1920 Census "P"

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
192 200A 7 P**ial Bobby Grand Child M B 5 Georgia
192 200A 7 P**ial Ellen Grand Child F B 7 Georgia
192 201B 30 Pa;mer Mattie Lou Daughter F W 16 Georgia
128 216A 80 Page Calvin Head M W 21 Georgia
128 215B 78 Page George Son M W 18 Georgia
128 216A 79 Page George T. Son M W 1 2/12 Georgia
128 216A 79 Page John D. Son M W 2 Georgia
128 216A 80 Page Judieth Wife F W 21 Georgia
128 215B 79 Page Louthia Daughter F W 4 Georgia
128 215B 79 Page Robert Son M W 25 Georgia
128 215B 78 Page Sarah Head F W 76 Georgia
128 215B 79 Page Sophoronia Wife F W 24 Georgia
125 167A 138 Palhill Ethel Daughter F B 23 Georgia
125 167A 138 Palhill John C. Gd son M B 1 6/12 Georgia
192 201B 30 Palmer Annie Wife F W 43 Georgia
192 201B 30 Palmer Ben A. Head M W 53 Georgia
192 201B 30 Palmer Venable J. Son M W 3 Georgia
192 201B 30 Palmer Walker K. Son M W 4 5/12 Georgia
130 252A 145 Palnott Alice Wife F W 46 Georgia
130 252A 146 Palnott Eunice Daughter F W 14 Georgia
130 252A 145 Palnott George Son M W 19 Georgia
130 252A 145 Palnott John Head M W 53 Georgia
130 252A 145 Palnott Marie Daughter F W 16 Georgia
126 177A 73 Parham Bonnie M. Daughter F W 8 Georgia
126 177A 73 Parham Grace Daughter F W 7 Georgia
126 177B 73 Parham J. D. Son M W 1 Georgia
126 177A 73 Parham June Head M W 29 Georgia
126 177A 73 Parham Mary Wife F W 29 Georgia
126 177B 73 Parham Ruth Daughter F W 5 Georgia
126 187A 263 Paris Siny Boarder F B 22 Georgia
192 208B 166 Parish Earnest Head M B 39 Georgia
192 208B 166 Parish Mary Wife F B 23 Georgia
125 170B 210 Parish Nathan Lodger M B 18 Georgia
192 208B 166 Parish R. L. Son M B 1 9/12 Georgia
192 208B 166 Parish Walter Son M B 5 Georgia
125 160A 10 Parker Carie L. Daughter F W 18 Georgia
125 160A 10 Parker Charles B. Son M W 9 Georgia
125 160A 10 Parker Mattie C. Head F W 42 Georgia
125 160A 10 Parker Velma L. Daughter F W 10 Georgia
125 160A 10 Parker Vertus L. Daughter F W 13 Georgia
125 160A 10 Parker Willy D. Son M W 1* Georgia
125 169B 192 Parks A. D. Son in law M B 19 Georgia
129 232A 74 Parks Angeline Grand mother F B 70 Georgia
127 198B 169 Parks Arthur Son M B 16 Georgia
129 233A 94 Parks Georgia Mother in law F B 55 Georgia
129 233A 94 Parks John Farther in law M B 60 Georgia
127 198B 169 Parks Leila Daughter F B 13 Georgia
127 198B 169 Parks Lizzie Head F M 50 Georgia
127 198B 169 Parks Magnolia Daughter F M 18 Georgia
125 169B 192 Parks Minnie Daughter F B 18 Georgia
127 198B 169 Parks Wylie Son M B 14 Georgia
127 197A 137 Parrish Addie Wife F B 19 Georgia
128 215A 70 Parrish Agnes Daughter F W 10 Georgia
128 215A 70 Parrish Alvin Son M W 12 Georgia
130 245A 7 Parrish Belle Wife F W 39 Georgia
192 211A 220 Parrish Bettie Daughter F B 27 Georgia
128 215A 70 Parrish Claudie mae Son M W 13 Georgia
128 215A 70 Parrish Comer Head M W 43 Georgia
127 196A 127 Parrish Dick Head M B 90 Virginia
192 211A 220 Parrish Dora Head F B 57 Georgia
128 215A 70 Parrish Elizebeth Daughter F W 2 Georgia
130 245A 7 Parrish Francis Son M W 10 Georgia
128 215A 70 Parrish Gerard Son M W 8 Georgia
127 197A 137 Parrish Guy Head M B 19 Georgia
127 196A 127 Parrish Harriet Wife F B 81 Virginia
127 195B 112 Parrish Henry Son M B 4 Georgia
130 245A 7 Parrish Howard Son M W 16 Georgia
127 198B 171 Parrish Joe Head M B 28 Georgia
128 215A 70 Parrish Joe Elder Son M W 9/12 Georgia
130 245A 7 Parrish Kenon Son M W 14 Georgia
127 198B 171 Parrish Liza Wife F B 17 Georgia
128 215A 70 Parrish Lizzie Wife F W 36 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Mamie L. Daughter F B 6 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Mary Daughter F B 1 2/12 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Minnie Wife F B 26 Georgia
192 211A 220 Parrish Ossie Grand daughter F B 9 Georgia
192 211A 220 Parrish Pat Son M B 26 Georgia
192 209B 189 Parrish Pink Border M B 42 Georgia
128 215B 74 Parrish Rebecca Glynn mother in law F W 77 Georgia
130 245A 7 Parrish Robert Head M W 39 Georgia
128 215A 70 Parrish Robert Lee Son M W 15 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Salina Daughter F B 2 2/12 Georgia
192 211A 220 Parrish T. Grand daughter F B 11 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Willie Head M B 46 Georgia
127 195B 112 Parrish Willie Son M B 8 Georgia
125 169A 183 Parson Albert H. Son M W 6 Georgia
125 169B 187 Parson Allie H. Head M W 29 Georgia
192 204B 93 Parson Atlis Head M W 21 Georgia
192 207A 139 Parson Biddie Wife F W 26 Georgia
192 207A 139 Parson Carry Daughter F W 8 Georgia
192 204B 93 Parson Carson Brother M W 18 Georgia
125 169A 183 Parson Charles C. Head M W 37 Georgia
125 169B 186 Parson Chester O. Son M W 12 Georgia
125 169B 186 Parson Edith V. Daughter F W 2 8/12 Georgia
125 169B 186 Parson Fannie S. Daughter F W 7 Georgia
125 169B 187 Parson Frances S. Daughter F W 3 5/12 Georgia
192 207A 139 Parson Fred Head M W 32 Georgia
192 204B 93 Parson Frony Mother F W 46 Georgia
125 169B 186 Parson Herschel A. Son M W 14 Georgia
125 169B 186 Parson Jewel M. Daughter F W 16 Georgia
125 169B 185 Parson John R. Head M W 64 Georgia
125 169B 187 Parson Katie H. Daughter F W 5 Georgia
192 207A 139 Parson Lois Daughter F W 2 7/12 Georgia
125 169A 183 Parson Lola L. Wife F W 37 Georgia
192 204B 93 Parson Louise Sister F W 9 Georgia
125 169B 187 Parson Maggie M. Wife F W 27 Georgia
125 169B 186 Parson Mamie P. Wife F W 37 Georgia
125 169A 183 Parson Mary E. Daughter F W 4 4/12 Georgia
192 204B 93 Parson Osborn Brother M W 13 Georgia
125 169A 183 Parson Rena L. Daughter F W 2 3/12 Georgia
125 169A 183 Parson Robert L. Son M W 8 Georgia
125 169B 186 Parson Roy H. Son M W 9 Georgia
125 169B 185 Parson Susan J. Wife F W 63 Georgia
125 169B 186 Parson Willie E. Head M W 36 Georgia
129 233A 90 Partee Alfred E. Head M W 58 Georgia
129 233A 90 Partee Ida B. Wife F W 57 Georgia
129 233A 90 Partee Ira W. Son M W 26 Georgia
126 186A 247 Partick Lion Head M B 24 Georgia
126 186A 247 Partick Loudy Mother F B 56 Georgia
192 208B 171 Partridge Charlie Border M W 57 Georgia
129 243B 283 Patatt J. C. Head M W 40 Georgia
129 243B 283 Patatt Joseph Son M W 3/12 Georgia
129 243B 283 Patatt Marellgia Wife F W 18 Georgia
125 163B 73 Patman Adelia Wife F B 22 Georgia
127 199A 178 Patman Bertha Daughter F B 4 5/12 Georgia
127 198B 177 Patman Colias Cousin M B 13 Georgia
127 199A 178 Patman Dollie M. Daughter F B 3/12 Georgia
125 163B 73 Patman Elmer Head M B 24 Georgia
125 164A 80 Patman Essie Wife F B 38 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Gladys Daughter F B 10 Georgia
125 164A 80 Patman Glover Son M B 15 Georgia
127 199A 178 Patman Gurtrude Wife F B 23 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Hattie Wife F B 40 Georgia
127 199A 178 Patman Hosie Head M B 24 Georgia
125 164A 80 Patman Jim Head M B 53 Georgia
125 163B 73 Patman Jimmie L. Son M B 1 1/12 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Joseph Son M B 12 Georgia
131 262A 84 Patman Lilla Daughter F B 2 9/12 Georgia
131 262A 84 Patman Louis Son M B 5 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Mattie Daughter F B 14 Georgia
125 164A 80 Patman Minnie daughter F B 14 Georgia
127 199A 178 Patman Nuefoliet Son M B 3 2/12 Georgia
125 161B 38 Patman Revo Brother-in-law M B 26 Georgia
131 262A 84 Patman S. P. Son M B 9 Georgia
131 261B 84 Patman Steve Head M B 50 Georgia
125 164A 80 Patman Vester Son M B 24 Georgia
127 199A 178 Patman Willie B. Son M B 6 Georgia
130 250A 98 Patrick Gldys Daughter F W 10 Georgia
130 250A 98 Patrick Herbert Son M W 16 Georgia
130 250A 98 Patrick Hubert Son M W 16 Georgia
129 231B 54 Patrick Ida Wife F W 39 Georgia
130 250A 98 Patrick Jack Son M W 20 Georgia
129 231B 54 Patrick Kny Son M W 9 Georgia
130 250A 99 Patrick Louise Daughter F W * Georgia
129 231B 54 Patrick Martin L. R M W 43 Georgia
130 250A 98 Patrick Mary Wife F W 52 Georgia
129 231B 54 Patrick Mary E. Daughter F W 2/12 Georgia
130 250A 98 Patrick Merana Daughter F W 13 Georgia
129 231B 54 Patrick Paul Son M W 11 Georgia
130 250A 98 Patrick Robert Head M W 53 Georgia
129 231B 61 Patterson Turrie Head F B 35 Georgia
131 265B 50 Patton Chester M. Daughter F W 2 1/12 Georgia
131 265B 50 Patton Ina D. Daughter F W 14 Georgia
131 265B 50 Patton John H. Son M W 13 Georgia
131 265B 50 Patton May E. Wife F W 34 Georgia
131 265B 50 Patton Rose B. Daughter F W 11 Georgia
131 265B 50 Patton Walter J. Head M W 39 Georgia
130 256A 224 Paulmotte Duglas Son M W 15 Georgia
130 255B 207 Pawhs Johnie Head M B 21 Georgia
130 255B 208 Pawhs Mary Wife F B 23 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Adline Daughter F M 10 Georgia
131 259A 30 Payne Alvin Son M W 19 Georgia
126 179B 115 Payne Annie Wife F B 17 Georgia
131 259A 30 Payne Annie B. Daughter F W 11 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Bessie Wife F M 42 Georgia
192 210A 198 Payne Bonnie Lee Son M W 3 3/12 Georgia
126 177A 65 Payne Buck Head M B 61 Georgia
125 168B 169 Payne Callie Daughter F B 1 4/12 Georgia
131 259A 30 Payne Carl Son M W 16 Georgia
125 162A 50 Payne Carrie Wife F B 38 Georgia
128 221A 197 Payne Charlie Head M B 33 Georgia
126 185B 245 Payne Charlie H. Son M W 16 Georgia
125 168B 169 Payne Cleveland Son M B 8 Georgia
126 177A 65 Payne Cleveland Son M B 26 Georgia
131 259A 30 Payne Clyde Son M W 13 Georgia
125 170B 214 Payne Daisy Head F W 32 Georgia
126 179B 115 Payne Earnest Head M B 24 Georgia
126 179B 115 Payne Earnest, Jr. Son M B 2 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Easie Daughter F M 16 Georgia
127 193A 68 Payne Elbert Son M W 12 Georgia
128 221A 197 Payne Elisbeth Daughter F B 1 6/12 Georgia
125 168B 169 Payne Emmit Head M B 27 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Emory Son M M 12 Georgia
128 221A 197 Payne Eula mae Daughter F B 2 5/12 Georgia
127 193A 68 Payne Fannie Daughter F W 10 Georgia
131 259A 30 Payne Fannie Wife F W 40 Georgia
126 185B 245 Payne Georgia Head M W 37 Georgia
125 162A 50 Payne Henry Head M B 50 Georgia
125 162A 50 Payne Herschel Son M B 14 Georgia
131 266B 70 Payne Ida Wife F B 35 Georgia
125 166A 118 Payne James F. Son M B 23 Georgia
125 162A 50 Payne Jesse Son M B 10 Georgia
192 210A 198 Payne John Head M W 28 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne John Head M M 53 Georgia
125 166A 118 Payne John A. Son M B 10 Georgia
125 166A 118 Payne John H. Head M B 53 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Johnie Son M M 8 Georgia
131 259A 30 Payne Joseph C. Head M W 43 Georgia
125 168B 169 Payne Laura Wife F B 28 Georgia
125 166A 118 Payne Laura D. Daughter F B 14 Alabama
126 177A 65 Payne Liclie Daughter F B 21 Georgia
125 166A 118 Payne Lillian M. Daughter F B 17 Alabama
193 228A 91 Payne Lizzie Daughter F M 5 Georgia
125 166A 118 Payne Lonnie A. Son M B 12 Georgia
125 170B 214 Payne Louis Son M W 11 Georgia
125 164B 92 Payne Louisa A. Wife F W 65 Georgia
127 193A 68 Payne Loyd Son M W 8 Georgia
192 210A 198 Payne Lucas Fredrick Son M W 8/12 Georgia
125 166A 118 Payne Lucile A. Daughter F B 16 Alabama
127 195A 101 Payne Lucindy Wife F W 68 Georgia
127 193A 68 Payne Marian Son M W 14 Georgia
125 162A 50 Payne Mary L. Daughter F B 5 Georgia
127 193A 68 Payne Mattie Wife F W 34 Georgia
128 221A 197 Payne Mattie Wife F B 29 Georgia
126 185B 245 Payne Minnie Wife F W 40 Georgia
127 193A 68 Payne Myrtle Daughter F W 3 7/12 Georgia
192 210A 198 Payne Ora Wife F W 22 Georgia
128 221A 197 Payne Otis Son M B 5 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Pelona Son M M 2 5/12 Georgia
125 168B 169 Payne Pinkie Daughter F B 4 3/12 Georgia
127 193A 68 Payne Robt. Sin M W 4 6/12 Georgia
127 195A 101 Payne Robt. Head M W 70 Georgia
125 162A 50 Payne Roy Son M B 6 Georgia
193 228A 91 Payne Sadie Daughter F M 2/12 Georgia
125 162A 50 Payne Sanders Son M B 12 Georgia
125 162A 50 Payne Spurgeon Son M B 17 Georgia
126 177A 65 Payne Susie Wife F B 56 Georgia
125 164B 93 Payne Thomas Head M W 70 Georgia
127 193A 68 Payne Wesley J. Head M W 44 Georgia
131 266B 70 Payne William Head M B 60 Georgia
130 257B 262 Pealer Ed Head M W 45 Georgia
130 257B 263 Pealer Nancy Wife F W 44 Georgia
126 182B 165 Peck Abe Head M W 50 Georgia
126 182B 162 Peck Bryson Son M W 3 Georgia
126 182B 161 Peck Clance Son M W 9 Georgia
126 182B 165 Peck Covia Daughter F W 17 Georgia
126 182B 161 Peck Crassie Daughter F W 12 Georgia
126 182B 162 Peck Dallis Son M W 6 Georgia
126 182B 161 Peck Ella Wife F W 30 Georgia
126 182B 165 Peck Eva Daughter F W 20 Georgia
126 182B 165 Peck Jane Wife F W 47 Georgia
126 182B 161 Peck Joe Head M W 37 Georgia
126 182B 162 Peck Jullie Son M W 5 Georgia
126 182B 165 Peck Lonnie Son M W 3 Georgia
126 182B 162 Peck Mary Daughter F W 1 Georgia
126 182B 162 Peck Ocar Head M W 26 Georgia
126 182B 165 Peck Rady Son M W 11 Georgia
126 182B 165 Peck Robert Son M W 7 Georgia
126 182B 162 Peck Unis Wife F W 24 Georgia
126 182B 165 Peck Wiley J. Son M W 9 Georgia
125 156A 36 Pentecosty Weldon Boarder M W 33 Georgia
128 220A 165 Peppers Essie Daughter F W 8 Georgia
128 220A 165 Peppers Green Head M W 29 Georgia
128 220A 165 Peppers J. W. Son M W 6 Georgia
128 220A 165 Peppers Larue Daughter F W 3 7/12 Georgia
128 220A 165 Peppers Lizzie mae Daughter F W 10 Georgia
128 220A 165 Peppers Mattie Wife F W 29 Georgia
128 214B 56 Perkins Lilliam Grand daughter F B 5 Georgia
125 168A 157 Perry Floyd Boarder M W 16 Georgia
128 217A 106 Perry Lillie Wife F W 29 Georgia
128 217A 106 Perry M. B. Son M W 3 6/12 Georgia
125 166A 120 Perry Mack Boarder M W 18 Georgia
193 223B 12 Perry Maud Head F W 33 Georgia
128 217A 106 Perry Melvin Head M W 33 Georgia
193 223B 12 Perry Rubie Daughter F W 8 Georgia
193 223B 12 Perry Susie Daughter F W 4 0/12 Georgia
193 223B 12 Perry Walter Son M W 10 Georgia
128 217A 106 Perry Willie Son M W 13 Georgia
130 251B 131 Pess Irinie Wife F W 22 Georgia
130 251B 132 Pess Martha Daughter F W 1 2/12 Georgia
130 251B 131 Pess Sunnie Head M W 24 Georgia
128 216A 86 Peters E*tres nephew M W 14 Georgia
128 219A 144 Peters Fannie mae Daughter F B 4 6/12 Georgia
128 219A 144 Peters Mayeffer Daughter F B 3 2/12 Georgia
128 219A 144 Peters Odesa Wife F B 23 Georgia
128 219A 144 Peters Willie Head M B 28 Georgia
128 219A 144 Peters Willie mae Daughter F B 6 Georgia
131 260B 57 Peterson Albert P. Head M W 46 Georgia
131 260B 57 Peterson Amanda Wife F W 42 Georgia
193 224A 26 Peterson Hinton Boarder M B 17 Georgia
193 224A 26 Peterson Lucile Daughter F B 1 6/12 Georgia
193 224A 26 Peterson Naomi L. Wife F B 31 Georgia
193 224A 26 Peterson Samual Head M B 27 Georgia
193 224A 26 Peterson Spencer Son M B 3 8/12 Georgia
193 224A 26 Peterson Will H. Son M B 10 Georgia
125 165A 104 Pew Annie M. Daughter F W 11 Georgia
125 165A 14 Pew Edgar Son M W 15 Georgia
125 165A 104 Pew Jack Son M W 13 Georgia
125 165A 104 Pew Jim Son M W 9 Georgia
125 165A 104 Pew John Head M W 44 Georgia
125 165A 104 Pew Joseph Son M W 5 Georgia
125 165A 104 Pew Lizzie Wife F W 40 Georgia
125 165A 104 Pew Paul Son M W 7 Georgia
125 165A 104 Pew Willie Son M W 17 Georgia
125 165A 104 Pew Woodrow Son M W 1 5/12 Georgia
126 178B 98 Phelphs Eather Daughter F W 12 Georgia
126 178B 98 Phelphs Gheatus Son M W 6 Georgia
126 178B 98 Phelphs Jessie Daughter F W 9 Georgia
126 178B 98 Phelphs John G. Head M W 33 Georgia
126 178B 98 Phelphs Minnie Wife F W 38 Georgia
126 178B 98 Phelphs Rheater Daughter F W 14 Georgia
192 205A 96 Phelps Francis Mother F B 40 Georgia
192 205A 96 Phelps Henry Brother M B 7 Georgia
192 204B 96 Phelps Jessie Head M B 20 Georgia
192 205A 96 Phelps Lena Sister F B 9 Georgia
192 204B 96 Phelps Luther Brother M B 14 Georgia
192 205A 96 Phelps Mance Sister F B 11 Georgia
192 204B 96 Phelps Maxie Wife F B 17 Georgia
192 204B 96 Phelps Mosell Sister F B 17 Georgia
127 193B 70 Phillip Cornelia Daughter F W 10 Georgia
127 193A 70 Phillip Gramas Daughter F W 12 Georgia
127 193B 70 Phillip Harry Son M W 3 5/12 Georgia
127 193A 70 Phillip Ira C. Head M W 41 Georgia
127 193B 70 Phillip James W. Son M W 11 Georgia
127 193B 70 Phillip Martha M. Daughter F W 7 Georgia
127 193A 70 Phillip Mina C. Wife F W 41 Georgia
127 193A 70 Phillip Rutha L. Daughter F W 14 Georgia
192 200B 17 Phillips Bernard Son M W 7 Georgia
192 200B 18 Phillips Georgia Oconee Daughter F W 38 Georgia
192 200B 17 Phillips Grace Daughter F W 4 Georgia
192 200B 17 Phillips Ida Beatrice Wife F W 32 Georgia
192 200B 18 Phillips Lizzie Wife F W 75 Georgia
192 200B 17 Phillips Rubye Daughter F W 9 Georgia
192 200B 17 Phillips W. F. Son M W 2/12 Georgia
192 200B 17 Phillips Walter H. Head M W 34 Georgia
192 200B 18 Phillips Wm. F. Jead M W 74 Georgia
131 259B 43 Pickett Garnette Son M W 1 6/12 Georgia
131 259B 43 Pickett Gladys O. Daughter F W 13 Georgia
131 259B 43 Pickett Jackson Son M W 8 Georgia
131 259B 43 Pickett Lawrence Son M W 12 Georgia
131 259B 43 Pickett Mytice Daughter F W 10 Georgia
131 259B 43 Pickett Olive Wife F W 38 Georgia
131 259B 43 Pickett Robert Head M W 37 Georgia
131 269B 125 Pierce Alma Daughter F W 2 11/12 Georgia
131 269B 130 Pierce Emmer Wife F W 19 Georgia
129 240B 241 Pierce Howard Son M B 5 Georgia
131 269B 125 Pierce John H. Son M W 7 Georgia
131 269B 130 Pierce John W. Son M W 5 Georgia
131 269B 130 Pierce Joseph N. Head M W 40 Georgia
131 269B 130 Pierce Lawrance Son M W 2 6/12 Georgia
129 240B 241 Pierce Lilian Wife F M 29 Georgia
128 214B 62 Pierce Mary mother in law F W 67 Georgia
129 240B 241 Pierce Nelson Head M M 30 Georgia
131 269B 125 Pierce Reese Daughter F W 11 Georgia
129 233A 88 Pierson Frank Head M B 53 Georgia
129 233A 88 Pierson Loura Wife F B 50 Georgia
126 178A 88 Pike Fannie Wife F B 50 Georgia
126 178A 88 Pike Frank Head M B 54 Georgia
126 178A 88 Pike Lelar Daughter F B 22 Georgia
127 190A 1 Pilgrim Alvada Wife F W 45 Georgia
127 190A 1 Pilgrim Azzie J. Son M W 18 Georgia
127 190A 1 Pilgrim George T. Head M W 53 Georgia
127 190A 1 Pilgrim Isam T. Son M W 14 Georgia
127 190A 1 Pilgrim Lillian M. Daughter F W 20 Georgia
127 190A 1 Pilgrim Nancy E. Mother F W 37 Georgia
131 264A 29 Pinion Levi R. Head M W 31 Georgia
131 264A 29 Pinion Lona B. Wife F W 31 Georgia
131 264A 29 Pinion Nannie R. Daughter F W 9/12 Georgia
131 264A 29 Pinion Rastus L. Son M W 3 1/12 Georgia
129 243B 286 Pitts C. S. Head M W 43 North Carolina
125 155B 15 Pitts Clyde Wife F W 38 Georgia
125 155B 15 Pitts Harry Head M W 45 Alabama
125 155B 15 Pitts Jack D. Son M W 13 Georgia
129 243B 286 Pitts Manilla Daughter F W 20 South Carolina
129 243B 286 Pitts S. A., Mrs. Wife F W 43 North Carolina
126 187B 267 Poldo Adison Son M B 15 Georgia
126 187B 267 Poldo Charlie Son M B 19 Georgia
126 187B 274 Poldo Ellan Wife F B 21 Georgia
126 187B 274 Poldo John Head M B 30 Georgia
126 187B 267 Poldo Lora Daughter F B 17 Georgia
126 187B 267 Poldo Louise Daughter F B 14 Georgia
126 187B 267 Poldo Mannie Wife F B 36 Georgia
126 187B 267 Poldo Mannie L. Daughter F B 8 Georgia
126 187B 267 Poldo Ocar Head M B 40 Georgia
129 244B 308 Polk N. T. Boarder M W 20 Mississippi
129 244B 308 Pond P. G. Boarder M W 24 Georgia
129 241A 249 Pope Elsie Daughter F B 8 Georgia
129 241A 249 Pope Helen Daughter F B 0/12 Georgia
129 241A 249 Pope Howard Head M B 35 Georgia
129 240B 242 Pope Mellson Wife F B 29 Georgia
129 241A 249 Pope Nannie Wife F B 31 Georgia
129 240B 242 Pope P. D. Head M B 30 Georgia
129 241A 249 Pope Ruby Daughter F B 6 Georgia
129 241A 249 Pope Willie Daughter F B 2 3/12 Georgia
126 185B 235 Portel Annie mother in law F W 88 Georgia
126 175B 34 Porter Adli Boarder M W 28 Georgia
125 169A 178 Porter Alfred Son F B 2 1/12 Georgia
125 169A 177 Porter Anna Wife F B 55 Georgia
128 221B 200 Porter Annie Wife F B 23 Georgia
126 177A 66 Porter Benjman Son M W 13 Georgia
127 192A 47 Porter Bennie Head M B 25 Georgia
126 177A 65 Porter C**ddles Daughter F W 9 Georgia
126 177A 64 Porter Charlie Son M W 7 Georgia
125 169A 178 Porter Clarence Head M B 20 Georgia
126 186B 264 Porter Elisie Daughter F B 4 Georgia
128 221B 200 Porter Essie Daughter F B 2 7/12 Georgia
125 169A 177 Porter Fannie Daughter F B 18 Georgia
126 177A 66 Porter Fannie S. Daughter F W 16 Georgia
129 241B 264 Porter Fred Head M B 29 Georgia
126 175B 34 Porter Henry L Boarder M W 23 Georgia
126 186B 264 Porter Herman R. Son M B 6 Georgia
125 169A 178 Porter J. M. Son M B 6/12 Georgia
126 177A 66 Porter James Head M W 70 Georgia
127 192A 47 Porter James E. Son M B 3 10/12 Georgia
126 175B 35 Porter James F. Head M W 30 Texas
125 169A 178 Porter Janie Wife F B 18 Georgia
126 177A 65 Porter Joel Son M W 11 Georgia
125 172B 248 Porter John Head M B 42 Georgia
126 186B 264 Porter John Head M B 41 Georgia
126 186B 264 Porter John E. Son M B 8 Georgia
125 169A 177 Porter Katie Daughter F B 22 Georgia
128 221B 200 Porter Lon Head M B 28 Georgia
126 176B 54 Porter Luclie Daughter F W 26 Georgia
128 217B 110 Porter Lynn Wife F W 19 Georgia
126 175B 35 Porter Mabel Wife F W 33 Georgia
129 241B 264 Porter Maggie Wife F M 24 Georgia
125 172B 248 Porter Margaret Wife F B 38 Georgia
126 186B 264 Porter Mattie Wife F B 31 Georgia
126 186B 264 Porter Mattie M. Daughter F B 3 Georgia
126 177A 66 Porter Percy M. Son M W 17 Georgia
127 192A 47 Porter Robena Wife F B 22 Georgia
125 169A 177 Porter Robert Son M B 12 Georgia
128 217B 110 Porter Roscoe Head M W 27 Georgia
127 192A 47 Porter Rossie Son M B 2 Georgia
129 241B 264 Porter Ruda Son M B 3 4/12 Georgia
126 176B 54 Porter Savor B. Son in law M W 33 Georgia
125 169A 177 Porter Stephen Head M B 60 Georgia
126 176B 54 Porter Suolyn Garnd Daughter F W 2 Georgia
127 192A 47 Porter Unnammed Son M B 0/12 Georgia
127 192A 47 Porter Willie B. Son M B 6 Georgia
126 175B 34 Porter Wlliam T. Boarder M W 19 Georgia
131 261A 75 Porterfield Bury J. Head M W 68 Georgia
129 241A 255 Porterfield Carl Son M W 10 Georgia
131 261A 75 Porterfield Charlie O. Son M W 15 Georgia
129 241A 256 Porterfield Delia Wife F W 24 Georgia
131 261A 75 Porterfield Eunice A. Daughter F W 10 Georgia
129 241A 255 Porterfield Henry Son M W 21 Georgia
129 241A 255 Porterfield Horace Son M W 13 Georgia
131 261A 75 Porterfield Huldah E. Daughter F W 11 Georgia
129 241A 255 Porterfield J. S., Mrs. Head F M 53 Georgia
129 241A 254 Porterfield Lola Wife F W 29 Georgia
129 241A 254 Porterfield Mary Daughter F W 2 1/12 Georgia
129 241A 254 Porterfield Melvin Son M W 8 Georgia
129 241A 254 Porterfield R. T. Head M W 31 Georgia
131 261A 75 Porterfield Susin Wife F W 51 Georgia
129 241A 256 Porterfield T. A., Jr. Son M W 11/12 Georgia
129 241A 256 Porterfield Tom A. Head M W 25 Georgia
129 241A 255 Porterfield Wilda Daughter F W 16 Georgia
131 261A 75 Porterfield Williw M. Son M W 12 Georgia
128 212A 10 Poss Allen Head M W 21 Georgia
128 212A 10 Poss Annie Wife F W 20 Georgia
128 212A 9 Poss Gorsan Head M W 31 Georgia
125 160A 9 Poss Hugh Head M W 59 Georgia
128 212A 9 Poss Jessie Lou Wife F W 35 Georgia
128 212A 10 Poss Margarret Daughter F W 10/12 Georgia
125 160A 9 Poss Mattie N. Wife F W 60 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Addie May Daughter F W 18 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Adell Son M W 9 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Hallie Daughter F W 2 7/12 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Henry Son M W 11 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Howard Son M W 14 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Jonah Head M W 40 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Lizzie Lou Daughter F W 6 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Minnie Daughter F W 2/12 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Tressie Wife F W 36 Georgia
192 206B 130 Poterfield Walter Son M W 16 Georgia
131 258B 14 Potter Fannie Sister F W 2 Georgia
129 234A 113 Poulnot Earnest O. Wife F W 39 Georgia
129 234A 113 Poulnot Harold Son M W 13 Georgia
129 234A 113 Poulnot James Head M W 40 Georgia
129 234A 113 Poulnot Marvin Son M W 10 Georgia
129 234A 113 Poulnot Nina Daughter F W 15 Georgia
129 234A 113 Poulnot Ruby Daughter F W 4 2/12 Georgia
125 157B 59 Poulnott Earle M. Head M W 34 Georgia
125 157B 59 Poulnott Eunice C. Wife F W 24 Georgia
125 160A 3 Poulnott Louisa R. Mother-in-law F W 70 Georgia
125 157B 59 Poulnott Vivian M. Daughter F W 1 0/12 Georgia
126 179B 116 Poulter Stonewall Son M B 6 Georgia
126 186A 257 Powel Albert Head M B 20 Georgia
130 249A 73 Powel Elec Head M W 40 Georgia
130 249A 73 Powel Lena Wife F W 22 Georgia
127 197B 152 Powell Calvin Head M W 23 Georgia
127 199B 188 Powell Ethel E. Wife F B 18 Georgia
127 192B 59 Powell George nephew M B 3 Georgia
127 192B 59 Powell Irene Neice F B 14 Georgia
127 192B 59 Powell Mary W. Neice F B 8 Georgia
127 197B 152 Powell Norris Son M W 1 8/12 Georgia
127 197B 152 Powell Quillie Wife F W 19 Georgia
127 192B 59 Powell Robt. L. Nephew M B 2/12 Georgia
193 227B 83 Powell Rosie Cousin F B 17 Georgia
127 199B 188 Powell Virgus Head M B 18 Georgia
193 227B 83 Powell William Cousin M B 14 Georgia
192 203B 71 Preston Annie Bell Daughter F W 21 Georgia
126 185A 231 Preston Bemjman F. M W 43 Georgia
126 185A 231 Preston Bemjman F., Jr. Son M W 6 Georgia
126 185A 231 Preston Liliam Daughter F W 8 Georgia
126 185A 231 Preston Lilie B. Wife F W 42 Georgia
126 185A 231 Preston Susie B. Daughter F W 2 Georgia
192 203B 71 Preston Wm. F. Head M W 71 Georgia
192 203B 71 Preston Wm. Q. Son M W 23 Georgia
126 185A 227 Preyer Bettie Wife F B 66 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Curdis Son M B 2 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Dossey Wife F B 34 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Edcar Son M B 7 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Fred Head M B 45 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Idina Daughter F B 17 Georgia
126 185A 229 Preyer Jessie Head M B 20 Georgia
126 185A 227 Preyer Joe Head M B 78 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Joe Son M B 14 Georgia
126 185A 229 Preyer Lenoia Wife F B 19 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Lizie Daughter F B 12 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Malden Daughter F B 10 Georgia
126 185A 229 Preyer Mary L. Wife F B 26 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Sallie M. Son F B 4 Georgia
126 185A 228 Preyer Woolven Son M B 5 Georgia
127 191A 30 Price Annie Lee Wife F B 23 Georgia
127 191A 30 Price Bessie Daughter F B 3 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Bill Head M B 50 Georgia
130 255B 211 Price Bob Servant M B 7 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Cheney Wife F B 47 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Cora Daughter F B 16 Georgia
125 167A 134 Price Ed Son M B 6 Georgia
130 245B 16 Price Essie Daughter F B 14 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Fannie Mother F B 64 Georgia
130 245B 16 Price George Son M B 3 4/12 Georgia
130 245B 16 Price Ginnie Wife F B 32 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Hassie Wife F B 26 Georgia
130 245B 16 Price Henry G. Son M B 5 Georgia
127 191A 30 Price Jessy Head M B 31 Georgia
127 191A 30 Price John H. Son M B 6 Georgia
130 245B 16 Price Leroy Son M B 2 1/12 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Lewis Head M B 24 Georgia
130 245B 16 Price Lillie Daughter F B 12 Georgia
125 167A 134 Price Lizzie R. Daughter F B 4 9/12 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Magnolia Daughter F B 2 3/12 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Margaret Daughter F B 9 Georgia
127 191A 30 Price Mary B. Daughter F B 2 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Phelip Son M B 18 Georgia
125 166B 134 Price Robert Son M B 11 Georgia
130 255B 211 Price Sallie Wife F W 63 Georgia
127 191A 30 Price Silvia A. Daughter F B 5 Georgia
129 234B 117 Price Tommie Cousin M B 10 Georgia
130 255B 211 Price Will Head M W 65 Georgia
130 245B 16 Price William Head M B 36 Georgia
130 245B 16 Price William Son M B 8 Georgia
193 227B 82 Price Williamson Son M B 1 3/12 Georgia
192 202B 52 Pritchette Annie Daughter F W 15 Georgia
192 202B 52 Pritchette Ella Wife F W 47 Georgia
192 202B 52 Pritchette Fletcher Son M W 18 Georgia
192 202B 52 Pritchette George Son M W 23 Georgia
192 202B 52 Pritchette John Head M W 47 Georgia
192 202B 52 Pritchette Minnie Wife F W 23 Georgia
192 202B 52 Pritchette Wm. Son M W 12 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Carl Son M W 10 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Columbus Head M W 31 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Hany Daughter F W 8 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Hester Daughter F W 6 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Oda Wife F W 27 Georgia
131 261B 83 Probett Vestis Son M W 1 3/12 Georgia
126 188B 285 Purence Chalie Head M B 28 Georgia
126 188B 285 Purence Frank Son M B 4 Georgia
126 188B 285 Purence J. C. Son M B 2 Georgia
126 188B 285 Purence Julian Wife F B 22 Georgia
126 188B 285 Purence Marrie Daughter F B 5 Georgia
126 188B 285 Purence Mattie Daughter F B 8 Georgia
126 188B 285 Purence Willie A. Son M B 6 Georgia
129 232B 78 Puson Charles Head M B 30 Georgia
129 232B 78 Puson J. C. Son M B 2 1/12 Georgia
129 232B 78 Puson Julia Wife F B 21 Georgia
129 232B 78 Puson Mariah Daughter F B 5 Georgia
129 232B 78 Puson Mattie Daughter F B 9 Georgia
129 232B 78 Puson Will Amus Son M B 7 Georgia

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