1920 Census
Enum = 125 and Page = 171B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 171B 225 Thompson Clara Wife F M 26 Georgia
125 171B 225 Thompson Arthur C. Son M B 2 0/12 Georgia
125 171B 225 Thompson Herman Son M B 5/12 Georgia
125 171B 225 Evans Jere Father in law M B 58 Georgia
125 171B 226 Willoughby Jesse Head M B 38 Georgia
125 171B 226 Willoughby Julia Wife F B 38 Georgia
125 171B 226 Andrews Annie M. Daughter F B 20 Georgia
125 171B 226 Andrews Maseo Son in law M B 22 Georgia
125 171B 226 Willoughby Alice Niece F B 15 Georgia
125 171B 226 Willoughby Birdie Niece F B 14 Georgia
125 171B 226 Willoughby Delie Niece F B 13 Georgia
125 171B 226 Willoughby Jessie M. Niece F B 12 Georgia
125 171B 226 Willoughby Toon Nephew M B 8 Georgia
125 171B 226 Willoughby Inez Niece F B 2 1/12 Georgia
125 171B 227 Hale Homer G. Head M W 32 Georgia
125 171B 227 Hale Effie E. Wife F W 29 Georgia
125 171B 227 Hale Emma S. Daughter F W 9 Georgia
125 171B 227 Hale Mary E. Daughter F W 7 Georgia
125 171B 227 Hale Ida O. Daughter F W 4 5/12 Georgia
125 171B 227 Hale Evelyn L. Daughter F W 11/12 Georgia
125 171B 227 Hale Nancy E. Mother in law F W 67 Georgia
125 171B 227 Marshall Emma J. Sister F W 39 Georgia
125 171B 227 Marshall Alva G. nephew M W 17 Georgia
125 171B 227 Marshall Zola Z. Niece F W 15 Georgia
125 171B 227 Marshall Emma D. Niece F W 14 Georgia
125 171B 228 Dawson John T. Head M W 39 Georgia
125 171B 228 Dawson Zippora G. Wife F W 38 Georgia
125 171B 228 Dawson Evelyn Daughter F W 12 Georgia
125 171B 228 Dawson Alma Daughter F W 9 Georgia
125 171B 229 Mayne Amanda Head F B 63 Georgia
125 171B 229 Mayne Weldon Son M B 25 Georgia
125 171B 229 Mayne Flora Daughter F B 23 Georgia
125 171B 230 Jackson Oscar Head M B 48 Georgia
125 171B 230 Jackson Julia Wife F B 44 Georgia
125 171B 230 Jackson Walter Son M B 19 Georgia
125 171B 230 Jackson Minnie Daughter F B 16 Georgia
125 171B 230 Jackson Willie Son M B 14 Georgia
125 171B 230 Jackson Sylvester Son M B 13 Georgia
125 171B 230 Jackson Oscar, Jr. Son M B 7 Georgia
125 171B 230 Jackson Percolia Daughter F B 6 Georgia
125 171B 231 Jackson Otis Head M B 23 Georgia
125 171B 231 Jackson Willie M. Wife F B 20 Georgia
125 171B 232 Carter Barton M. Head M W 62 Georgia
125 171B 232 Carter Sarah J. Wife F W 59 Georgia
125 171B 232 Carter Novice Son M W 24 Georgia
125 171B 232 Carter Kalvison Son M W 18 Georgia
125 171B 232 Carter Mattie Daughter F W 16 Georgia
125 171B 232 Carter Troy Son M W 15 Georgia
125 171B 233 Taylor Jim Head M B 34 Georgia
125 171B 233 Taylor Clyde Wife F B 32 Georgia

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