1920 Census
Enum = 125 and Page = 166B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 166B 125 Cromley Ed J. Head M W 48 Georgia
125 166B 125 Cromley Cora F. Wife F W 48 Georgia
125 166B 125 Cromley Lizzie S. Daughter F W 23 Georgia
125 166B 125 Cromley Roy B. Son M W 16 Georgia
125 166B 125 Cromley Edgar J. Son M W 13 Georgia
125 166B 125 Cromley James C. Son M W 11 Georgia
125 166B 125 McLocklin Malinda Servant F B 61 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Jake Head M B 60 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Amanda Wife F B 48 Georgia
125 166B 126 Walker Millie Daughter F B 20 Georgia
125 166B 126 Walker Tobe Son in law M M 21 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Louise Daughter F B 17 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Jake, Jr. Son M B 14 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Ethel Daughter F B 12 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Clara Daughter F B 10 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Emory Son M B 6 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Charles G. Son M B 3 1/12 Georgia
125 166B 127 Griffith Lindsey Head M B 23 Georgia
125 166B 127 Griffith Ziddie Wife F B 22 Georgia
125 166B 128 Fleetcher Calvin Head M B 32 Georgia
125 166B 129 Harris Henry H. Head M W 36 Georgia
125 166B 129 Harris Alice C. Wife F W 25 Georgia
125 166B 129 Harris Virginia Daughter F W 1 1/12 Georgia
125 166B 130 Jackson Tom Head M B 38 Georgia
125 166B 130 Jackson Hattie Wife F B 35 Georgia
125 166B 130 Jackson Nevie Son M B 16 Georgia
125 166B 130 Jackson Hattie, Jr. Daughter F B Un Georgia
125 166B 131 Ward Louise Head F B 35 Georgia
125 166B 131 Ward Charlie Son M B 16 Georgia
125 166B 131 Ward J. W. Son M B 14 Georgia
125 166B 131 ward Jessie Daughter F B 12 Georgia
125 166B 131 Ward Ollie R. Grand daughter F B 5 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Smith Head M B 56 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Ida Wife F B 53 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Cora Daughter F M 32 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Margaret Daughter F B 25 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith John C. Son M B 23 Georgia
125 166B 132 Williams Edward Brother in law M B 45 Georgia
125 166B 132 Alexander Margaret Mother in law F B 83 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Edward Grandson M B 10 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Smith, Jr. Grandson M B 7 Georgia
125 166B 133 Durham Bob Head M B 53 Georgia
125 166B 133 Durham Theodore Son M B 24 Georgia
125 166B 133 Durham Charlie Brother M B 65 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Bill Head M B 50 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Cheney Wife F B 47 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Phelip Son M B 18 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Cora Daughter F B 16 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Robert Son M B 11 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Margaret Daughter F B 9 Georgia

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