1920 Census
Enum = 129 and Page = 233B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
129 233B 96 Self Kenney Son M B 17 Georgia
129 233B 97 Cross Isie Head M B 37 Georgia
129 233B 97 Cross Eveline Mother in law F B 60 Georgia
129 233B 97 Cross Laura Sister F M 21 Georgia
129 233B 97 Cross Fannie Sister F M 18 Georgia
129 233B 97 Cross Sidney Brother F M 16 Georgia
129 233B 98 Elder Clifford Head M B 40 Georgia
129 233B 98 Elder Mary Wife F B 35 Georgia
129 233B 98 Brown Albert Servant M B 67 Maryland
129 233B 98 Elder Richard Father in law M B 56 Georgia
129 233B 98 Elder Paul Son M B 14 Georgia
129 233B 98 Elder Washington Son M B 13 Georgia
129 233B 98 Elder Joe Son M B 10 Georgia
129 233B 99 Ash Emory Head M W 37 Georgia
129 233B 99 Ash Allen Wife F W 35 Georgia
129 233B 99 Asah Freddie Son M W 16 Georgia
129 233B 99 Ash Claud Son M W 13 Georgia
129 233B 99 Ash Paul Son M W 11 Georgia
129 233B 99 Ash Elmer Son M W 10 Georgia
129 233B 99 Ash Lamar Son M W 5 Georgia
129 233B 99 Ash Lucile Daughter F W 3 6/12 Georgia
129 233B 99 Ash Eunice Daughter F W 1 4/12 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun W. F. Head M W 41 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun Era Wife F W 39 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun Myrtice Daughter F W 18 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun Phillup Son M W 16 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun Elmar Son M W 14 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun Selma Daughter F W 14 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun Carrie Sue Daughter F W 12 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun Mary Kate Daughter F W 10 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun Nellie Mae Daughter F W 8 Georgia
129 233B 100 McCun Eunice Daughter F W 6 Georgia
129 233B 101 Robison Henry Head M M 35 Georgia
129 233B 101 Robison Clara Wife F B 26 Georgia
129 233B 101 Robison Mavis Daughter F B 13 Georgia
129 233B 101 Robison Eline Daughter F B 10 Georgia
129 233B 101 Robison Leola Daughter F B 9 Georgia
129 233B 101 Watson Lois Daughter in law M B 10 Georgia
129 233B 101 Robison Ansie Son M B 5 Georgia
129 233B 101 Robison Ada Daughter F B 3 8/12 Georgia
129 233B 102 McGuire Jtokes Head M B 33 Georgia
129 233B 102 McGuire Mattie Wife F B 26 Georgia
129 233B 102 McGuire Hattie Daughter F B 10 Georgia
129 233B 102 McGuire Helen Daughter F B 8 Georgia
129 233B 102 McGuire Magnolia Daughter F B 7 Georgia
129 233B 102 McGuire Stokes, Jr. Son M B 5 Georgia
129 233B 103 White H. P. Head M W 25 Georgia
129 233B 103 White Leina Wife F W 21 Georgia
129 233B 103 White Jimmie R. Daughter F W 2 6/12 Georgia
129 233B 104 Butler John Head M B 49 Georgia

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