1920 Census
Enum = 125 and Page = 172A

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 172A 233 Taylor Asberry Son M B 8 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Marie Daughter F B 7 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Minnie L. Daughter F B 6 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Joe H. Son M B 5 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Lizah Daughter F B 4 1/12 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Jim Son M B 1 1/12 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Louis Head M B 62 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Loula Wife F B 48 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Louella Daughter F B 19 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Millie Daughter F B 17 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Jimmie Son M B 15 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Ike Son M B 13 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Pat Son M B 12 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Lillie M. Daughter F B 10 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Cal Son M B 8 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Mandie Jr. Daughter F B 6 Georgia
125 172A 234 Fisher Annie L. Daughter F B 5 Georgia
125 172A 235 Lee Walter M. Head M W 29 Georgia
125 172A 235 Lee Ida O. Wife F W 23 Georgia
125 172A 235 Lee Charles W. Son M W 4/12 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Jim Head M B 32 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Ellen Wife F B 28 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Eula Mae Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Ruth Daughter F B 6 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Marie Daughter F B 4 1/12 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Willie Son M B 1/12 Georgia
125 172A 237 Moon Will Head M B 32 Georgia
125 172A 237 Moon European Wife F B 29 Georgia
125 172A 238 Jones Rucker Head M B 25 Georgia
125 172A 238 Elder Ada Sister F B 33 Georgia
125 172A 238 Durham Henry Nephew M B 13 Georgia
125 172A 238 Durham Jere B. Nephew M B 10 Georgia
125 172A 238 Elder Gladys Niece F B 3 1/12 Georgia
125 172A 239 Matthews Fletcher C. Head M W 34 Georgia
125 172A 239 Matthews Ethyl T. Wife F W 24 Georgia
125 172A 239 Matthews James C. Son M W 0/12 Georgia
125 172A 239 Thornton Harry M. Brother in law M W 19 Georgia
125 172A 240 Kenney George Head M B 35 Georgia
125 172A 240 Kenney Iola Wife F B 26 Georgia
125 172A 240 Kenney Jack Son M B 6 Georgia
125 172A 241 Weatherford John C. Head M W 66 Georgia
125 172A 241 Weatherford Martha Wife F W 63 Georgia
125 172A 241 Weatherford Otis R. Son M W 24 Georgia
125 172A 241 Weatherford Frankie L. Son M W 21 Georgia
125 172A 241 Weatherford Elsie Daughter F W 18 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Harvey A. Head M W 52 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Cora Wife F W 47 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Mary E. Daughter F W 22 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Edward D. Son M W 16 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Vester E. Son M W 13 Georgia

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