1920 Census
Enum = 125 and Page = 167B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 167B 142 Belle William Son M B 10 Georgia
125 167B 142 Belle Mattie L. Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 167B 142 Belle John N. Son M B 3 5/12 Georgia
125 167B 143 Belle Charlie Head M B 33 Georgia
125 167B 143 Belle Mattie Wife F B 30 Georgia
125 167B 143 Belle Mildred Daughter F B 5 Georgia
125 167B 143 Belle Hazel Daughter F B 3 9/12 Georgia
125 167B 143 Belle Grace Daughter F B 1 4/12 Georgia
125 167B 144 Cromley John B. Head M W 43 Georgia
125 167B 144 Cromley Dessie Wife F W 38 Georgia
125 167B 144 Cromley Ross Son M W 15 Georgia
125 167B 144 Cromley James A. Son M W 12 Georgia
125 167B 144 Cromley Joe M. Son M W 7 Georgia
125 167B 144 Eidson Elyabeth Mother in law F W 63 Georgia
125 167B 144 Eidson George Cousin M W 28 Georgia
125 167B 145 Durham Leonard P. Head M W 43 Georgia
125 167B 145 Durham Ruth R. Wife F W 33 Georgia
125 167B 146 Lee Johnie Head M B 30 Georgia
125 167B 146 Lee Mattie L. Wife F B 25 Georgia
125 167B 146 Lee Mattie, Jr. Daughter F B 3 2/12 Georgia
125 167B 146 Lee Helen Daughter F B 7/12 Georgia
125 167B 147 Robison Henry M. Head M W 65 Georgia
125 167B 147 Robison Eddie V. Wife F W 55 Georgia
125 167B 147 Robison Toonie Son M W 37 Georgia
125 167B 147 Robison Emma Daughter F W 35 Georgia
125 167B 147 Robison Clarence A. Son M W 20 Georgia
125 167B 147 Robison Jeannette M. Daughter F W 12 Georgia
125 167B 148 Deane George Head M B 48 Georgia
125 167B 148 Deane Mamie Wife F B 37 Georgia
125 167B 148 Deane Lillie Daughter F B 14 Georgia
125 167B 148 Deane Willie Son M B 14 Georgia
125 167B 148 Deane Paul W. Son M B 10 Georgia
125 167B 148 Deane Otis Son M B 8 Georgia
125 167B 148 Deane Bertha Son F B 7 Georgia
125 167B 148 Deane Oree Daughter F B 4 1/12 Georgia
125 167B 148 Deane Columbus Son M B 10/12 Georgia
125 167B 149 Bulkhalter Clarence Head M W 29 Georgia
125 167B 149 Bulkhalter Bertie L. Wife F W 29 Georgia
125 167B 149 Bulkhalter Martha E. Daughter F W 1 3/12 Georgia
125 167B 150 Owens Jesse Head M B 25 Georgia
125 167B 150 Owens Sinai Wife F B 25 Georgia
125 167B 150 Owens Jesse, Jr. Son M B 6 Georgia
125 167B 151 Owens Curley Head M B 28 Georgia
125 167B 151 Owens Susie M. Wife F B 26 Georgia
125 167B 151 Owens Shoat Son M B 6 Georgia
125 167B 151 Owens Robert Son M B 4 7/12 Georgia
125 167B 152 Tucker Robert W. Head M W 48 Georgia
125 167B 152 Tucker Leonard P. Wife F W 42 Georgia
125 167B 152 Royster William R. Step son M W 15 Georgia
125 167B 152 Tucker Robert E. Son M W 7 Georgia

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