1920 Census
Enum = 125 and Page = 167A

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 167A 134 Price Ed Son M B 6 Georgia
125 167A 134 Price Lizzie R. Daughter F B 4 9/12 Georgia
125 167A 135 Belle Lee Head M B 50 Georgia
125 167A 135 Belle Annie Wife F B 32 Georgia
125 167A 135 Belle Herbert Son M B 16 Georgia
125 167A 135 Belle Mack H. Son M B 14 Georgia
125 167A 135 Belle Edgar Son M B 11 Georgia
125 167A 135 Belle Marie Daughter F B 9 Georgia
125 167A 135 Belle Masn Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Pelham Head M W 45 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Martha S. Wife F W 23 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Henry D. Son M W 19 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Gertrude Daughter F W 16 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Bonnie S. Daughter F W 14 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Paul Son M W 12 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Lavonia Daughter F W 8 Georgia
125 167A 137 Belle Marshall Head M B 65 Georgia
125 167A 137 Belle Laura Wife F B 64 Georgia
125 167A 137 Belle Mack H. Son M B 17 Georgia
125 167A 138 Johnson Hamp Head M B 40 Georgia
125 167A 138 Johnson Laura Wife F B 38 Georgia
125 167A 138 Palhill Ethel Daughter F B 23 Georgia
125 167A 138 Palhill John C. Gd son M B 1 6/12 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith John Head M B 37 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Maggie Wife F M 35 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith James Son M M 13 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Carrie L. Daughter F M 12 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Magnolia Daughter F M 11 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Marshall Son M M 9 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Charlie Son M M 7 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith J. W. Son M M 5 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Susie M. Daughter F B 3 7/12 Georgia
125 167A 140 Daniel Garfield Head M B 40 Georgia
125 167A 140 Daniel Carrie Wife F B 37 Georgia
125 167A 140 Daniel Louie Son M B 13 Georgia
125 167A 149 Daniel Bessie Daughter F B 12 Georgia
125 167A 140 Daniel Willie B. Daughter F B 11 Georgia
125 167A 140 Daniel Emma Daughter F B 9 Georgia
125 167A 140 Daniel Pearle Daughter F M 7 Georgia
125 167A 140 Daniel Sallie Daughter F B 5 Georgia
125 167A 140 Daniel Mamie Daughter F B 3 7/12 Georgia
125 167A 140 Daniel Floyd Son M B 1 7/12 Georgia
125 167A 141 Belle James Head M B 49 Georgia
125 167A 141 Belle Ella Wife F B 47 Georgia
125 167A 141 Belle James, Jr. Son M B 17 Georgia
125 167A 141 Belle Nancy Daughter F B 15 Georgia
125 167A 141 Belle Eula Daughter F B 14 Georgia
125 167A 141 Belle Horace Son M B 11 Georgia
125 167A 142 Belle Loue G. Head M B 45 Georgia
125 167A 142 Belle Anna Wife F B 31 Georgia

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