 105 Bingham Annie L. Daughter F B 16 Georgia
125 165B 105 Johnson Edward Son M B 11 Georgia
125 165B 105 Johnson Viola Daughter F B 9 Georgia
125 165B 106 Bingham Andrew Head M B 67 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Dave, Jr. Head M B 35 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Lilla Wife F B 30 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Otis Son M B 12 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Claudie Son M B 10 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Ieunice Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 165B 108 Hunter George Head M B 50 Georgia
125 165B 108 Hunter Jane Sister F B 40 Georgia
125 165B 108 Morton John H. Step Son M B 19 Georgia
125 165B 109 Stephens June Head M B 26 Georgia
125 165B 109 Stephens Lola Wife F B 24 Georgia
125 165B 109 Stephens Hazel Daughter F B 7 Georgia
125 165B 109 Stephens Frances Daughter F B 1/12 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Dave, Sr. Head M B 60 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Maria Wife F B 42 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Roy Son M B 14 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Idella Daughter F B 12 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Modine Daughter F B 11 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Clemens Son M B 10 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Cora L. Daughter F B 9 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Callie M. Daughter F B 7 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Ruhl Son M B 5 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Rogers Son M B 3 2/12 Georgia
125 165B 111 Jackson Kahl Head M B 22 Georgia
125 165B 111 Jackson Robene Wife F B 22 Georgia
125 165B 111 Jackson Dave Son M B 1/12 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Dock A. Head M W 59 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Rodie Wife F W 49 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Ethel Daughter F W 21 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Venie E. Daughter F W 20 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Lester G. Son M W 16 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Louis E. Son M W 13 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Amon L. Son M W 8 Georgia
125 165B 113 Lord Sherman T. Head M W 52 Georgia
125 165B 113 Lord Mary E. Wife F W 48 Georgia
125 165B 113 Lord Lawton T. Son M W 26 Georgia
125 165B 113 Lord Ruby M. Daughter F W 21 Georgia
125 165B 113 Lord Ira M. Son M W 20 Georgia
125 165B 113 Lord Robert O. Son M W 15 Georgia
125 165B 113 Lord Ina B. Daughter F W 11 Georgia
125 165B 113 Lord Sarah J. Daughter F W 9 Georgia
125 165B 114 Langford Hubert O. Head M W 37 Georgia
125 165B 114 Langford Eula C. Wife F W 30 Georgia
125 165B 114 Langford Carlton E. Daughter F W 15 Georgia
125 165B 114 Langford James A. Son M W 13 Georgia
125 165B 114 Langford Corable Daughter F W 9 Georgia

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