1920 Census
Enum = 193 and Page = 228B

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
193 228B 95 Jackson Cornelia Daughter F B 12 Georgia
193 228B 95 Jackson Rosa Daughter F B 8 Georgia
193 228B 95 Jackson Walter Son M B 6 Georgia
193 228B 96 Flanigan Homer Head M W 39 Georgia
193 228B 96 Flanigan Frankie Wife F W 29 Georgia
193 228B 96 Flanigan Mary Daughter F W 9 Georgia
193 228B 96 Flanigan Norman Son M W 8 Georgia
193 228B 96 Flanigan Nina Daughter F W 6 Georgia
193 228B 97 Norris John W. Head M W 46 Georgia
193 228B 97 Norris Jessie M. Wife F W 43 Georgia
193 228B 97 Norris Willie C. Son M W 23 Georgia
193 228B 97 Norris George L. Son M W 16 Georgia
193 228B 98 Thrasher Seab Head M B 58 Georgia
193 228B 98 Thrasher Martha Wife F B 56 Georgia
193 228B 99 Dozier Sam Head M B 38 Georgia
193 228B 99 Dozier Mamie Wife F B 36 Georgia
193 228B 99 Dozier Gamon Son M B 5 Georgia
193 228B 99 Henderson Dary Step-Son M B 13 Georgia
193 228B 99 Henderson Davy Step-Son M B 11 Georgia

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