1920 Census
Enum = 128 and Page = 216B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
128 216B 89 Holliday Hoyt Son M W 14 Georgia
128 216B 89 Holliday Sybil Daughter F W 11 Georgia
128 216B 89 Holliday Coptala Daughter F W 8 Georgia
128 216B 89 Holliday Ryce Son M W 5 Georgia
128 216B 89 Holliday Wilford Son M W 3 Georgia
128 216B 90 Treadwell Marion Head M W 55 Georgia
128 216B 90 Treadwell Dora Wife F W 45 Georgia
128 216B 90 Treadwell Odell Daughter F W 21 Georgia
128 216B 90 Treadwell Raybon Son M W 18 Georgia
128 216B 90 Cooper Sallie mother in law F W 64 Georgia
128 216B 91 McDaniel Jim Head M W 64 Georgia
128 216B 91 McDaniel Estelle Wife F W 38 Georgia
128 216B 91 McDaniel Tom Son M W 13 Georgia
128 216B 91 McDaniel Joel Son M W 11 Georgia
128 216B 91 McDaniel Virgil Son M W 9 Georgia
128 216B 91 McDaniel Montine Daughter F W 6 Georgia
128 216B 91 McDaniel Wisham Son M W 4 Georgia
128 216B 92 McDaniel Theo Head M W 20 Georgia
128 216B 92 McDaniel Alma Wife F W 19 Georgia
128 216B 92 McDaniel Bealtie Brother M W 23 Georgia
128 216B 93 Freeman Elmer H M W 34 Georgia
128 216B 93 Freeman Bessie Wife F W 27 Georgia
128 216B 93 Freeman Fank Son M W 9 Georgia
128 216B 93 Freeman James Son M W 7 Georgia
128 216B 93 Freeman Louis Son M W 1 11/12 Georgia
128 216B 94 Roberts Newton Head M W 50 Georgia
128 216B 94 Roberts Mae Wife F W 35 Georgia
128 216B 94 Roberts Young Son M W 15 Georgia
128 216B 94 Freeman Flossie Daughter F W 13 Georgia
128 216B 94 Freeman Claud Son M W 9 Georgia
128 216B 94 Freeman Ida Mae Daughter F W 7 Georgia
128 216B 94 Freeman Grady Son M W 6 Georgia
128 216B 94 Freeman Sadie Daughter F W 6 Georgia
128 216B 94 Freeman Lyde Son M W 4 Georgia
128 216B 94 Freeman Harold Son M W 2 Georgia
128 216B 95 Crunsy Manul Head M B 25 Georgia
128 216B 95 Crunsy Emma Wife F B 25 Georgia
128 216B 95 Crunsy Hershal Son M B 2 Georgia
128 216B 95 Crunsy J. B. Son M B 2/12 Georgia
128 216B 95 Thrasher Rubin nephew M B 11 Georgia
128 216B 96 Williams James Head M B 18 Georgia
128 216B 96 Williams Daisy Wife F B 18 Georgia
128 216B 96 Evens A. L. nephew M B 8 Georgia
128 216B 96 Evens Willie nephew M B 7 Georgia
128 216B 96 Cambel Mosell Sister F B 10 Georgia
128 216B 96 Williams Janie Brother M B 13 Georgia
128 216B 97 Higginbotham Joseph Head M W 55 Georgia
128 216B 97 Higginbotham Jessie Wife F W 44 Georgia
128 216B 97 Higginbotham Tom Son M W 20 Georgia
128 216B 97 Higginbotham Paul Son M W 18 Georgia

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