1920 Census
Enum = 192 and Page = 203B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
192 203B 67 Brown R. S. W. Wife F W 25 Georgia
192 203B 67 Brown Arthur Son M W 9 Georgia
192 203B 67 Brown Willard Son M W 7 Georgia
192 203B 67 Brown Tilbert Son M W 6 Georgia
192 203B 67 Brown Jack Son M W 4 6/12 Georgia
192 203B 67 Brown John Columbus Son M W 9/12 Georgia
192 203B 68 Durham Wesley Head M W 70 Georgia
192 203B 68 Durham ****** W. Brother M W 67 Georgia
192 203B 69 Moses John Head M B 35 Georgia
192 203B 69 Moses Lizzie Wife F B 34 Georgia
192 203B 69 Moses Jimmie Son M B 13 Georgia
192 203B 69 Moses Clinton Son M B 10 Georgia
192 203B 69 Moses Jeffersus Son M B 9 Georgia
192 203B 69 Moses Lillian Daughter F B 7 Georgia
192 203B 70 Copps Lizzie Grand mother F B 60 Georgia
192 203B 70 Copps Elizza Grand Daughter F B 13 Georgia
192 203B 71 Preston Wm. F. Head M W 71 Georgia
192 203B 71 Preston Wm. Q. Son M W 23 Georgia
192 203B 71 Preston Annie Bell Daughter F W 21 Georgia
192 203B 72 Moon Jimmie Head M B 27 Georgia
192 203B 72 Moon Anna Wife F B 29 Georgia
192 203B 72 Moon Lizzie Daughter F B 10 Georgia
192 203B 73 Bagnut Henry Head M B 32 Georgia
192 203B 73 Bagnut Cora Wife F B 26 Georgia
192 203B 74 Moore Bass Head M B 57 Georgia
192 203B 74 Moore Georgia Wife F B 45 Georgia
192 203B 74 Brown Mamy Daughter F B 25 Georgia
192 203B 74 Moore Marie Daughter F B 14 Georgia
192 203B 74 Moore Hanson Son M B 18 Georgia
192 203B 74 Moore Buddy Grand Son M B 10 Georgia
192 203B 74 Moore Will Henry Son M B 8 Georgia
192 203B 74 Moore R. L. Son M B 3 6/12 Georgia
192 203B 75 Durham Sidell Head M B 34 Georgia
192 203B 75 Durham Jennie Myrt Wife F B 23 Georgia
192 203B 75 Durham Lucy Bell Daughter F B 10/12 Georgia
192 203B 75 Durham Will Durham Father M B 52 Georgia
192 203B 76 Mitchel Will Head M B 39 Georgia
192 203B 76 Mitchel Ethel Wife F B 25 Georgia
192 203B 76 Motc Robert Son M B 9 Georgia
192 203B 76 Mitchel Velma Daughter F B 2 6/12 Georgia
192 203B 76 Mitchel Georgia May Daughter F B 5/12 Georgia
192 203B 77 Willoughby Holman Head M B 39 Georgia
192 203B 77 Willoughby Beatrice Wife F B 33 Georgia
192 203B 77 Willoughby Jim Son M B 11 Georgia
192 203B 77 Willoughby Lottie Daughter F B 8 Georgia
192 203B 77 Willoughby Pearly Daughter F B 6 Georgia
192 203B 77 Willoughby Clara Bell Daughter F B 4 8/12 Georgia
192 203B 77 Willoughby Dora May Daughter F B 2 7/12 Georgia
192 203B 77 Willoughby Lizzie Lou Daughter F B 8/12 Georgia
192 203B 78 Aycock Penn Q. Head M W 48 Georgia

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