1920 Census
Enum = 131 and Page = 262A

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
131 262A 84 Patman S. P. Son M B 9 Georgia
131 262A 84 Patman Louis Son M B 5 Georgia
131 262A 84 Patman Lilla Daughter F B 2 9/12 Georgia
131 262A 85 Clotfelter Steve S. Head M W 36 Georgia
131 262A 85 Clotfelter Ruth E. Wife F W 20 Georgia
131 262A 85 Clotfelter Dugless Son M W 10 Georgia
131 262A 85 Clotfelter Milton Son M W 3/12 Georgia
131 262A 86 Winfrey William C. Head M W 65 Georgia
131 262A 86 Winfrey Mary Wife F W 63 Georgia
131 262A 86 Winfrey Fred Son M W 29 Georgia
131 262A 87 Beley John Head M B 70 Georgia
131 262A 87 Beley Roy Son M B 35 Georgia
131 262A 87 Beley Ammie Daughter F B 35 Georgia
131 262A 87 Beley Will H. Son M B 8 Georgia
131 262A 87 Beley Magline Gran Son M B 7 Georgia
131 262A 87 Roland Mamie Daughter F B 27 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley John, Jr. Head M B 40 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Lula Wife F B 37 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Sallie Daughter F B 18 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Usola Daughter F B 17 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Leonard Son M B 12 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Bessie Daughter F B 10 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Adell Daughter F B 8 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Melvin Son M B 7 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Clara Daughter F B 5 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Lona B. Daughter F B 4 Georgia
131 262A 88 Beley Vestor Son M B 2 4/12 Georgia
131 262A 89 Munally Berson Head M W 32 Georgia
131 262A 89 Munally Jessie Wife F W 25 Georgia
131 262A 89 Munally Wilford Son M W 5 Georgia
131 262A 0 Here ends th e Enumeration o f Bogart Town.

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