1920 Census
Enum = 129 and Page = 235A

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
129 235A 123 Dillard Clyde Daughter F W 18 Georgia
129 235A 123 Dillard Mary Daughter F W 12 Georgia
129 235A 123 Dillard Robert Son M W 9 Georgia
129 235A 124 Dillard Herbert A. Head M W 24 Georgia
129 235A 124 Dillard Grace Wife F W 24 Georgia
129 235A 124 Dillard Catherine Daughter F W 2 1/12 Georgia
129 235A 124 Dillard Martha Jim Daughter F W 9/12 Georgia
129 235A 125 Hayes W. W. Head M W 28 Georgia
129 235A 125 Hayes Cleo Wife F W 27 Georgia
129 235A 125 Hayes Francis Daughter F W 5 Georgia
129 235A 125 Hayes Shelmett Son M W 1 2/12 Georgia
129 235A 125 Maxey Joe W. Cousin M W 30 Georgia
129 235A 126 Davenport Jane Head F B 50 Georgia
129 235A 126 Wade Jim Grand son M B 16 Georgia
129 235A 126 Wade Ida Grand Daughter F B 13 Georgia
129 235A 127 Hardigree H. W. Head M W 26 Georgia
129 235A 127 Hardigree Mammie B. Wife F W 19 Georgia
129 235A 127 Hardigree Sarah W. Daughter F W 7/12 Georgia
129 235A 128 Corker Charlie Head M B 20 Georgia
129 235A 128 Corker Pearl Wife F B 23 Georgia
129 235A 128 Corker Leroy Son M B 5/12 Georgia
129 235A 129 Osborne John A. Head M W 22 Georgia
129 235A 129 Osborne Leola Wife F W 22 Georgia
129 235A 130 Jones Allen Head M W 27 Georgia
129 235A 130 Jones Mary Lou Wife F W 27 Georgia
129 235A 131 Malcom A. C. Head M W 37 Georgia
129 235A 131 Malcom Lilla M. Wife F W 28 Georgia
129 235A 131 Malcom A. C., Jr. Son M W 7 Georgia
129 235A 131 Malcom Emily Daughter F W 4 3/12 Georgia
129 235A 131 Malcom Elma C. Son M W 2 0/12 Georgia
129 235A 132 Stone Charlie Head M B 27 Georgia
129 235A 132 Stone Kattie Wife F B 29 Georgia
129 235A 132 Robison Sarah Sister in law F B 29 Georgia
129 235A 132 Robison Alfred nephew M B 13 Georgia
129 235A 132 Robison Perry nephew M B 13 Georgia
129 235A 133 Hardigree D. T. Head M W 34 Georgia
129 235A 133 Hardigree Annie L. Wife F W 21 Georgia
129 235A 133 Hardigree Geneva Daughter F W 2 0/12 Georgia
129 235A 133 Hardigree Alice Daughter F W 2/12 Georgia
129 235A 134 Jones Willie Head M B 24 Georgia
129 235A 134 Jones Lizzie Wife F B 23 Georgia
129 235A 134 Jones Herman Son M B 2 3/12 Georgia
129 235A 134 Jones Willie, Jr. Son M B 1/12 Georgia
129 235A 134 Elder Emma Grand Mother F B 75 Georgia
129 235A 135 Crane Willie Head M B 26 Georgia
129 235A 135 Crane Lillie Wife F B 21 Georgia
129 235A 135 Crane Hubert Son M B 4 6/12 Georgia
129 235A 136 Evans Thomas E. Head M W 25 Georgia
129 235A 136 Evans Mary Wife F W 23 Georgia
129 235A 136 Evans Troy Son M W 4 6/12 Georgia

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