1920 Census
Enum = 129 and Page = 238B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
129 238B 195 Yearby John Son M B 11 Georgia
129 238B 105 Yearby Amanda Daughter F B 10 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Virginia Daughter F B 9 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Lizzie Mae Daughter F B 7 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Versa Daughter F B 5 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Rubye Son M B 3 5/12 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Cora Daughter F B 1 2/12 Georgia
129 238B 196 Blackman Will Head M M 28 Georgia
129 238B 196 Blackman Ida Wife F B 23 Georgia
129 238B 197 McRee A. B. Head M W 59 Georgia
129 238B 197 McRee Susie M. Wife F W 51 Georgia
129 238B 197 McRee Hershell Son M W 23 Georgia
129 238B 197 McRee Kelly Son M W 17 Georgia
129 238B 197 McRee Mell Son M W 12 Georgia
129 238B 197 McRee Mary Sue Daughter F W 9 Georgia
129 238B 197 Kelly Margia Mother in law F W 71 Georgia
129 238B 198 Jones Elma Head M W 20 Georgia
129 238B 198 Jones Lurenda Mother F W 35 Georgia
129 238B 198 Jones Walter Brother M W 18 Georgia
129 238B 198 Jones Felix Brother M W 16 Georgia
129 238B 198 Jones Pearl Brother M W 12 Georgia
129 238B 198 Jones Henry Brother F W 7 Georgia
129 238B 199 Lavender Robert L. Head M W 40 Georgia
129 238B 199 Lavender Bessie Mae Wife F W 31 Georgia
129 238B 199 Lavender Clifford Son M W 10 Georgia
129 238B 199 Lavender Carlton Son M W 8 Georgia
129 238B 199 Lavender Clarence Son M W 4 0/12 Georgia
129 238B 199 Lavender Hazel Daughter F W 2 2/12 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith L. F. Head M W 46 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Beulah Wife F W 39 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Emma Daughter F W 20 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Mozelle Daughter F W 18 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Raymond Son M W 16 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Irene Daughter F W 14 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Henry Son M W 12 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Martha Daughter F W 10 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Hallie Daughter F W 7 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Charles Son M W 5 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Cecil Son M W 3 3/12 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Woodrow Son M W 1 6/12 Georgia
129 238B 201 McRue George H. Head M W 29 Georgia
129 238B 201 McRue Mary Lou Wife F W 23 Georgia
129 238B 201 McRue Vivian Daughter F W 3 0/12 Georgia
129 238B 201 McRue Julia Daughter F W 1 5/12 Georgia
129 238B 202 Colquit Clifford Head M B 35 Georgia
129 238B 202 Colquit Victoria Wife F B 23 Georgia
129 238B 202 Colquit Willie P. Son M B 8 Georgia
129 238B 202 Colquit H. A. Son M B 7 Georgia
129 238B 202 Colquit Cullen Son M B 3 9/12 Georgia
129 238B 202 Colquit Chester Son M B 9/12 Georgia

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