1920 Census
Enum = 193 and Page = 227B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
193 227B 79 Haygood Julious Head M M 30 Georgia
193 227B 79 Haygood Frances Wife F M 28 Georgia
193 227B 79 Haygood Falvin Son M M 7 Georgia
193 227B 79 Haygood Mance Son M M 5 Georgia
193 227B 80 Haygood Fannie Head F M 56 Georgia
193 227B 80 Haygood Effice Daughter F M 31 Georgia
193 227B 80 Haygood Preston Son M M 18 Georgia
193 227B 80 Haygood Vallie Daughter F M 14 Georgia
193 227B 80 Haygood Gussie Daughter F M 12 Georgia
193 227B 80 Haygood Jessie Daughter F M 11 Georgia
193 227B 80 Haygood Caroline Grand-daughter F M 7 Georgia
193 227B 80 Haygood Clifford Grand-son M M 7 Georgia
193 227B 81 Allen John H. Head M W 70 Georgia
193 227B 81 Allen Sallie Wife F W 45 Georgia
193 227B 81 Allen Macon M. Son M W 28 Georgia
193 227B 81 Allen Emma Daughter F W 24 Georgia
193 227B 81 Allen Earnest D. Son M W 19 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Lewis Head M B 24 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Hassie Wife F B 26 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Magnolia Daughter F B 2 3/12 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Williamson Son M B 1 3/12 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Fannie Mother F B 64 Georgia
193 227B 82 Jackson Thotis Nephew M B 12 Georgia
193 227B 82 Jackson William Nephew M B 11 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner John H. Head M B 48 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Vallie Wife F B 38 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Blanche Daughter F B 18 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Erwin Son M B 14 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Lucy Daughter F B 10 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Autry Son M B 8 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Louise Daughter F B 6 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Hershall Son M B 4 3/12 Georgia
193 227B 83 Powell Rosie Cousin F B 17 Georgia
193 227B 83 Powell William Cousin M B 14 Georgia
193 227B 83 Hammonds Will Boarder M B 20 Georgia
193 227B 84 Green Tate Head M B 50 Georgia
193 227B 84 Green Nancy Wife F B 48 Georgia
193 227B 85 Tribble Bennie Head M B 30 Georgia
193 227B 85 Tribble Alice Wife F B 23 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Joseph Head M B 34 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Mallie Wife F B 34 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Willie Son M B 13 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Ella Daughter F B 12 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Savannah Daughter F B 10 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Vester Son M B 10 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Joseph Son M B 8 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Philip Son M B 7 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Malissie Daughter F B 5 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Albert Son M B 2 4/12 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Blanche Daughter F B 9/12 Georgia

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Or select the Name to view the full detail for that person.