1920 Census
Enum = 126 and Page = 180B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
126 180B 128 Howard Ben Son M B 17 Georgia
126 180B 128 Howard Edd Son M B 12 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Emory Head M B 45 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Lue Wife F B 27 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Lulia Daughter F B 18 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Mophy Daughter F B 17 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Winford Son M B 16 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Willie Son M B 14 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Webester Son M B 12 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Mabel Daughter F B 7 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Agnes Daughter F B 6 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Iscaah Son M B 5 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Odesia Daughter F B 3 Georgia
126 180B 129 Robinson Lue Daughter F B 11/12 Georgia
126 180B 130 Evans Fleming Head M B 49 Georgia
126 180B 130 Evans Mattie Wife F B 45 Georgia
126 180B 130 Evans Cliford Son M B 19 Georgia
126 180B 130 Elder Davis Nephew M B 9 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Richard Head M W 28 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Pearl Wife F W 22 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Ruth Daughter F W 4 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Cecil Son M W 2 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Lucie mother F W 48 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Frank brother in law M W 20 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Baxter brother in law M W 18 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Corrie Sister F W 12 Georgia
126 180B 132 Glen Joe Head M W 24 Georgia
126 180B 132 Glen Nancy Wife F W 22 Georgia
126 180B 132 Glen Ross Son M W 3 Georgia
126 180B 132 Glen Howard Son M W 1 Georgia
126 180B 133 Evans Walter Head M B 24 Georgia
126 180B 133 Evans Olla Wife F B 27 Georgia
126 180B 133 Evans Annie Daughter F B 7 Georgia
126 180B 133 Evans Osbay Son M B 6 Georgia
126 180B 134 Hilperails Clare Head M W 31 Georgia
126 180B 134 Hilperails Fannie Wife F W 30 Georgia
126 180B 134 Hilperails Hiram Son M W 8 Georgia
126 180B 134 Hilperails Eugne Son M W 6 Georgia
126 180B 134 Hilperails Bert Daughter F W 4 Georgia
126 180B 134 Hilperails Ben Son M W 2 Georgia
126 180B 135 Admas Darf S. Head M W 38 North Carolina
126 180B 135 Admas Georgia Wife F W 44 Georgia
126 180B 135 Admas John Son M W 12 Georgia
126 180B 135 Admas Joe Son M W 7 Georgia
126 180B 135 Admas Richard father M W 72 North Carolina
126 180B 135 Admas Dosure mother F W 77 North Carolina
126 180B 135 Wilson Orrie Sister in law F W 28 Georgia
126 180B 136 Moon Lelia Head F B 26 Georgia
126 180B 136 Moon Edward Son M B 9 Georgia
126 180B 136 Moon Walter Son M B 8 Georgia

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