1920 Census
Enum = 130 and Page = 246B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
130 246B 31 Smith Jenie Wife F B 33 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Annie Daughter F B 12 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith James Son M B 11 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Maggie Daughter F B 9 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Eddie Son M B 7 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Guy Son M B 6 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith L. I. Son M B 3 11/12 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Hallie Daughter F B 1 11/12 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Quella Daughter F B 8/12 Georgia
130 246B 32 Warren John Head M W 40 Georgia
130 246B 32 Warren Cora Wife F W 36 Georgia
130 246B 32 Warren Laurence Son M W 17 Georgia
130 246B 32 Warren Lee Son M W 15 Georgia
130 246B 32 Warren Rubye Daughter F W 2 9/12 Georgia
130 246B 32 Warren Mydine Daughter F W 10/12 Georgia
130 246B 33 Herslecks Ja**s Head M W 63 South C.
130 246B 33 Herslecks Elizbeth Wife F W 55 Georgia
130 246B 33 Herslecks Carl Son M W 24 Georgia
130 246B 33 Herslecks Ersa Daughter F W 16 Georgia
130 246B 33 Herslecks Corda Daughter F W 14 Georgia
130 246B 33 Herslecks Odesa Daughter F W 12 Georgia
130 246B 34 Delay Daniel D. Head M W 28 Georgia
130 246B 34 Delay Mary Wife F W 21 Georgia
130 246B 34 Delay Gerald Son M W 1 9/12 Georgia
130 246B 35 Reynolds Henry Head M W 42 Georgia
130 246B 35 Reynolds Hattie Wife F W 36 Georgia
130 246B 35 Reynolds Reba Daughter F W 17 Georgia
130 246B 35 Reynolds Lillian Daughter F W 14 Georgia
130 246B 35 Reynolds Ila Daughter F W 12 Georgia
130 246B 35 Reynolds Theo Son M W 8 Georgia
130 246B 35 Reynolds Thelma Daughter F W 1 4/12 Georgia
130 246B 36 Reynolds Albar Head M W 37 Georgia
130 246B 36 Reynolds Erma Wife F W 33 Georgia
130 246B 36 Reynolds Ernest Son M W 10 Georgia
130 246B 36 Reynolds Montine Daughter F W 12 Georgia
130 246B 36 Reynolds Odin Daughter F W 10 Georgia
130 246B 36 Reynolds Vertie Daughter F W 8 Georgia
130 246B 37 Harris Ed Head M B 20 Georgia

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