1920 Census
Enum = 129 and Page = 237B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
129 237B 176 Miller J. M. Father in law M W 62 Georgia
129 237B 176 Miller Sue Mother in law F W 63 Georgia
129 237B 177 Hector Carbeer Head M B 37 Georgia
129 237B 177 Hector Isabelle Wife F B 30 Georgia
129 237B 177 Hector Sadie Mae Daughter F B 7 Georgia
129 237B 177 Hector Junior Son M B 6 Georgia
129 237B 177 Hector Kitten Son M B 5 Georgia
129 237B 177 Hector Sarie Daughter M B 4 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor George Head M B 35 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Sack Wife F B 36 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Cleo Daughter F B 19 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Levie Daughter F B 13 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Elvan Son M B 12 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Bessie Daughter F B 10 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Ethel Daughter F B 8 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Mattie Daughter F B 6 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Hewell Son M B 4 */12 Georgia
129 237B 179 London Andrew Head M B 48 Georgia
129 237B 179 Marable Delia none F B 34 Georgia
129 237B 179 Marable Alice Daughter F B 14 Georgia
129 237B 179 Marable Tom Son M B 11 Georgia
129 237B 179 Marable Elsie Daughter F B 6 Georgia
129 237B 180 Elder Fannie Head F B 26 Georgia
129 237B 180 Elder Mavis Daughter F B 6 Georgia
129 237B 180 Elder Agnes Daughter F B 3 6/12 Georgia
129 237B 180 Elder Mamie Daughter F B 1 6/12 Georgia
129 237B 181 Elder John B. Head M W 66 Georgia
129 237B 181 Elder Sarah E. Wife F W 59 Georgia
129 237B 182 Clements J. E. Head M W 44 Georgia
129 237B 182 Clements Emma Wife F W 39 Georgia
129 237B 182 Clements Edward Son M W 12 Georgia
129 237B 182 Clements Julia Daughter F W 4 5/12 Georgia
129 237B 183 Hamilton Boston Head M B 65 Georgia
129 237B 183 Hamilton Fannie Wife F B 64 Georgia
129 237B 183 Hamilton James Grand Son M B 13 Georgia
129 237B 183 Hamilton Ruth Grand Daug. F B 12 Georgia
129 237B 184 Foster C. G. Head M W 53 Georgia
129 237B 184 Foater Evie Wife F W 47 Alabama
129 237B 184 Foster Maud Daughter F W 31 Alabama
129 237B 184 Foster W. Green Son M W 19 Alabama
129 237B 184 Foster Fares Son M W 21 Alabama
129 237B 184 Foster M. E. Daughter F W 19 Georgia
129 237B 184 Foster Dewey Son M W 17 Georgia
129 237B 184 Foster Herman Son M W 15 Georgia
129 237B 184 Foster Paul Son M W 13 Georgia
129 237B 184 Foster Worth Son M W 10 Georgia
129 237B 185 Raglamd E. W. Head M W 24 Alabama
129 237B 185 Raglamd Veana Wife F W 22 Georgia
129 237B 185 Raglamd Harold Son M W 0/12 Georgia
129 237B 186 Hardigree R. C. Head M W 24 Georgia

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