1920 Census
Enum = 130 and Page = 257B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
130 257B 258 Shelnutte Gerald Son M W 16 Georgia
130 257B 258 Shelnutte Wilma Daughter F W 13 Georgia
130 257B 258 Shelnutte Pansy Daughter F W 10 Georgia
130 257B 259 Shelnutte Donald Son M W 8 Georgia
130 257B 259 McLeroy James Head M W 74 Georgia
130 257B 259 McLeroy Margrette Wife F W 69 Georgia
130 257B 259 Laril Aubree Daughter F W 31 Georgia
130 257B 259 Laril Enna Grandaughter F W 10 Georgia
130 257B 259 Laril Ruth Grandaughter F W 8 Georgia
130 257B 259 Laril Hugh Grandson M W 6 Georgia
130 257B 259 Laril Hattie Grandaughter F W 3 4/12 Georgia
130 257B 260 Laril Margrette Grandaughter F W 9/12 Georgia
130 257B 260 Cook James Head M W 58 Georgia
130 257B 260 Cook Huldie Wife F W 44 Georgia
130 257B 260 Cook Eunice Daughter F W 20 Georgia
130 257B 260 Cook Allen Son M W 16 Georgia
130 257B 261 Cook Julia Daughter F W 14 Georgia
130 257B 261 Mims George Head M W 45 Georgia
130 257B 261 Mims Mattie Wife F W 44 Georgia
130 257B 261 Mims Moodie Daughter F W 17 Georgia
130 257B 262 Mims Tomie Son M W 13 Georgia
130 257B 262 Pealer Ed Head M W 45 Georgia
130 257B 263 Pealer Nancy Wife F W 44 Georgia
130 257B 263 Yarbrough Foster Head M W 42 Georgia
130 257B 263 Yarbrough Callie Wife F W 35 Georgia
130 257B 264 Yarbrough Jane Mother F W 63 Georgia
130 257B 264 Lard Carl Head M W 33 Georgia
130 257B 264 Lard Fannie Wife F W 26 Georgia
130 257B 264 Lard Mary Daughter F W 6 Georgia
130 257B 264 Lard Mamie Daughter F W 4 4/12 Georgia
130 257B 265 Lard Marion Daughter F W 7/12 Georgia
130 257B 265 Mim James Head M W 42 Georgia
130 257B 265 Mim Gertrude Wife F W 35 Georgia
130 257B 265 Mim Louise Daughter F W 11 Georgia
130 257B 266 Mim Gladys Daughter F W 7 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Ike Head M M 40 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Addie Wife F M 45 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Attie Daughter F M 15 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Louise Daughter F M 13 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Flora Daughter F M 12 Georgia
130 257B 267 Thrasher Mamie Daughter F M 8 Georgia
130 257B 267 Dickens Charlie Head M W 24 Georgia
130 257B 267 Dickens Ruth Wife F W 24 Georgia

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