1920 Census
Enum = 131 and Page = 268A

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
131 268A 102 Stephens Grady Son M W 14 Georgia
131 268A 102 Stephens Ruby Daughter F W 9 Georgia
131 268A 102 Stephens Blanche Daughter F W 6 Georgia
131 268A 102 Stephens Homer Son M W 2 1/12 Georgia
131 268A 102 Stephens Norman Son M W 8/12 Georgia
131 268A 103 Jackson Clayman Head M B 35 Georgia
131 268A 103 Jackson Loula Wife F B 35 Georgia
131 268A 103 Jackson Mary Daughter F B 22 Georgia
131 268A 103 Jackson Jeff Son M B 13 Georgia
131 268A 103 Jackson Laura Daughter F B 11 Georgia
131 268A 103 Jackson Ossie Daughter F B 8 Georgia
131 268A 103 Jackson Essie Daughter F B 8 Georgia
131 268A 103 Jackson Ranson Son M B 6 Georgia
131 268A 104 Eader George Head M B 43 Georgia
131 268A 104 Eader Earlie V. Wife F B 43 Georgia
131 268A 104 Eader Allen R. Son M B 22 Georgia
131 268A 104 Eader George C. Son M B 20 Georgia
131 268A 104 Eader John T. Son M B 18 Georgia
131 268A 104 Eader Andrew D. Son M B 17 Georgia
131 268A 104 Eader Samuel Son M B 11 Georgia
131 268A 105 McDearis John B. Head M W 56 Georgia
131 268A 105 McDearis Julia Wife F W 33 Georgia
131 268A 105 McDearis Lloyd Son M W 22 Georgia
131 268A 105 McDearis Essie Daughter F W 14 Georgia
131 268A 105 McDearis Ruby Daughter F W 11 Georgia
131 268A 105 McDearis Ruth Daughter F W 9 Georgia
131 268A 105 McDearis Eula M. Daughter F W 4 1/12 Georgia
131 268A 105 McDearis John B. Son M W 1 6/12 Georgia
131 268A 106 Burrell Ruben Head M W 40 Georgia
131 268A 106 Burrell Daisy Wife F W 38 Georgia
131 268A 106 Burrell Pearl Daughter F W 14 Georgia
131 268A 106 Burrell Alice Daughter F W 10 Georgia
131 268A 106 Burrell Emma Daughter F W 8 Georgia
131 268A 106 Burrell James Son M W 7 Georgia
131 268A 106 Burrell May Daughter F W 6 Georgia
131 268A 106 Burrell Robert Son M W 5 Georgia
131 268A 106 Burrell Ossie Daughter F W 1 6/12 Georgia
131 268A 107 Burrell Harriett Head F W 46 Georgia
131 268A 107 Burrell Earl Son M W 19 Georgia
131 268A 107 Burrell Fred Son M W 17 Georgia
131 268A 107 Burrell Fead Son M W 16 Georgia
131 268A 107 Burrell James Son M W 15 Georgia
131 268A 107 Burrell Frank Son M W 13 Georgia
131 268A 107 Burrell Claud Son M W 11 Georgia
131 268A 107 Burrell Jessie Son M W 8 Georgia
131 268A 107 Burrell Bessie Daughter F W 5 Georgia
131 268A 108 Queen Loula B. Head F W 43 Georgia
131 268A 108 Queen Garrette Son M W 18 Georgia
131 268A 108 Queen Willson Son M W 16 Georgia
131 268A 108 Queen Mary Lee Daughter F W 14 Georgia

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