1920 Census
Enum = 193 and Page = 226A

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
193 226A 57 Young George L. Head M W 24 Georgia
193 226A 57 Young Ho*ie N. Wife F W 26 Georgia
193 226A 57 Young James A. Son M W 3 2/12 Georgia
193 226A 58 Ogletree John T. Head M W 63 Georgia
193 226A 58 Ogletree Nancy E. Wife F W 56 Georgia
193 226A 58 Ogletree Carmon Son M W 28 Georgia
193 226A 58 Ogletree John M. Son M W 23 Georgia
193 226A 58 Ogletree Henry Son M W 18 Georgia
193 226A 58 Butler Wilmer Neice F W 9 Georgia
193 226A 59 Carlton John Head M M 42 Georgia
193 226A 59 Carlton Mallie Wife F B 36 Georgia
193 226A 59 Carlton Callie Daughter F B 17 Georgia
193 226A 59 Carlton Hallie Daughter F B 15 Georgia
193 226A 59 Carlton John H. Son M B 13 Georgia
193 226A 60 Hill Hassis Head M B 26 Georgia
193 226A 60 Young Willie Son M B 12 Georgia
193 226A 60 Young Milton Son M B 10 Georgia
193 226A 60 Young Agnes Daughter F B 8 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner John T. Head M B 64 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner Tom Son M B 24 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner Hermon Son M B 22 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner Allin Son M B 20 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner Maggie Daughter F B 16 Georgia
193 226A 61 Hammonds Frank Boarder M B 18 Georgia
193 226A 62 Jennings Edward Head M W 64 Georgia
193 226A 62 Jennings Minnie Sister F W 61 Georgia
193 226A 62 Jennings Mary F. Sister F W 59 Georgia
193 226A 63 Dawdy Richard Head M B 27 Georgia
193 226A 63 Dawdy Emma Wife F B 21 Georgia
193 226A 63 Dawdy Mattie Daughter F B 4 9/12 Georgia
193 226A 63 Dawdy William Son M B 1 2/12 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher Will H. Head M M 51 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher Fannie Wife F M 38 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher Mandy Daughter F M 17 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher Willie Son M M 15 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher Richard Son M M 13 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher Maud Daughter F M 12 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher Carrie Daughter F M 9 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher James Son M M 6 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher Rosa Daughter F M 4 Georgia
193 226A 64 Usher Magnolia Daughter F M 1 9/12 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Rubin Head M B 74 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Ritta Wife F B 65 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Edd Son M B 21 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Mary Wife F B 19 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Mattie Daughter F B 6/12 Georgia
193 226A 65 Smith Pecola Grand daughter F B 13 Georgia
193 226A 66 Scott John T. Head M W 48 Georgia
193 226A 66 Scott Joiciphine Wife F W 56 Georgia

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