1920 Census
Enum = 125 and Page = 170A

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 170A 193 Smith Will Head M B 60 Georgia
125 170A 193 Smith Frances Wife F B 57 Georgia
125 170A 193 Smith James Grandson M B 11 Georgia
125 170A 194 Hardman John W. Head M W 56 Georgia
125 170A 194 Hardman India I. Wife F W 25 Georgia
125 170A 194 Hardman Sam J. Son M W 14 Georgia
125 170A 194 Hardman Lavonia P. Daughter F W 10 Georgia
125 170A 194 Hardman John F. Son M W 7/12 Georgia
125 170A 195 Bird Addison Head M W 19 Georgia
125 170A 195 Bird Cora L. Wife F W 19 Georgia
125 170A 196 Hardman Alex. J. Head M W 28 Georgia
125 170A 196 Hardman Nora Wife F W 27 Georgia
125 170A 196 Hardman J. Son M W 8 Georgia
125 170A 196 Hardman Clayton Son M W 6 Georgia
125 170A 196 Hardman Thelma Daughter F W 4 0/12 Georgia
125 170A 196 Hardman Katie L. Daughter F W 3 1/12 Georgia
125 170A 196 Hardman Loyd Son M W 7/12 Georgia
125 170A 197 Berry March Head M B 23 Georgia
125 170A 197 Berry Mary Wife F B 19 Georgia
125 170A 198 Wilkes DeWitt H. Head M W 26 Georgia
125 170A 198 Wilkes Mattie E. Wife F W 23 Georgia
125 170A 198 Wilkes Millard D. Son M W 3 5/12 Georgia
125 170A 199 Thornton Asa J. Head M W 66 Georgia
125 170A 199 Thornton Elizah J. Wife F W 63 Georgia
125 170A 200 Hobbs Archer Head M B 19 Georgia
125 170A 201 Strand John Head M B 21 Georgia
125 170A 200 Strand Katie L. Wife F B 17 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell William T. Head M W 45 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell Ora Wife F W 34 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell Auvern Daughter F W 11 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell Joe Son M W 7 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell Mary B. Daughter F W 3 Georgia
125 170A 203 Taylor Arvil H. Head M W 20 Georgia
125 170A 203 Taylor Ruby T. Wife F W 16 Georgia
125 170A 204 Jeffreye Gadsen Head M B 35 Georgia
125 170A 204 Jeffreye Rosa Wife F B 32 Georgia
125 170A 204 Jeffreye Rubye Daughter F B 13 Georgia
125 170A 204 Jeffreye Annie L. Daughter F B 11 Georgia
125 170A 204 Jeffreye Maude Daughter F B 9 Georgia
125 170A 204 Jeffreye Charlie Son M B 7 Georgia
125 170A 204 Jeffreye Allie I. Daughter F B 5 Georgia
125 170A 204 Jeffreye Will H. Son M B 2 7/12 Georgia
125 170A 204 Jeffreye Emma Mother F B 62 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon Charles D. Head M W 63 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon Maggie Wife F W 49 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon Durward C. Son M W 14 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon Sarah Daughter F W 12 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon George M. Son M W 10 Georgia
125 170A 206 Jackson Willie Head M B 25 Georgia
125 170A 206 Jackson Annie Wife F B 20 Georgia

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