1920 Census
Enum = 131 and Page = 261B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
131 261B 76 Crow C**lance Daughter F W 7 Georgia
131 261B 76 Crow Louis Mytle Daughter F W 4 Georgia
131 261B 76 Crow Francis Daughter F W 2 5/12 Georgia
131 261B 77 Jackson William P. Head M W 70 Georgia
131 261B 77 Jackson Aline Daughter F W 24 Georgia
131 261B 78 Booth John C. Head M W 32 Georgia
131 261B 78 Booth Ruby R. Wife F W 27 Georgia
131 261B 78 Booth Ruby L. Daughter F W 5 Georgia
131 261B 78 Booth John Son M W 1 3/12 Georgia
131 261B 78 Booth Casl Son M W 1 3/12 Georgia
131 261B 79 Kenney Rufus Head M W 28 Georgia
131 261B 79 Kenney Jewel Wife F W 19 Georgia
131 261B 79 Kenney Rosa Ree Daughter F W 2 1/12 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Louis Head M B 51 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Octavia Wife F B 46 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Ruth Daughter F B 22 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Joedy Son M B 20 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Jewel Daughter F B 18 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden James Son M B 15 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Ferd Son M B 13 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Louise Daughter F B 10 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Chalie Son M B 7 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Julian Daughter F B 5 Georgia
131 261B 80 Harden Issaer Daughter F B 2 6/12 Georgia
131 261B 81 Malcom Jesse W. Head M W 44 Georgia
131 261B 81 Malcom Lily E. Wife F W 42 Georgia
131 261B 81 Hill Otis J. Son in Law M W 28 Georgia
131 261B 81 Hill Mary M. Daughter F W 24 Georgia
131 261B 81 Malcom George W. Son M W 26 Georgia
131 261B 81 Malcom Florrie Dau. in Law F W 21 Georgia
131 261B 81 Malcom Jessie L. R. Gran Dau. F W 1 1/12 Georgia
131 261B 82 Holiday Walter R. Head M W 44 Georgia
131 261B 82 Holiday Mary Wife F W 26 Georgia
131 261B 82 Holiday Robert Son M W 18 Georgia
131 261B 82 Holiday James Son M W 15 Georgia
131 261B 82 Holiday Eulee Daughter F W 13 Georgia
131 261B 82 Holiday John Son M W 11 Georgia
131 261B 82 Holiday Marshal Son M W 7 Georgia
131 261B 82 Holiday Mattie Lee Daughter F W 4 2/12 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Columbus Head M W 31 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Oda Wife F W 27 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Carl Son M W 10 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Hany Daughter F W 8 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Hester Daughter F W 6 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Vestis Son M W 1 3/12 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Steve Head M B 50 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Hattie Wife F B 40 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Mattie Daughter F B 14 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Joseph Son M B 12 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Gladys Daughter F B 10 Georgia

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Or select the Name to view the full detail for that person.