1920 Census
Enum = 129 and Page = 232A

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
129 232A 67 Nash Sam J. Head M W 29 Georgia
129 232A 67 Nash Lola W. Wife F W 34 Georgia
129 232A 67 Nash Mary B. Daughter F W 3 9/12 Georgia
129 232A 67 Nash Sarah E. Daughter F W 1 10/12 Georgia
129 232A 68 McRee H. E. Head M W 36 Georgia
129 232A 68 McRee Verna M. Wife F W 36 Georgia
129 232A 69 Akin George T. Head M W 45 Georgia
129 232A 69 Akin Susie Wife F W 36 Georgia
129 232A 69 Akin Lois Daughter F W 20 Georgia
129 232A 69 Akin Ethel Daughter F W 18 Georgia
129 232A 69 Akin Marian Daughter F W 15 Georgia
129 232A 69 Akin Jennie Sue Daughter F W 12 Georgia
129 232A 69 Akin George, Jr. Son M W 7 Georgia
129 232A 69 Durham Snotie Servant M B 35 Georgia
129 232A 69 Whitehead Henry Servant M B 25 Georgia
129 232A 69 Freeman Cressie Servant F B 30 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter P. A. Head M W 45 Georgia
129 232A 79 Gunter Lola W. Wife F W 50 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Clyde Son M W 25 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Lillie Mae Daughter in law F W 25 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Roy Lee Son M W 16 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Fred Son M W 14 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Cute Son M W 10 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Therma Daughter F W 8 Georgia
129 232A 71 McGobbon Gabe Head M B 50 Georgia
129 232A 71 McGobbon Norcisus Wife F B 50 Georgia
129 232A 71 McGobbon Maud Daughter F B 11 Georgia
129 232A 71 McGobbon MaBelle Daughter F B 5 Georgia
129 232A 71 McGobbon Jimmie Son M B 12 Georgia
129 232A 71 McGobbon Will H. Son M B 13 Georgia
129 232A 73 Akin Wade H. Head M W 41 Georgia
129 232A 73 Akin Bertha A. Wife F W 40 Georgia
129 232A 73 Akin Wade H., Jr. Son M W 14 Georgia
129 232A 73 Akin Wilbon D. Son M W 11 Georgia
129 232A 73 Akin George H. Son M W 9 Georgia
129 232A 73 Akin Maggie L. Daughter F W 5 Georgia
129 232A 74 Freeman Ned Head M B 45 Georgia
129 232A 74 Freeman Cressie Wife F M 27 Georgia
129 232A 74 Freeman Annie L. Daughter F M 10 Georgia
129 232A 74 Freeman James Son M B 7 Georgia
129 232A 74 Freeman Jake Son M B 5 Georgia
129 232A 74 Freeman Walker Son M B 4 7/12 Georgia
129 232A 74 Freeman Edgar Son M B 1 5/12 Georgia
129 232A 74 Parks Angeline Grand mother F B 70 Georgia
129 232A 75 Tift Willie Head M B 25 Georgia
129 232A 75 Tift Rosa Wife F B 21 Georgia
129 232A 76 Zackery Anderson Head M B 25 Georgia
129 232A 76 Zackery Lessie Wife F B 20 Georgia
129 232A 77 Jones Wilson Head M B 54 Georgia
129 232A 77 Smith Claud Grand Son M M 16 Georgia

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