1920 Census
Enum = 131 and Page = 268B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
131 268B 108 Queen Leana Daughter F W 12 Georgia
131 268B 108 Queen Tocca Daughter F W 10 Georgia
131 268B 108 Queen Cora Daughter F W 8 Georgia
131 268B 109 Chancey William Head M W 23 Georgia
131 268B 109 Chancey Nancey Mother F W 46 Georgia
131 268B 109 Chancey Claude Brother M W 14 Georgia
131 268B 109 Yarbrough Greg Head M W 35 Georgia
131 268B 109 Yarbrough Mamie Wife F W 31 Georgia
131 268B 109 Yarbrough Nancey C. Mother F W 63 Georgia
131 268B 110 Marlow Walter Head M W 31 Georgia
131 268B 110 Marlow Georgia Wife F W 25 Georgia
131 268B 110 Marlow Richard Son M W 6 Georgia
131 268B 110 Marlow Mary N. Daughter F W 3 Georgia
131 268B 110 Marlow Inez Daughter F w 9/12 Georgia
131 268B 111 Bryan Ruben Head M W 49 Georgia
131 268B 111 Bryan Ara Wife F W 43 Georgia
131 268B 111 Bryan Nannie Daughter F W 17 Georgia
131 268B 111 Bryan Earnest Son M W 15 Georgia
131 268B 112 Crow Luther Head M W 29 Georgia
131 268B 112 Crow Ruth Wife F W 21 Georgia
131 268B 112 Crow Nathaniel Son M W 2 6/12 Georgia
131 268B 113 Anderson John Head M B 21 Georgia
131 268B 113 Anderson Bertha Wife F B 19 Georgia
131 268B 113 Anderson Mary Daughter F B 2 4/12 Georgia
131 268B 114 Jarrett George G. Head M W 47 Georgia
131 268B 114 Jarrett Ada Wife F W 36 Georgia
131 268B 114 Jarrett Thelma Daughter F W 14 Georgia
131 268B 114 Jarrett Della Daughter F W 12 Georgia
131 268B 114 Jarrett Clara Daughter F W 10 Georgia
131 268B 114 Jarrett Odell Son M W 9 Georgia
131 268B 114 Jarrett Ostell Son M W 7 Georgia
131 268B 114 Jarrett J. D. Son M W 5 Georgia
131 268B 114 Jarrett Chester L. Son M W 5/12 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Albert Head M B 35 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Loula Wife F B 23 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Harrison Son M B 7 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Ellene Daughter F B 6 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Eussie Daughter F B 5 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Jewel Daughter F B 2 2/12 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Willis Son M B 9/12 Georgia
131 268B 116 Ebepeart Berdie Head M B 32 Georgia
131 268B 116 Ebepeart Magnolia Wife F B 33 Georgia
131 268B 116 Ebepeart Jessie L. Daughter F B 13 Georgia
131 268B 116 Ebepeart M. C. Son M B 8 Georgia
131 268B 116 Ebepeart Lola Daughter F B 6 Georgia
131 268B 116 Watkins Edgar Brother M B 23 Georgia
131 268B 117 Griffith ****** S. Head M W 57 Georgia
131 268B 117 Griffith Ememe C. Wife F W 51 Georgia
131 268B 117 Griffith Hurst W. Son M W 28 Georgia
131 268B 117 Griffith Glady F. Daughter F W 19 Georgia

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