1920 Census
Enum = 193 and Page = 228A

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
193 228A 87 Dawdy Malissie Head F B 57 Georgia
193 228A 87 Dawdy Tom Son M B 38 Georgia
193 228A 87 Dawdy Rubin Son M B 31 Georgia
193 228A 87 Dawdy Sudie Daughter F B 27 Georgia
193 228A 87 Dawdy Rosa Daughter F B 25 Georgia
193 228A 88 Dawdy Bennie Head M B 36 Georgia
193 228A 88 Dawdy Mattie Lou Wife F M 29 Georgia
193 228A 89 Robinson Edd Head M B 23 Georgia
193 228A 89 Robinson Millie Wife F M 26 Georgia
193 228A 89 Robinson Henry Son M M 1 11/12 Georgia
193 228A 89 Fletcher Henry Adopted Son M M 9 Georgia
193 228A 90 Kenney Sarah Head F B 73 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne John Head M M 53 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Bessie Wife F M 42 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Easie Daughter F M 16 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Emory Son M M 12 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Adline Daughter F M 10 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Johnie Son M M 8 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Lizzie Daughter F M 5 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Pelona Son M M 2 5/12 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Sadie Daughter F M 2/12 Georgia
193 228A 92 Wray Timmie Head M M 30 Georgia
193 228A 92 Wray Eddie Wife F M 24 Georgia
193 228A 92 Wray Effie Daughter F M 6 Georgia
193 228A 92 Wray Hellen Daughter F M 3 11/12 Georgia
193 228A 92 Wray Myrtle Daughter F M 1 10/12 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Ellic Head M B 53 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Belle Wife F B 34 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Sallie Daughter F B 16 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Robert Son M B 14 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Jessie Daughter F B 12 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Rosa Daughter F B 10 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Coy Son M B 8 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Orkin Son M B 6 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Annie Daughter F B 4 9/12 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Minnie Daughter F B 2 9/12 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Hattie Daughter F B 7/12 Georgia
193 228A 94 Butler Sherman Head M M 42 Georgia
193 228A 94 Butler Emma Wife F B 40 Georgia
193 228A 94 Butler Willie Lou Daughter F B 14 Georgia
193 228A 94 Butler Joe H. Son M B 12 Georgia
193 228A 94 Butler Mildred Daughter F B 11 Georgia
193 228A 94 Butler Earnest Son M B 10 Georgia
193 228A 94 Butler Fannie Daughter F B 9 Georgia
193 228A 94 Butler Velma Daughter F B 7 Georgia
193 228A 94 Butler Carrie Daughter F B 4 4/12 Georgia
193 228A 95 Jackson Eligs Head M B 49 Georgia
193 228A 95 Jackson Emma Wife F B 40 Georgia
193 228A 95 Jackson Daisy Daughter F B 18 Georgia
193 228A 95 Jackson Glaver Son M B 13 Georgia

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