1920 Census
Enum = 192 and Page = 209B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
192 209B 187 Davenport Jannie Wife F B 43 Georgia
192 209B 187 Davenport Lottie Daughter F B 18 Georgia
192 209B 187 Davenport Lourine Daughter F B 16 Georgia
192 209B 187 Davenport Major Son M B 13 Georgia
192 209B 187 Davenport Iola Daughter F B 11 Georgia
192 209B 187 Davenport Henry Son M B 9 Georgia
192 209B 187 Davenport John Son M B 7 Georgia
192 209B 187 Davenport Florence Daughter F B 5 Georgia
192 209B 187 Davenport Joseph Son M B 1 4/12 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Willie Head M B 54 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Ophelia Wife F B 42 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Robert Son M B 21 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Jessie Son M B 18 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Minnie Daughter F B 17 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Willie Son M B 14 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Pattie Daughter F B 11 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Porter Son M B 10 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Mary Daughter F B 9 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector R. O. Son M B 7 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Hovis Son M B 5 Georgia
192 209B 188 Hector Osie Daughter F B 2 10/12 Georgia
192 209B 189 Elder George Head M B 38 Georgia
192 209B 189 Elder Georgis Wife F B 39 Georgia
192 209B 189 Elder Hope Brother M B 36 Georgia
192 209B 189 Parrish Pink Border M B 42 Georgia
192 209B 190 Jones Babe Head M B 25 Georgia
192 209B 190 Jones Mattie Wife F B 17 Georgia
192 209B 190 Jones Cordelia Mother F B 65 Georgia
192 209B 191 Tulaker Tom Head M W 51 Georgia
192 209B 191 Tulaker Mattie Daughter F W 12 Georgia
192 209B 191 Tulaker Violet Daughter F W 7 Georgia
192 209B 191 Marable Maggie Border F W 35 Georgia
192 209B 192 Savage Den Head M W 20 Georgia
192 209B 192 Savage Ollie Wife F W 18 Georgia
192 209B 193 Marable Tom Head M B 35 Georgia
192 209B 193 Marable Luella Wife F B 30 Georgia
192 209B 193 Marable Rufus Son M B 14 Georgia
192 209B 193 Marable Gusy Son M W 10 Georgia
192 209B 193 Marable Herschel Son M W 7 Georgia
192 209B 193 Marable Hamie May Daughter F W 5 Georgia
192 209B 193 Marable Maggie Daughter F W 3 0/12 Georgia
192 209B 193 Marable John Henry Son M W 1 3/12 Georgia
192 209B 193 Marable Turk Mother F W 63 Georgia
192 209B 194 Mitchel Fred Head M B 19 Georgia
192 209B 194 Mitchel Ada Wife F B 20 Georgia
192 209B 194 Walton Pledge Head M B 24 Georgia
192 209B 194 Walton May Lizzie Wife F B 18 Georgia
192 209B 194 Christopher Francis Sister F B 11 Georgia
192 209B 195 Hector Bennie Head M B 33 Georgia
192 209B 195 Hector Lena Wife F B 31 Georgia

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