1920 Census
Enum = 127 and Page = 195B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
127 195B 111 Smith Obadia Son M B 7 Georgia
127 195B 111 Smith Walter J. Son M B 6 Georgia
127 195B 111 Smith Willie Son M B 5 Georgia
127 195B 111 Smith Liza Daughter F B 3 11/12 Georgia
127 195B 111 Smith Charlie Son M B 1 2/12 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Willie Head M B 46 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Minnie Wife F B 26 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Willie Son M B 8 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Mamie L. Daughter F B 6 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Henry Son M B 4 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Salina Daughter F B 2 2/12 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Mary Daughter F B 1 2/12 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Antwine Head M B 52 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Harriet Wife F B 43 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Thelma Daughter F B 14 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Hattie I. Daughter F B 13 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Lois Daughter F B 12 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Robt. Son M B 10 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Willie B. Daughter F B 8 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Isaac Son M B 6 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Earl T. Son M B 5 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Irvin Son M B 3 4/12 Georgia
127 195B 113 Hightower Eddie Son M B 1 1/12 Georgia
127 195B 114 Thrasher William T. Head M W 57 Georgia
127 195B 114 Thrasher Hessie E. Wife F W 49 Georgia
127 195B 114 Thrasher Sarah M. Daughter F W 32 Georgia
127 195B 115 Middlebrooks Walter Head M W 30 Georgia
127 195B 115 Middlebrooks Florine Wife F W 27 Georgia
127 195B 115 Middlebrooks Walter L. Son M W 10 Georgia
127 195B 115 Middlebrooks Thomas P. Son M W 8 Georgia
127 195B 116 Hunt Ranson Head M W 60 South Carolina
127 195B 116 Hunt Addie Wife F W 56 Georgia
127 195B 117 Lester Lewis Head M B 47 Georgia
127 195B 117 Lester Julia Wife F B 37 Georgia
127 195B 117 Lester Estelle Daughter F B 13 Georgia
127 195B 117 Lester Robt. Son M B 12 Georgia
127 195B 117 Lester John Son M B 10 Georgia
127 195B 117 Lester Lewis Son M B 7 Georgia
127 195B 117 Lester Charles Son M B 6 Georgia
127 195B 117 Lester Minnie Daughter F B 4 3/12 Georgia
127 195B 117 Lester Spencer Son M B 1 5/12 Georgia
127 195B 118 Oliver Ananias Head M B 48 Georgia
127 195B 118 Oliver Magnolia Wife F B 38 Georgia
127 195B 118 Oliver Frank Son M B 20 Georgia
127 195B 118 Oliver Clyde M. Daughter F B 15 Georgia
127 195B 118 Oliver Katie L. Daughter F B 2 2/12 Georgia
127 195B 119 Sarden Usher Head M B 37 Georgia
127 195B 119 Sarden Pearl Wife F B 28 Georgia
127 195B 119 Sarden Ophelia Daughter F B 14 Georgia
127 195B 119 Sarden Cleveland Son M B 13 Georgia

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