1920 Census
Enum = 130 and Page = 253B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
130 253B 170 Jackson Leslie E. Head M W 41 Georgia
130 253B 170 Jackson Bessie Wife F W 32 Georgia
130 253B 171 Jackson Vivian Son M W 6 Georgia
130 253B 171 Arnold Andrew Head M B 57 Georgia
130 253B 171 Arnold Odessa Wife F B 40 Georgia
130 253B 171 Arnold Pink Son M B 20 Georgia
130 253B 171 Arnold Calie Daughter F B 18 Georgia
130 253B 171 Arnold Ema Daughter F B 16 Georgia
130 253B 171 Arnold Janette Daughter F B 14 Georgia
130 253B 171 Arnold *authrina Daughter F B 14 Georgia
130 253B 171 Arnold Elsie Daughter F B 13 Georgia
130 253B 172 Arnold Johnie Gramdson M B 7 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Elic Head M B 43 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Mattie Wife F B 36 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Walter Son M B 15 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Mary Daughter F B 14 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Julia Daughter F B 11 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Ruth Daughter F B 6 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Reed Daughter F B 3 4/12 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Woodrow Son M B 2 2/12 Georgia
130 253B 173 Tory Elizebeth Daughter F B 8/12 Georgia
130 253B 173 Jackson Vertie G M W 23 Georgia
130 253B 173 Jackson Nellie Wife F W 22 Georgia
130 253B 173 Jackson Nance Daughter F W 3 2/12 Georgia
130 253B 174 Jackson Lizzie Daughter F W 2 1/12 Georgia
130 253B 174 What*h**el James Head M W 27 Georgia
130 253B 174 What*h**el Belle Wife F W 25 Georgia
130 253B 174 What*h**el *ary Son M W 6 Georgia
130 253B 174 What*h**el Lar**na Daughter F W 5 Georgia
130 253B 175 What*h**el John Son M W 6/12 Georgia
130 253B 175 Head Mary Head F W 70 Georgia
130 253B 175 Head Elizebeth Daughter F W 38 Georgia
130 253B 175 Head Elizn**ie Daughter F W 36 Georgia
130 253B 176 Head Mary Daughter F W 29 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Wess Head M B 65 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Millie Wife F B 40 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Palae Daughter F B 28 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Annie Daughter F B 18 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms John Son M B 17 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Mary Daughter F B 14 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Myrtle Daughter F B 13 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Bertha Daughter F B 8 Georgia
130 253B 177 Simms Birdie Daughter F B 8 Georgia
130 253B 177 Michael Mack Head M W 75 Georgia
130 253B 178 Michael Nancy Sister F W 78 Georgia
130 253B 178 Malcom Sweep Head M W 37 Georgia
130 253B 178 Malcom Mattie Wife F W 38 Georgia
130 253B 178 Malcom Hugh Son M W 17 Georgia
130 253B 178 Malcom Willie Son M W 13 Georgia
130 253B 178 Malcom Mable Daughter F W 11 Georgia

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Or select the Name to view the full detail for that person.