1920 Census
Enum = 130 and Page = 251B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
130 251B 127 Moon Leila Daughter F B 4 2/12 Georgia
130 251B 128 Moon Julia Daughter F B 1 2/12 Georgia
130 251B 128 Yearwood Richard Head M W 64 Georgia
130 251B 128 Yearwood Mary Wife F W 67 Georgia
130 251B 129 Yearwood E. Eeffie Son M W 32 Georgia
130 251B 129 Hallaway John Head M W 61 Georgia
130 251B 129 Hallaway Sara Wife F W 45 Georgia
130 251B 129 Hallaway J. B. Son M W 12 Georgia
130 251B 130 Hallaway Susie Daughter F W 10 Georgia
130 251B 130 Walton Howard Head M B 28 Georgia
130 251B 130 Walton Hellen Wife F B 22 Georgia
130 251B 130 Walton Lillian Daughter F B 2 2/12 Georgia
130 251B 131 Walton John Son M B 2/12 Georgia
130 251B 131 Pess Sunnie Head M W 24 Georgia
130 251B 131 Pess Irinie Wife F W 22 Georgia
130 251B 132 Pess Martha Daughter F W 1 2/12 Georgia
130 251B 132 Barnette Romie Head M W 26 Georgia
130 251B 132 Barnette Minie Wife F W 26 Georgia
130 251B 132 Barnette Marguete Daughter F W 2 2/12 Georgia
130 251B 133 Barnette Cathelin Daughter F W 6/12 Georgia
130 251B 133 Cash Alvin Head M W 23 Georgia
130 251B 134 Cash Nora Wife F W 20 Georgia
130 251B 134 Thermond Johnie Head M B 21 Georgia
130 251B 135 Thermond Sara Wife F B 22 Georgia
130 251B 135 Hurse Thomas Head M B 55 Georgia
130 251B 135 Hurse Kate Wife F B 41 Georgia
130 251B 136 Hurse Visha nephew M B 18 Georgia
130 251B 136 Burges Wi*ll Head M W 25 Georgia
130 251B 136 Burges Ushye Wife F W 25 Georgia
130 251B 136 Burges Nora Daughter F W 4 4/12 Georgia
130 251B 136 Burges Horace Son M W 3 1/12 Georgia
130 251B 137 Burges Walter Son M W 1 4/12 Georgia
130 251B 137 Ruarke San Head M W 52 Georgia
130 251B 137 Ruarke Henrietta Wife F W 56 Georgia
130 251B 137 Ruarke Claud Son M W 22 Georgia
130 251B 137 Ruarke Ellie Son M W 17 Georgia
130 251B 138 Ruarke Willie Mae Daughter in Law F W 17 Georgia
130 251B 139 Jomes Georgie Head M B 48 Georgia
130 251B 139 Jomes Woodie Head M B 24 Georgia
130 251B 140 Jomes Willie Wife F B 23 Georgia
130 251B 140 Crow Vern Head M W 65 Georgia
130 251B 140 Crow Mary Wife F W 54 Georgia
130 251B 141 Crow Grady Son M W 29 Georgia
130 251B 141 Anthony Clarance Head M W 31 Georgia
130 251B 141 Anthony Annie Wife F W 24 Georgia
130 251B 142 Anthony Jack Son M W 6 Georgia
130 251B 142 Tucker Jack Head M B 30 Georgia
130 251B 142 Tucker Molie Wife F B 32 Georgia
130 251B 142 Tucker Pearl Daughter F B 3 3/12 Georgia
130 251B 143 Tucker Albert Son M B 7/12 Georgia

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Or select the Name to view the full detail for that person.