1920 Census
Enum = 130 and Page = 252B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
130 252B 152 Allgood Roy Head M W 25 Georgia
130 252B 152 Allgood Canilia Wife F W 24 Georgia
130 252B 153 Allgood Fronie Mother F W 63 Georgia
130 252B 153 Kirk Macil Head M W 26 Georgia
130 252B 153 Kirk Jennie Wife F W 26 Georgia
130 252B 153 Kirk Modrinia Daughter F W 5 Georgia
130 252B 153 Kirk George Son M W 3 6/12 Georgia
130 252B 154 Kirk Grace Daughter F W 1 3/12 Georgia
130 252B 154 Burgess Ray Head M W 31 Georgia
130 252B 154 Burgess Ema Wife F W 34 Georgia
130 252B 154 Burgess Elijha *. Daughter F W 3 8/12 Georgia
130 252B 155 Burgess Eva Daughter F W 8/12 Georgia
130 252B 155 Tompson Weldon Head M B 50 Georgia
130 252B 155 Tompson Mirdora Wife F B 29 Georgia
130 252B 154 Tompson Enory Son M B 9 Georgia
130 252B 154 Worttiay James Head M W 56 Georgia
130 252B 154 Worttiay Mattie Wife F W 52 Georgia
130 252B 154 Worttiay Jonnie Son M W 14 Georgia
130 252B 157 Worttiay Hubert Son M W 8 Georgia
130 252B 157 Marschel Joe Head M W 53 Georgia
130 252B 157 Marschel Mary Wife F W 32 Georgia
130 252B 157 Marschel Odessa Daughter F W 15 Georgia
130 252B 157 Marschel Mary Daughter F W 12 Georgia
130 252B 158 Marschel Lula Sister F W 57 Georgia
130 252B 158 Hardigree Amus Head M W *5 Georgia
130 252B 158 Hardigree Vinnie Wife F W 23 Georgia
130 252B 158 Hardigree Erni* Son M W 4 */12 Georgia
130 252B 158 Hardigree Denis Son M W 2 2/12 Georgia
130 252B 158 Hardigree Horace Son M W 6/12 Georgia
130 252B 159 Hardigree D**n Daughter F W * Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Paron Head M W 32 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Edna Wife F W 32 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Pearl Daughter F W 14 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Edward Son M W 8 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Doctor Son M W 12 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas George Son M W 9 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Goyt Son M W 6 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Larry Son M W 4 7/12 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Donie Daughter F W 2 4/12 Georgia
130 252B 160 Thomas Cora Daughter F W 1/12 Georgia
130 252B 160 Thomas Anna Head F W 51 Georgia
130 252B 160 Thomas Henry Son M W ** Georgia
130 252B 160 Thomas Rupert Son M W 15 Georgia
130 252B 161 Thomas Cora Daughter F W 13 Georgia
130 252B 161 Shaw Ed Head M B 32 Georgia
130 252B 161 Shaw Reba Wife F B 21 Georgia
130 252B 161 Shaw Annie Daughter F B 4 2/12 Georgia
130 252B 161 Shaw Riseetta Daughter F B 2 4/12 Georgia
130 252B 162 Shaw Janeell Daughter F B 9/12 Georgia
130 252B 162 Thomas Walter Head M B 40 Georgia

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