1920 Census "G"

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
130 250B 115 G****n Claud Head M W 46 Georgia
130 250B 115 G****n Nomie Wife F W 42 Georgia
130 250B 116 G****n Ralph Son M W 6 Georgia
130 250B 115 G****n Talmage Son M W 14 Georgia
126 188B 283 Gambling Richard father in law M W 71 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Annie Daughter F B 4 9/12 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Belle Wife F B 34 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Coy Son M B 8 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Ellic Head M B 53 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Hattie Daughter F B 7/12 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Jessie Daughter F B 12 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Minnie Daughter F B 2 9/12 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Orkin Son M B 6 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Robert Son M B 14 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Rosa Daughter F B 10 Georgia
193 228A 93 Gamett Sallie Daughter F B 16 Georgia
129 236A 147 Ganor George W. Head M W 47 Georgia
129 236A 147 Ganor MaBelle Daughter F W 18 Georgia
129 236A 147 Ganor Mavere Daughter F W 11 Georgia
129 236A 147 Ganor Mcdolme Daughter F W 14 Georgia
129 236A 147 Ganor Sallie Wife F W 49 Georgia
129 236A 147 Ganor Woody Son M W 9 Georgia
128 212A 15 Garison Clarence Hired man M W 18 Georgia
128 217A 98 Garrett Annie Daughter F W 9 Georgia
128 217A 101 Garrett Cecil Son M W 8 Georgia
128 217A 98 Garrett Charlie Head M W 37 Georgia
128 217A 98 Garrett Charlie Mae Daughter F W 2 Georgia
131 264B 40 Garrett Charlie R. Head M W 49 Georgia
131 264B 40 Garrett Charlie W. Son M W 12 Georgia
131 264B 40 Garrett Cudelia Wife F W 36 Georgia
131 264B 40 Garrett Ernest Son M W 10 Georgia
128 217A 98 Garrett Evlyn Daughter F W 4 Georgia
128 217A 101 Garrett Lizzie Ruth Daughter F W 6 Georgia
128 217A 101 Garrett Lucious Head M W 38 Georgia
128 217A 101 Garrett Lucy Wife F W 29 Georgia
128 217A 98 Garrett Mary Wife F W 29 Georgia
128 217A 98 Garrett Montine Daughter F W 6 Georgia
128 217A 101 Garrett Nathan Son M W 10 Georgia
131 264B 40 Garrett Sarah Daughter F W 8 Georgia
128 217A 98 Garrett Willian Son M W 11 Georgia
125 161B 34 Garrison Curtis Son M W 1 0/12 Georgia
125 161B 34 Garrison Ellis H. Son M W 12 Georgia
125 161B 34 Garrison Grover L. Son M W 5 Georgia
125 161B 34 Garrison Irma M. Daughter F W 10 Georgia
125 161B 34 Garrison James E. Head M W 37 Georgia
125 161B 34 Garrison James H. Son M W 17 Georgia
125 161B 34 Garrison Joseph C. Son M W 15 Georgia
125 161B 34 Garrison Mary A. Wife F W 34 Georgia
125 161B 34 Garrison Willie G. Daughter F W 4 0/12 Georgia
128 216A 81 Gary Anna Wife F W 32 Georgia
128 216A 81 Gary Banks Head M W 31 Georgia
128 216A 81 Gary Casie Daughter F W 11 Georgia
128 216A 81 Gary Henry Son M W 9 Georgia
128 216A 81 Gary Louise Daughter F W 0/12 Georgia
128 216A 81 Gary Lucy Daughter F W 6 Georgia
131 258A 5 Gary Sallie May Daughter F B 8 Georgia
126 186A 247 Gater Tillard Head F B 42 Georgia
129 244B 301 Gearen Blisie Wife F W 27 Georgia
129 244B 301 Gearen Clarence Son M W 8 Georgia
129 244B 301 Gearen Earnest Son M W 6 Georgia
129 244B 301 Gearen Harold Son M W 3 0/12 Georgia
129 244B 301 Gearen John Head M W 28 Georgia
125 166A 120 Gee Bessie M. Daughter F W 15 Georgia
125 166A 120 Gee Cora Head F W 34 Georgia
125 166A 120 Gee Inez Daughter F W 5 Georgia
125 166A 120 Gee J. B. Son M W 3 7/12 Georgia
125 166A 120 Gee Montine Daughter F W 11 Georgia
127 195A 103 Geither Bullah Wife F B 28 Georgia
127 195A 103 Geither Demba M. Head M B 47 Georgia
127 195A 103 Geither Johnnie B. Son M B 11 Georgia
130 245A 2 Georgpe** Janelle Daughter F W 9 Georgia
130 245A 2 Georgpe** Jesse Head M W 31 Georgia
130 245A 2 Georgpe** Ruth Wife F W 31 Georgia
130 252A 144 Ger**m Jams Son M B 10 Georgia
130 252A 144 Ger**m Loucule Daughter F B 8 Georgia
130 252A 144 Ger**m Maggie Wife F M 24 Georgia
130 252A 144 Ger**m Maggie Daughter F B 4 1/12 Georgia
130 252A 144 Ger**m Sara Daughter F B 3 2/12 Georgia
130 252A 145 Ger**m Thomas Brother M B 22 Georgia
130 252A 144 Ger**m William Head M B 29 Georgia
130 252A 144 Ger**m Willie Son M B 6 Georgia
126 184B 221 Gibes Martha Wife F W 22 Georgia
129 231A 49 Gibson Walter Servant M B 15 Georgia
129 237A 175 Gilbert Will H. Servant M B 23 Georgia
192 201A 24 Gilbreath Henry C. Brother M W 46 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles Albert B. Son M W 17 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles Benjaman E. Son M W 23 Georgia
127 190B 16 Giles Cora Wife F W 25 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles Curtos Son M W 4 10/12 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles David J. Head M W 49 Georgia
127 198B 172 Giles Della F. Wife F W 34 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles Diamond B. Son M W 6 Georgia
127 198B 172 Giles Earnest H. Son M W 16 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles Escas Son M W 11 Georgia
127 198B 172 Giles Ester I. Daughter F W 2 8/12 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles Ethel Daughter F W 13 Georgia
127 198B 172 Giles George W. Son M W 7 Georgia
126 186A 256 Giles Georgia Head M B 59 Georgia
127 198B 172 Giles Georgie Sister F W 39 Georgia
127 198B 172 Giles Gladys O. Daughter F W 8 Georgia
127 198B 172 Giles Henry H. Son M W 13 Georgia
129 239A 206 Giles J. M. Head M W 69 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles Katie M. Daughter F W 26 Georgia
129 239A 206 Giles Mary Wife F W 57 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles Mildred Wife F W 46 Georgia
127 198B 172 Giles Nellie F. Daughter F W 10 Georgia
127 199A 183 Giles Ophelia Daughter F W 15 Georgia
126 184B 221 Giles Thomas E. F M W 28 Georgia
127 190B 16 Giles Walter P. Head M W 24 Georgia
127 198B 172 Giles William W. Head M W 37 Georgia
192 208A 163 Gillen Clara Ray Wife F W 27 Georgia
192 208A 163 Gillen Delony Head M W 25 Georgia
192 208A 163 Gillen Emma Lois Daughter F W 3 1/12 Georgia
126 174A 3 Gillen Frank Son M W 18 Georgia
126 174A 3 Gillen Frank D. Head M W 58 Georgia
125 157A 54 Gillen Fred A. Boarder M W 29 Georgia
126 174A 3 Gillen Jack Son M W 9 Georgia
126 174A 3 Gillen Jessie Wife F W 50 Georgia
192 208A 163 Gillen Lena May Daughter F W 4 2/12 Georgia
125 157A 54 Gillen Lillian R. Boarder F W 30 Georgia
126 174A 3 Gillen Luther Son M W 20 Georgia
126 174A 3 Gillen Russel Son M W 15 Georgia
192 208A 163 Gillen Samuel Herman Son M W 5 Georgia
192 208A 163 Gillen Wm. Boyd Son M W 4/12 Georgia
126 176B 51 Gimes Effie Wife F B 28 Georgia
126 176B 51 Gimes Tim Head M B 35 Georgia
128 221A 189 Glass Emma Wife F W 19 Georgia
128 221A 189 Glass George Head M W 23 Georgia
128 221A 189 Glass Walter Cecil Son M W 0/12 Georgia
129 234B 122 Glassgs Mamie Wife F B 35 Georgia
129 234B 122 Glassgs Mary Daughter F B 6 Georgia
129 234B 122 Glassgs Susie Daughter F B 0/12 Georgia
129 234B 122 Glassgs Tim Son M B 8 Georgia
129 234B 122 Glassgs Tommie Head M B 50 Georgia
129 241A 252 Gleen Emma B., Mrs. Wife F W 42 Georgia
126 180B 132 Glen Howard Son M W 1 Georgia
126 180B 132 Glen Joe Head M W 24 Georgia
126 180B 132 Glen Nancy Wife F W 22 Georgia
126 180B 132 Glen Ross Son M W 3 Georgia
129 241A 252 Glenn Evan Son M W 16 Georgia
129 241A 252 Glenn Floria Daughter F W 14 Georgia
129 241A 252 Glenn Grady Son M W 19 Georgia
129 241A 252 Glenn O. D. Head M W 48 Georgia
130 255B 216 Glosson Clinton Son M W 11 Georgia
130 255B 216 Glosson Gibson Son M W 5 Georgia
130 255B 216 Glosson Herbert Son M W 13 Georgia
130 255B 216 Glosson Nola Wife F W 35 Georgia
130 255B 216 Glosson Osie Daughter F W 9 Georgia
130 255B 216 Glosson Richard Head M W 36 Georgia
130 255B 216 Glosson Richard Son M W 3 1/12 Georgia
130 255B 216 Glosson Tellioms Son M W 7 Georgia
127 192B 58 Gloster Alfred Hired man M B 63 Georgia
125 160B 15 Gloves Joe Head M B 30 Georgia
125 160B 15 Gloves Swedie Wife F B 27 Georgia
125 168B 167 Gober Martin Head M B 49 Georgia
129 241A 253 Gordan Georgia Wife F W 47 Georgia
129 241A 253 Gordan Maurice Son M W 14 Georgia
129 241A 253 Gordan Mavis Daughter F W 12 Georgia
129 241A 253 Gordan Nicholas Son M W 18 Georgia
129 241A 253 Gordan Roy Son M W 22 Georgia
129 241A 253 Gordan W. A. Head M W 49 Georgia
130 245A 3 Gorden Carlton Son M W 10 Georgia
128 220A 168 Gorden Charlie Head M W 26 Georgia
130 245A 3 Gorden Claude Wife F W 35 Georgia
128 220A 168 Gorden Cora Wife F W 21 Georgia
130 245A 3 Gorden Delmus Son M W 5 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Edd Son M B 21 Georgia
130 245A 3 Gorden Emory Head M W 41 Georgia
130 245A 3 Gorden Felten Son M W 4 7/12 Georgia
130 245A 3 Gorden Lois Daughter F W 13 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Mary Wife F B 19 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Mattie Daughter F B 6/12 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Ritta Wife F B 65 Georgia
193 226A 65 Gorden Rubin Head M B 74 Georgia
128 220A 168 Gorden Thomas W. Son M W 1 10/12 Georgia
129 230A 28 Gordon Charles Son M W 2 2/12 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon Charles D. Head M W 63 Georgia
130 256B 234 Gordon Dora Daughter F W 8 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon Durward C. Son M W 14 Georgia
130 256B 234 Gordon Eifa Head M W 31 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon George M. Son M W 10 Georgia
129 230A 28 Gordon Hugh B. Head M W 29 Georgia
129 230A 28 Gordon Hugh N. Son M W 6/12 Georgia
130 256B 234 Gordon Lucy Wife F W 25 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon Maggie Wife F W 49 Georgia
129 230A 28 Gordon Mary Wife F W 27 Georgia
125 160B 19 Gordon Mina cousin F B 24 Georgia
130 249A 81 Gordon Samuel Head M W 66 Georgia
125 170A 205 Gordon Sarah Daughter F W 12 Georgia
130 249A 82 Gordon Susen Wife F W 59 Georgia
130 256B 235 Gordon Thomas Son M W 5 Georgia
125 171A 220 Granason Annie Wife F B 26 Georgia
125 171A 220 Granason Cornelia Daughter F B 6 Georgia
125 171A 220 Granason Ed Head M B 37 Georgia
125 171A 220 Granason Harvey Son M B 11 Georgia
125 171A 220 Granason Loula Daughter F B 12 Georgia
125 171A 220 Granason Minnie Daughter F B 4 0/12 Georgia
125 171A 220 Granason Nellie Daughter F B 13 Georgia
125 171A 220 Granason Wiley Son M B 9 Georgia
125 159A 98 Grant Amelia A. Wife F B 40 Georgia
125 159A 98 Grant Florra Daughter F B 17 Georgia
125 159A 98 Grant Fred Head M M 38 Georgia
125 169A 177 Grant Jack Boarder M B 18 Georgia
126 186B 261 Grant James Son M B 14 Georgia
125 156B 44 Grant Lucinda Head F B 50 Georgia
126 186B 261 Grant Lucis Head M B 49 Georgia
126 186B 261 Grant Magie Daughter F B 11 Georgia
125 159A 98 Grant Maxey Son M B 15 Georgia
126 186B 261 Grant Pinpy Wife F B 39 Georgia
130 254A 180 Graun Darce Wife F B 25 Georgia
130 254A 179 Graun Fasten Head M B 37 Georgia
127 190B 15 Graves Callen W. Son M W 14 Georgia
127 190B 15 Graves John W. Head M W 45 Georgia
127 190B 14 Graves Lewis J. Head M W 20 Georgia
127 190B 15 Graves Marion Daughter F W 22 Georgia
127 190B 15 Graves Marion Daughter F W 11 Georgia
127 190B 15 Graves Mary J, Wife F W 48 Georgia
127 190B 15 Graves Olin Son M W 17 Georgia
127 190B 15 Graves Ralph Son M W 9 Georgia
127 190B 14 Graves Robt. L. Son M W 4/12 Georgia
127 190B 15 Graves Ruth Daughter F W 5 Georgia
127 190B 14 Graves Veryia O. Wife F W 19 Georgia
127 190B 15 Graves Veyl Daughter F W 7 Georgia
131 258A 5 Gray Clinton Head M B 36 Georgia
131 258A 5 Gray Jimmie L. Daughter F B 5 Georgia
128 213A 33 Gray Lucy Wife F B 23 Georgia
128 213A 33 Gray Luever Daughter F B 8 Georgia
128 213A 33 Gray Prymus Head M B 25 Georgia
131 258A 5 Gray Sarah Wife F B 30 Georgia
128 213A 33 Gray Shala Son M B 3 Georgia
131 258A 5 Gray Westly J. Son M B 3 0/12 Georgia
128 213A 33 Gray Willie Son M B 5 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green Abbie Lou Wife F B 39 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green Abbie, Jr. Daughter F B 13 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green Annie Mae Daughter F B 17 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green Atta Bee Daughter F B 8 Georgia
129 240B 237 Green Clenton T. Son M B 1 0/12 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green John L. Son M B 6 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green Mattie Belle Daughter F B 15 Georgia
193 227B 84 Green Nancy Wife F B 48 Georgia
129 240B 237 Green Pearl Daughter F B 2 9/12 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green Rooberta Daughter F B 11 Georgia
126 176B 58 Green Ruby Daughter F B 15 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green Ruby Daughter F B 10 Georgia
126 176B 58 Green Ruford Son M B 10 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green Shepherd Head M B 46 Georgia
129 240A 237 Green Shepherd, Jr. Son M B 5 Georgia
193 227B 84 Green Tate Head M B 50 Georgia
125 172B 253 Greenway Charlie Head M W 45 Georgia
125 172B 252 Greenway Essie Daughter F W 7 Georgia
125 172B 252 Greenway Grace Daughter F W 4 0/12 Georgia
125 172B 252 Greenway Harvey B. Head M W 39 Georgia
125 172B 252 Greenway Harvey B., Jr. Son M W 2 1/12 Georgia
125 172B 253 Greenway Maria L. Mother F W 78 Georgia
125 172B 252 Greenway Ruth Daughter F W 10 Georgia
125 172B 252 Greenway Sallie Wife F W 33 Georgia
125 156B 48 Gregory Clem C. Head M W 47 Georgia
129 231A 47 Gregory Clifford C. Head M W 34 Georgia
130 248A 53 Gregory Even Brother M W 26 Georgia
130 247B 53 Gregory Horas Head M W 20 Georgia
130 247B 53 Gregory Louise Daughter F W 7 Georgia
129 231A 47 Gregory Maud Wife F W 34 Georgia
130 247B 53 Gregory Rebye Wife F W 26 Georgia
125 156B 48 Gregory Sarah S. Sister F W 60 Georgia
193 223A 8 Grey Primour Grandson M B 10 Georgia
126 182A 153 Griffin Bradford Son M B 5 Georgia
126 182A 153 Griffin Charlie Head M B 43 Georgia
126 182A 153 Griffin Charlie, Jr. Son M B 15 Georgia
126 182A 153 Griffin James Son M B 3 Georgia
126 182A 153 Griffin Lula Wife F B 28 Georgia
126 182A 153 Griffin Marvin Son M B 13 Georgia
126 182A 153 Griffin Osbey Son M B 4 Georgia
131 268B 117 Griffith ****** S. Head M W 57 Georgia
129 235B 144 Griffith Ada Daughter F B 3 3/12 Georgia
192 206B 125 Griffith Alvin Son M W 2/12 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Amanda Wife F B 48 Georgia
127 194B 97 Griffith Annette Daughter F B 3 6/12 Georgia
127 192B 61 Griffith Arthar Son M B 7 Georgia
125 172B 245 Griffith Babe Daughter F B 4 1/12 Georgia
129 235B 144 Griffith Bessie Daughter F B 6/12 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Beulah Wife F W 39 Georgia
129 235B 144 Griffith Bridie Head F B 40 Georgia
125 172B 245 Griffith Buddy Son M B 9 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Cecil Son M W 3 3/12 Georgia
131 258A 9 Griffith Ch*** N. Head M W 50 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Charles Son M W 5 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Charles G. Son M B 3 1/12 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Clara Daughter F B 10 Georgia
193 224B 33 Griffith Clarence H. Son M W 4/12 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Cora Daughter F M 32 Georgia
192 206B 125 Griffith Earl Head M W 29 Georgia
131 258A 10 Griffith Earl Head M W 35 Georgia
192 206B 125 Griffith Early Son M W 12 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Edward Grandson M B 10 Georgia
192 206B 125 Griffith Elma Son M W 5 Georgia
192 206B 125 Griffith Elmond Son M W 3 7/12 Georgia
131 268B 117 Griffith Ememe C. Wife F W 51 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Emma Daughter F W 20 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Emory Son M B 6 Georgia
127 192B 61 Griffith Emory R. Son M B 13 Georgia
129 235B 144 Griffith Erll Daughter F B 14 Georgia
129 235B 144 Griffith Essie Daughter F B 6/12 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Ethel Daughter F B 12 Georgia
127 192B 61 Griffith Ethel E. Daughter F B 14 Georgia
192 206B 125 Griffith George Father F W 68 Georgia
131 268B 117 Griffith Glady F. Daughter F W 19 Georgia
129 235B 144 Griffith Grady Son M B 5 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Hallie Daughter F W 7 Georgia
125 172B 245 Griffith Helen A. Daughter F B 11 Georgia
127 192B 61 Griffith Henry Head M B 41 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Henry Son M W 12 Georgia
193 224B 33 Griffith Henry G. Head M W 29 Georgia
127 194B 97 Griffith Hurbert Head M B 23 Georgia
127 194B 97 Griffith Hurbert Son M B * 7/12 Georgia
131 268B 117 Griffith Hurst W. Son M W 28 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Ida Wife F B 53 Georgia
127 192B 61 Griffith Inetia nephew M B 3 */12 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Irene Daughter F W 14 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Jake Head M B 60 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Jake, Jr. Son M B 14 Georgia
131 267B 92 Griffith James L. Head M W 53 Georgia
131 267B 92 Griffith Jewel Daughter F W 9 Georgia
129 235B 144 Griffith Joe H. Son M B 6 Georgia
125 172B 245 Griffith John Head M B 39 Georgia
129 235B 141 Griffith John Servant M B 12 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith John C. Son M B 23 Georgia
127 192B 61 Griffith Joseph nephew M B 5 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith L. F. Head M W 46 Georgia
127 191B 41 Griffith Lamar Hired Boy M B 16 Georgia
131 267B 92 Griffith Lambert Son M W 19 Georgia
125 166B 127 Griffith Lindsey Head M B 23 Georgia
192 206B 125 Griffith Lizzie Wife F W 36 Georgia
127 194B 97 Griffith Lou M. Wife F B 23 Georgia
125 166B 126 Griffith Louise Daughter F B 17 Georgia
131 269A 121 Griffith Louise Wife F W 53 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Margaret Daughter F B 25 Georgia
131 267B 92 Griffith Margaret Daughter F W 12 Georgia
127 191B 39 Griffith Mark Hired Boy M B 16 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Martha Daughter F W 10 Georgia
131 267B 92 Griffith Mary Anne Daughter F W 15 Georgia
192 206B 125 Griffith Mavis Daughter F W 10 Georgia
193 224B 33 Griffith Maxie D. Wife F W 19 Georgia
125 172B 245 Griffith Money Wife F B 38 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Mozelle Daughter F W 18 Georgia
131 267B 92 Griffith Mytice Daughter F W 22 Georgia
125 172B 245 Griffith Nancy Mother F B 64 Georgia
127 192B 61 Griffith Nancy Wife F B 51 Georgia
125 172B 245 Griffith Nancy E. Daughter F B 13 Georgia
131 258A 10 Griffith Nell Daughter F W 1 6/12 Georgia
192 206B 125 Griffith Nettiemay Daughter F W 8 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Raymond Son M W 16 Georgia
131 258A 9 Griffith Robert L. Brother M W 49 Georgia
131 258A 11 Griffith Robert S. Head M W 74 Georgia
131 258A 10 Griffith Rosemond Wife F W 27 Georgia
131 267B 92 Griffith Ruby Daughter F W 3 11/12 Georgia
131 258A 11 Griffith Sallie E. Wife F W 67 Georgia
129 238A 191 Griffith Sarah F. Wife F W 45 Georgia
131 269A 121 Griffith Slennis H. Head M W 58 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Smith Head M B 56 Georgia
125 166B 132 Griffith Smith, Jr. Grandson M B 7 Georgia
131 267B 92 Griffith Tessie Wife F W 51 Georgia
131 267B 92 Griffith W. R. Son M W 9 Georgia
129 238A 191 Griffith Will R. Head M W 50 Georgia
127 192B 61 Griffith Willie W. Son M B 11 Georgia
129 238B 200 Griffith Woodrow Son M W 1 6/12 Georgia
125 166B 127 Griffith Ziddie Wife F B 22 Georgia
192 208B 171 Grimes Annie Estell Daughter F W 10 Georgia
126 176A 48 Grimes Bragl Head M B 53 Georgia
126 176A 48 Grimes Corbine Son M B 21 Georgia
192 208B 171 Grimes Jack Head M W 40 Alabama
126 176A 48 Grimes Johnis Son M B 14 Georgia
126 176A 48 Grimes R****t Son M B 13 Georgia
126 176A 48 Grimes Rose Daughter F B 12 Georgia
192 208B 171 Grimes Sadie Wife F W 39 Georgia
126 176A 48 Grimes Sallie Wife F B 58 Georgia
192 209A 175 Grosby Elsie Grand Daughter F B 4 7/12 Georgia
192 209A 175 Grosby George Grand Son M B 1 Georgia
192 209A 175 Grosby Sam Grand Son M B 7 Georgia
127 197A 144 Guinn Alma Wife F W 26 Georgia
127 197A 144 Guinn Louis E. Daughter F W 6 Georgia
127 197A 144 Guinn Mary R. Daughter F W 8 Georgia
127 197A 144 Guinn Thomas D. Head M W 30 Georgia
127 197A 144 Guinn Thomas L. Son M W 3 3/12 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Clyde Son M W 25 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Cute Son M W 10 Georgia
128 219A 148 Gunter Edcar oneal Son M W 3/12 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Fred Son M W 14 Georgia
131 267B 98 Gunter John James Head M W 80 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Lillie Mae Daughter in law F W 25 Georgia
129 232A 79 Gunter Lola W. Wife F W 50 Georgia
128 219A 148 Gunter Loy Head M W 30 Georgia
128 219A 148 Gunter Mary Belle Wife F W 25 Georgia
131 267B 98 Gunter Missoura Wife F W 73 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter P. A. Head M W 45 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Roy Lee Son M W 16 Georgia
129 232A 70 Gunter Therma Daughter F W 8 Georgia

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