1920 Census "S"

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
130 248A 57 Sanders Austin Head M W 28 Georgia
130 248A 57 Sanders Fhora Daughter F W 6 Georgia
130 249B 87 Sanders Flora Boarder F W 24 Georgia
192 204A 85 Sanders George Head M W 64 Georgia
130 248A 57 Sanders J. L. Son M W 9 Georgia
192 204A 85 Sanders Octavia Wife F W 67 Georgia
130 248A 57 Sanders Willie Wife F W 30 Georgia
192 205B 112 Sanfort Lillie Maye Daughter F B 10 Georgia
192 205B 112 Sanfort M. C. S. Son M B 10 Georgia
192 205B 112 Sanfort May May Daughter F B 8 Georgia
192 205B 112 Sanfort Pink Wife F B 33 Georgia
192 205B 112 Sanfort Robert Son M B 5 Georgia
192 205B 112 Sanfort Tildy Daughter F B 14 Georgia
192 205B 112 Sanfort Will Head M B 31 Georgia
127 196A 119 Sarden Acey Son M B 8 Georgia
127 190A 10 Sarden Anna Wife F B 27 Georgia
127 195B 119 Sarden Cleveland Son M B 13 Georgia
127 190A 10 Sarden Dolphus Son M B 8 Georgia
127 190A 10 Sarden Earnest Head M B 28 Georgia
127 195A 110 Sarden Edd Grand Son M B 6 Georgia
127 195A 110 Sarden George Grand Son M B 8 Georgia
127 190A 10 Sarden Josiph Son M B 9 Georgia
127 195A 110 Sarden Matilda A. Wife F B 54 Georgia
127 195B 119 Sarden Ophelia Daughter F B 14 Georgia
127 195B 119 Sarden Pearl Wife F B 28 Georgia
127 195A 110 Sarden Reese Head M B 65 Georgia
127 196A 119 Sarden Robt. Son M B 12 Georgia
127 195B 119 Sarden Usher Head M B 37 Georgia
125 164B 89 Sargeant Efran C. Father in law M W 68 South Carolina
125 164B 89 Sargeant Logan C. Brother in law M W 19 Georgia
130 256A 226 Sarrow Esther Daughter F W 6 Georgia
130 256A 226 Sarrow Frank Head M W 33 Georgia
130 256A 229 Sarrow Grace Daughter F W 22 Georgia
130 256A 226 Sarrow Inez Daughter F W 3 4/12 Georgia
130 256A 228 Sarrow Jislia Wife F W 51 Georgia
130 256A 228 Sarrow John Head M W 62 Georgia
130 256A 226 Sarrow Mamie Wife F W 28 Georgia
130 256A 227 Sarrow Myrtice Daughter F W 1 7/12 Georgia
130 256A 226 Sarrow Patrik Son M W 10 Georgia
192 207B 139 Sattat Mosell Adp. Daughter F W 15 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield Annie Daughter F W 12 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield Lizzie Daughter F W 8 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield Luther Son M W 14 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield Martha Wife F W 41 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield Mary Daughter F W 5 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield Nathanal Son M W 10 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield Roy Son M W 3/12 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield Simon Son M W 7 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield William Head M W 47 Georgia
128 214A 49 Satterfield Willie T. Son M W 3 Georgia
125 156B 46 Savage Aaron R. Head M W 32 Georgia
129 231A 50 Savage Amus T. Son M W 5 Georgia
129 231A 50 Savage Calas J. Head M W 50 Georgia
125 156B 45 Savage Clyde Son M W 9 Georgia
192 209B 192 Savage Den Head M W 20 Georgia
129 231A 50 Savage Enoch R. Son M W 14 Georgia
125 156B 45 Savage Ethel C. Daughter F W 7 Georgia
129 231A 50 Savage Harris C. Son M W 19 Georgia
125 156B 45 Savage Lessie E. Daughter F W 11 Georgia
129 231A 50 Savage Lewis C. Son M W 17 Georgia
125 156B 46 Savage Mary S. Wife F W 28 Georgia
129 231A 50 Savage Myrtle L. Daughter F W 7 Georgia
129 231A 50 Savage Nancey Wife F W 35 Georgia
129 231A 50 Savage Nettie M. Daughter F W 11 Georgia
192 209B 192 Savage Ollie Wife F W 18 Georgia
125 156B 45 Savage T. W. Son M W 5 Georgia
126 185A 223 Saxon Austin Head M W 26 Georgia
126 174B 15 Saxon Carlton Son M W 4 Georgia
126 174B 15 Saxon Casuby Son M W 13 Georgia
126 174B 15 Saxon Cora Wife F W 31 Georgia
126 185B 240 Saxon Earnest Head M W 24 Georgia
127 199B 195 Saxon Essie Daughter F W 43 Georgia
127 199B 195 Saxon Estelle Daughter F W 36 Georgia
129 234A 108 Saxon Ether Daughter in law F W 19 Georgia
192 200B 14 Saxon Hugh M. Head M W 65 South Carolina
126 185B 240 Saxon Irene Wife F W 22 Georgia
129 234A 108 Saxon J. T. Head M W 52 Georgia
192 200B 14 Saxon John Clovis Son M W 33 Georgia
129 234A 108 Saxon L. E. Son M W 23 Georgia
127 199B 196 Saxon Lawrence E. Son M W 16 Georgia
127 199B 196 Saxon Lee R. Son M W 18 Georgia
127 199B 195 Saxon Lewis W. Head M W 73 Georgia
127 199B 196 Saxon Lizzie Wife F W 46 Georgia
127 199B 196 Saxon Luther E. Head M W 47 Georgia
127 199B 196 Saxon Luther E. Son M W 11 Georgia
127 199B 196 Saxon Marguret H. Daughter F W 7 Georgia
129 234A 108 Saxon Marshall Grand son M W 1 1/12 Georgia
129 234A 108 Saxon Mattie Wife F W 55 Georgia
192 200B 14 Saxon Maunes Wife F W 67 Georgia
126 185B 240 Saxon Mildrad Daughter F W 1 Georgia
127 199B 196 Saxon Nora E. Daughter F W 20 Georgia
126 174B 15 Saxon Omer Head M W 37 Georgia
127 199B 196 Saxon Sarah M. Daughter F W 14 Georgia
126 185A 223 Saxon Tody Wife F W 20 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Alice Daughter F W 1/3 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Blanch Daughter F W 5 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Blancy Daughter F W 5 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Era Daughter F W 15 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Florence Daughter F W 9 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Horce Son M W 11 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Joe Son M W 7 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Lilie Wife F W 36 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Mabel Daughter F W 13 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Maxine Daughter F W 3 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Melba Daughter F W 3 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Newton Head M W 41 Georgia
126 180A 123 Scoggins Walter Son M W 16 Georgia
192 209A 180 Scot Eliza Wife F B 21 Georgia
192 209A 180 Scot Moses Head M B 21 Georgia
127 198B 177 Scott Burtie Cousin F B 14 Georgia
127 198B 177 Scott Francis Cousin F B 16 Georgia
193 226A 66 Scott John T. Head M W 48 Georgia
193 226A 66 Scott Joiciphine Wife F W 56 Georgia
127 199A 178 Scott Lena Cousin F B 17 Georgia
127 199A 177 Scott Lola Cousin F B 10 Georgia
127 199A 177 Scott Willie Cousin F B 11 Georgia
129 231A 52 Scroggins Ardell Daughter F W 11 Georgia
129 229A 6 Scroggins Gladis Daughter F W 6 Georgia
129 229A 6 Scroggins Hershall Son M W 9 Georgia
129 229A 6 Scroggins Huld E. Son M W 8 Georgia
129 229A 6 Scroggins Ida B. Daughter F W 12 Georgia
129 231A 52 Scroggins John N. Head M W 51 Georgia
129 229A 6 Scroggins Levi Son M W 18 Georgia
129 231A 52 Scroggins Martha Wife F W 40 Georgia
129 231A 52 Scroggins Montine Daughter F W 13 Georgia
129 231A 52 Scroggins Nell Daughter F W 8 Georgia
129 229A 6 Scroggins Richard Son M W 14 Georgia
129 229A 6 Scroggins Richard W. Head M W 52 Georgia
129 229A 6 Scroggins Wilban Son M W 17 Georgia
129 231A 52 Scroggins William Son M W 15 Georgia
129 229A 6 Scroggins Willie C. Wife F W 39 Georgia
127 194B 92 Scrubb Lillian Neice F B 8 Georgia
127 194B 92 Scrubb Oizza Neice F B 10 Georgia
127 199A 180 Segars Mary S. Sister in Law F W 72 Georgia
129 233A 96 Self *rintide Daughter F B 21 Georgia
129 233A 96 Self Buddie Son M B 21 Georgia
129 233A 96 Self John Head M B 51 Georgia
129 233B 96 Self Kenney Son M B 17 Georgia
129 233A 96 Self Sadie Daughter F B 22 Georgia
129 233A 96 Self Webb Son M B 18 Georgia
129 233A 96 Self Will Henry Son M B 29 Georgia
127 197A 139 Sexton Eura Step-Daughter F W 13 Georgia
127 197A 139 Sexton Grover C. Step-Son M W 10 Georgia
130 255A 202 Shaler Eli Head M B 33 Georgia
130 255A 202 Shaler Louie Son M B 17 Georgia
130 255A 202 Shaler Martha Wife F B 33 Georgia
130 255A 203 Shaler Wilbert Son M B 14 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Caustell Son M B 4 1/12 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Jarell Son M B 3 4/12 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Johnnie Son M B 10 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Laura B. Daughter F B 2 8/12 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Leroy S. Son M B 13 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Lillie M. Daughter F B 17 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Luellen Daughter F B 16 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Pauline Daughter F B 11 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Robert Head M B 55 Georgia
125 161A 28 Shankum Rowena Daughter F B 8 Georgia
130 257A 255 Shaton Ethel Daughter F W 15 Georgia
130 257A 255 Shaton Kate Head F W 42 Georgia
130 257A 256 Shaton Montine Daughter F W 11 Georgia
129 243A 269 Shaw Allie Daughter F W 19 Georgia
130 252B 161 Shaw Annie Daughter F B 4 2/12 Georgia
126 177B 76 Shaw Donnie Son M W 8 Georgia
130 252B 161 Shaw Ed Head M B 32 Georgia
126 177B 76 Shaw Elra A. Head M W 42 Georgia
128 217A 104 Shaw Hayes Son M W 1* Georgia
130 252B 162 Shaw Janeell Daughter F B 9/12 Georgia
126 177B 76 Shaw Louise Wife F W 38 Georgia
128 217A 104 Shaw Lovie Wife F W 36 Georgia
129 243A 269 Shaw M. M., Mrs. Head F W 44 Georgia
129 243A 269 Shaw Marjoe Daughter F W 10 Georgia
129 243A 269 Shaw Myrtie Daughter F W 9 Georgia
126 177B 76 Shaw R. Son M W 12 Georgia
130 252B 161 Shaw Reba Wife F B 21 Georgia
130 252B 161 Shaw Riseetta Daughter F B 2 4/12 Georgia
126 177B 76 Shaw Ruenell T. Daughter F W 5 Georgia
129 243A 269 Shaw Vamah Daughter F W 22 Georgia
128 217A 104 Shaw Wesley Head M W 36 Georgia
128 217A 104 Shaw Wesley, Jr. Son M W 9 Georgia
129 235B 137 Sheats Bob Son M B 3 4/12 Georgia
128 213B 41 Sheats Buck Farther M B 66 Georgia
128 214A 60 Sheats Clifford Son M B 11 Georgia
130 247A 41 Sheats Corine Wife F B 35 Georgia
130 247A 41 Sheats Corner Son M B 15 Georgia
131 264B 35 Sheats Curtis Son M B 11 Georgia
128 213B 41 Sheats Dezree Wife F B 19 Georgia
128 214B 63 Sheats Dora Lee Daughter F B 13 Georgia
128 214B 63 Sheats Earnest Son M B 7 Georgia
128 213B 41 Sheats Edd Brother M B 22 Georgia
131 264B 35 Sheats Enyor* Daughter F B 9 Georgia
128 214A 50 Sheats Essie Daughter F B 17 Georgia
129 239B 215 Sheats Estelle Daughter F B 11 Georgia
128 214A 50 Sheats Eva Daughter F B 14 Georgia
128 214A 50 Sheats Fannie Wife F B 38 Georgia
130 247A 41 Sheats Flesna Daughter F B 1 3/12 Georgia
128 214B 63 Sheats Glenn Son M B 2 Georgia
128 213B 41 Sheats Hertis Son M B 1 Georgia
128 214B 63 Sheats Ida mae Daughter F B 11 Georgia
131 264B 35 Sheats James Willie Son M B 8 Georgia
131 264B 35 Sheats Jim Head M B 40 Georgia
130 247A 41 Sheats Jinae Daughter F B 11 Georgia
130 247A 41 Sheats John Head M B 40 Georgia
128 214A 50 Sheats Leo Son M B 4 Georgia
129 239B 215 Sheats Lou Son M B 10 Georgia
131 264B 35 Sheats Louis Son M B 12 Georgia
129 239B 215 Sheats Luck Head M B 28 Georgia
128 214B 63 Sheats Lula Head F B 36 Georgia
128 214A 50 Sheats Luther Son M B 1 2/12 Georgia
129 239B 215 Sheats Mamie Wife F M 29 Georgia
131 264B 35 Sheats Marry B. Daughter F B 4 Georgia
131 264B 35 Sheats Mary B. Daughter F B 10 Georgia
129 235B 137 Sheats Mary L. Daughter F B 9 Georgia
131 264B 35 Sheats Maude Wife F B 38 Georgia
128 213B 41 Sheats Nick Head M B 24 Georgia
128 214A 50 Sheats Robert Son M B 6 Georgia
128 214A 50 Sheats Tom Son M B 8 Georgia
129 235B 137 Sheats Tommie Son M B 12 Georgia
128 214A 50 Sheats Viola Daughter F B 12 Georgia
128 214B 63 Sheats Waymon Son M B 8 Georgia
128 214A 50 Sheats Will Head M B 50 Georgia
131 264B 35 Sheats Will Henry Son M B 7 Georgia
129 235B 137 Sheats William Head M B 46 Georgia
125 165A 12 Sheets Annie M. Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 165A 102 Sheets George Head M B 46 Georgia
125 165A 102 Sheets Lucas Son M B 6 Georgia
125 165A 102 Sheets Marette Daughter F B 10 Georgia
131 264A 32 Sheilds Ben Son M B 6 Georgia
131 264A 32 Sheilds Charlie Son M B 18 Georgia
131 264A 32 Sheilds Henry Son M B 14 Georgia
131 264A 32 Sheilds Ida Head F B 42 Georgia
131 264A 32 Sheilds Jessy Son M B 8 Georgia
131 264A 32 Sheilds Sandra Son M B 12 Georgia
125 161A 29 Shelnutt Charlie Son M B 16 Georgia
125 161A 29 Shelnutt Curtis Son M B 8 Georgia
125 161A 29 Shelnutt George Son M B 7 Georgia
125 161A 29 Shelnutt Huldie Boarder F B 40 Georgia
125 161A 29 Shelnutt Roosevelt Son M B 13 Georgia
125 161A 29 Shelnutt Will Head M B 45 Georgia
130 257A 258 Shelnutte Allie Head M W 48 Georgia
130 257B 259 Shelnutte Donald Son M W 8 Georgia
130 257A 258 Shelnutte Edna Daughter F W 22 Georgia
130 257B 258 Shelnutte Gerald Son M W 16 Georgia
130 257A 258 Shelnutte Mary Wife F W 48 Georgia
130 257B 258 Shelnutte Pansy Daughter F W 10 Georgia
130 257B 258 Shelnutte Wilma Daughter F W 13 Georgia
131 269B 127 Sigan George Brother in Law M W 9 Georgia
131 269B 127 Sigan Sadie Sister in Law F W 13 Georgia
126 182B 164 Sigimoore Agnes Daughter F W 9 Georgia
126 182B 164 Sigimoore Curtis Sob M W 1 Georgia
126 182B 164 Sigimoore George Head M W 34 Georgia
126 182B 164 Sigimoore John Son M W 3 Georgia
126 182B 164 Sigimoore Mattie Wife F W 27 Georgia
126 182B 164 Sigimoore Mernet Son M W 7 Georgia
126 182B 164 Sigimoore Ordia Daughter F W 11 Georgia
128 220A 167 Siker Cora Daughter F W 9 Georgia
128 220A 167 Siker Grace Daughter F W 8 Georgia
128 220A 167 Siker Grady Head M W 30 Georgia
128 220A 167 Siker Leona Daughter F W 11 Georgia
128 220A 167 Siker Maybelle Wife F W 29 Georgia
128 218B 127 Sikes Charles Boading M B 31 Georgia
129 239B 224 Sikes Clifford Head M W 18 Georgia
130 248A 54 Sikes Edward Son M W 10 Georgia
130 248A 54 Sikes Mary Daughter F W 14 Georgia
129 231B 54 Silvery Hoyt Step Son M W 8 Georgia
129 231B 54 Silvery Irene Step daughter F W 12 Georgia
129 231B 54 Silvery Joseph Step Son M W 5 Georgia
126 178B 95 Sim Benjman Head M W 60 Georgia
126 178B 95 Sim Lidia Wife F W 62 Georgia
126 178B 95 Sim Mead brother in law M W 57 Georgia
127 190A 8 Simmons Braswell Servant M B 38 Georgia
193 223A 3 Simmons Dorathy Daughter F W 5 Georgia
193 223A 3 Simmons Eddie D. Head M W 32 Georgia
129 243B 278 Simmons J. H. Head M W 56 Georgia
129 243B 278 Simmons Lou Wife F W 46 Georgia
129 243B 278 Simmons Louise Daughter F W 6 Georgia
193 223A 3 Simmons Mary Daughter F W 14 Georgia
193 223A 3 Simmons Nellie Wife F W 32 Georgia
129 243B 278 Simmons Willie Belle Son F W 16 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Annie Daughter F B 18 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Bertha Daughter F B 8 Georgia
130 253B 177 Simms Birdie Daughter F B 8 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms John Son M B 17 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Mary Daughter F B 14 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Millie Wife F B 40 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Myrtle Daughter F B 13 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Palae Daughter F B 28 Georgia
130 253B 176 Simms Wess Head M B 65 Georgia
126 179B 120 Simon Clara Wife F B 40 Georgia
126 179B 120 Simon Lince Head M B 52 Georgia
126 179B 120 Simon Rattie Daughter F B 14 Georgia
126 179B 120 Simon Webb Son M B 8 Georgia
129 230B 34 Simpson Emelia Wife F B 28 Georgia
128 221A 186 Simpson Maggie mother in law F W 48 Georgia
128 221A 186 Simpson Mattie Daughter F W 12 Georgia
128 221A 186 Simpson Ruth Daughter F W 14 Georgia
129 230B 32 Simpson Sarge Head M B 47 South Carolina
128 219A 145 Sims Accie Head M B 20 Georgia
127 192A 49 Sims Ada B. Daughter F B 7 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Albert Son M B 2 4/12 Georgia
128 221B 199 Sims Albie Wife F W 28 Georgia
128 221A 190 Sims Annie Wife F W 37 Georgia
128 214B 56 Sims Annie Mae Daughter F B 9 Georgia
193 225A 44 Sims Bessie Wife F M 29 Georgia
128 215B 76 Sims Bettie Wife F B 38 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Blanche Daughter F B 9/12 Georgia
128 214B 56 Sims Bob Head M B 59 Georgia
193 225A 42 Sims Charlie Son M M 17 Georgia
130 246A 22 Sims Charlie Head M B 51 Georgia
193 225A 44 Sims Chester Son M M 7 Georgia
128 221A 194 Sims Clara Wife F W 18 Georgia
130 255A 199 Sims Claud Head M W 22 Georgia
128 214B 56 Sims Cora Daughter F B 15 Georgia
128 221A 194 Sims Corbet Head M W 31 Georgia
128 215B 76 Sims Dessie Belle Daughter F B 9 Georgia
128 220B 177 Sims Dick Head M W 69 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Ella Daughter F B 12 Georgia
128 214B 56 Sims Ella Wife F B 50 Georgia
128 220B 178 Sims Emma L. Daughter F W 14 Georgia
128 215B 76 Sims Erma Daughter F B 17 Georgia
193 225A 42 Sims Erwin Son M M 16 Georgia
193 225A 42 Sims Ester Daughter F M 14 Georgia
130 255A 199 Sims Eunyce Wife F W 20 Georgia
128 220B 178 Sims Euphas Son M W 11 Georgia
130 246A 24 Sims Florine Wife F B 19 Georgia
131 265A 45 Sims Francis Wife F B 24 Georgia
131 267B 91 Sims Francis G. H. Head M W 34 Georgia
126 181B 144 Sims Frank Son M B 10 Georgia
128 215B 76 Sims Geneva Daughter F B 2 Georgia
128 222A 215 Sims George Head M W 23 Georgia
130 246A 22 Sims George Son M B 18 Georgia
131 267B 91 Sims George L. Son M W 9 Georgia
126 181B 144 Sims Georgia Son M B 2 Georgia
128 220B 182 Sims Georgia Ann Aunt F W 74 Georgia
193 225A 44 Sims hallie Daughter F M 9 Georgia
126 181B 144 Sims Hattie Daughter F B 6 Georgia
131 267B 91 Sims Helen Daughter F W 12 Georgia
126 181B 144 Sims Henry Son M B 14 Georgia
128 220B 177 Sims Henry C. Son M W 27 Georgia
131 265A 45 Sims Herman Son M B 2 11/12 Georgia
131 267B 91 Sims Hester Daughter F W 14 Georgia
131 265A 45 Sims Hinkel Son M B 4 Georgia
128 220A 170 Sims Horace Son M W 10 Georgia
130 246A 22 Sims Inez Daughter F B 9 Georgia
128 215B 76 Sims James Son M B 6 Georgia
128 215B 76 Sims Jessie Lou Daughter F B 10 Georgia
126 181B 144 Sims Jim Head M B 47 Georgia
126 181B 144 Sims Joel Son M B 12 Georgia
128 222B 218 Sims John B. Son M W 1 8/12 Georgia
193 225A 44 Sims Johnie Head M M 33 Georgia
131 267B 91 Sims Johnie F. Son M W 3 9/12 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Joseph Head M B 34 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Joseph Son M B 8 Georgia
130 246A 22 Sims Julie Daughter F B 16 Georgia
128 222A 215 Sims Lamar Son M W 3 5/12 Georgia
130 246A 24 Sims Lan Head M B 19 Georgia
128 222A 212 Sims Lee Son M W 28 Georgia
126 181B 144 Sims Lizie Daughter F B 7 Georgia
193 225A 42 Sims Lizzie Wife F M 49 Georgia
128 214B 56 Sims Loucile Daughter F B 7 Georgia
128 222A 212 Sims Lula Head F W 51 Georgia
131 265A 45 Sims Luther Head M B 25 Georgia
193 225A 42 Sims Mac Head M M 59 Georgia
127 192A 49 Sims Macie Daughter F B 5/12 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Malissie Daughter F B 5 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Mallie Wife F B 34 Georgia
192 205A 105 Sims Manney Head M B 30 Georgia
192 205A 105 Sims Martha Wife F B 50 Georgia
126 181B 144 Sims Mary Wife F B 40 Georgia
128 220B 177 Sims Mary E. Wife F W 66 Georgia
127 192A 49 Sims Mary I. Wife F W 29 Georgia
128 221A 190 Sims Matry Daughter F W 11 Georgia
128 221A 194 Sims Mattie L. Daughter F W 2 3/12 Georgia
128 220B 178 Sims Maud M. Wife F W 32 Georgia
128 221A 193 Sims Mayola Daughter F W 2 6/12 Georgia
126 178A 85 Sims Minnie Wife F W 18 Georgia
128 219A 145 Sims Minnie Wife F B 16 Georgia
130 246A 22 Sims Molie Wife F B 51 Georgia
131 267B 91 Sims Mortie Son M W 7 Georgia
128 222B 218 Sims Myrtie Wife F W 21 Georgia
125 156B 40 Sims Nancy A. Mother-in-law F W 69 Georgia
128 215B 76 Sims Nathanial Head M B 53 Georgia
128 221A 193 Sims Nettie Wife F W 21 Georgia
193 225A 42 Sims Odessa Daughter F M 13 Georgia
127 192A 49 Sims Orin R. Head M W 31 Georgia
128 222A 215 Sims Pauline Wife F W 21 Georgia
128 222B 218 Sims Pelum Head M W 28 Georgia
128 221A 193 Sims Perry Head M W 26 Georgia
128 221A 193 Sims Perry, Jr. Son M W 1 6/12 Georgia
193 225A 43 Sims Philip Head M M 24 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Philip Son M B 7 Georgia
128 220B 178 Sims Richard E. Jr. Head M W 39 Georgia
128 215B 76 Sims Robert Son M B 12 Georgia
126 178A 85 Sims Robert L. Son M W 1 Georgia
128 212B 20 Sims Roy Son M B 9 Georgia
128 215B 75 Sims Roy Son M B 11 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Savannah Daughter F B 10 Georgia
128 220B 184 Sims Susan Wife F W 72 Georgia
193 225A 43 Sims Sweetie Wife F M 22 Georgia
130 248B 71 Sims Tildie Cousin F B 28 Georgia
193 225A 42 Sims Valena Daughter F M 19 Georgia
130 255A 200 Sims Vennie Daughter F W */12 Georgia
193 225A 42 Sims Vester Son M M 22 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Vester Son M B 10 Georgia
128 214B 56 Sims Vina mother F B 85 Georgia
128 214B 56 Sims Viola Daughter F B 13 Georgia
128 220A 170 Sims Viola Wife F W 34 Ohio
128 221A 190 Sims Weldon Head M W 41 Georgia
128 220A 170 Sims Wesley Head M W 44 Georgia
193 225A 42 Sims William Son M M 15 Georgia
193 225A 44 Sims William Son M M 6 Georgia
125 156A 30 Sims William Head M B 42 Georgia
128 221B 199 Sims William Head M W 34 Georgia
128 220B 184 Sims William G. Head M W 69 Georgia
193 227B 86 Sims Willie Son M B 13 Georgia
126 178A 85 Sims Willie Head M W 20 Georgia
128 215B 76 Sims Willie Daughter F B 14 Georgia
130 246A 22 Sims Willie B. Daughter F B 11 Georgia
131 267B 91 Sims Zephyr Wife F W 36 Georgia
128 220A 170 Sinms Christine Daughter F W 8 Georgia
131 259A 26 Sisk John L. Head M W 65 North Carolina
131 259A 26 Sisk Mary Wife F W 67 North Carolina
125 164B 89 Slaton Joe B. Head M W 48 Georgia
125 164B 89 Slaton Josephine Daughter F W 14 Georgia
125 164B 89 Slaton Minnie F. Wife F W 39 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton Ben Son M W 12 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton Jeff Son M W 3 4/12 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton Joe Son M W 2/12 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton Laura Wife F W 35 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton Martin Son M W 8 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton Matt Son M W 11 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton Russ Son M W 6 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton Sallie Daughter F W 14 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton Ted Son M W 9 Georgia
129 229A 5 Slayton William M. Head M W 47 Georgia
129 244B 302 Small Kittie Mother in law F W 55 Georgia
129 244B 302 Small Lucy Sister in law F W 24 Georgia
129 244B 302 Small Nellie Sister in law F W 21 Georgia
130 251A 119 Smelle Jewell Wife F W 19 Georgia
130 251A 119 Smelle John Head M W 25 Georgia
130 251A 120 Smelle William Son M W 6/12 Georgia
126 179A 103 Smelley Clara Daughter F W 14 Georgia
126 179A 103 Smelley Dillard Son M W 9 Georgia
126 179A 103 Smelley Joseph D. Head M W 42 Georgia
126 179A 103 Smelley May Daughter F W 4 Georgia
126 179A 103 Smelley Nora Wife F W 38 Georgia
125 155B 27 Smirth Sarah J. Daughter F W 6/12 Georgia
129 240B 244 Smith A. F. Head M W 44 Georgia
129 229B 15 Smith A. L., Jn. Son M W 7/12 Georgia
130 256B 241 Smith Agnes Wife F B 76 Georgia
193 226B 70 Smith Albert Son M M 8 Georgia
126 179B 117 Smith Alfred Son M B 7 Georgia
131 269B 128 Smith Alhny A. Son M W 10 Georgia
129 229B 15 Smith Alice E. Wife F W 33 Georgia
126 183A 169 Smith Alins Head M B 61 Georgia
127 193B 79 Smith Allice Wife F W 26 Georgia
131 265A 43 Smith Alvin L. Son M W 11 Georgia
126 179B 117 Smith Annie Wife F B 28 Georgia
126 185B 238 Smith Annie Head F B 39 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Annie Daughter F B 12 Georgia
130 253A 167 Smith Annie Wife F B 35 Georgia
126 186A 252 Smith Annie R. Daughter F B 6 Georgia
129 229B 15 Smith Arward L. Head M W 39 Georgia
126 179B 117 Smith Ben Head M B 46 Georgia
131 265A 43 Smith Ben A. Head M W 41 Georgia
126 179B 117 Smith Ben, Jr. Son M B 4 Georgia
127 193B 79 Smith Bernice Son M W 8 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Bernice Daughter F B 3 5/12 Georgia
131 261A 74 Smith Bertha Wife F W 20 Georgia
126 186A 253 Smith Bessie Wife F B 26 Georgia
127 193B 77 Smith Bessie R. Daughter F W 21 Georgia
125 173A 256 Smith Bettie Mother F B 64 Georgia
126 186A 252 Smith Bettie Daughter F B 4 Georgia
131 265A 43 Smith Bim J. Son M W 6 Georgia
126 179B 117 Smith Birdie Daughter F B 2 Georgia
192 200A 5 Smith Bob Head M B 37 Georgia
129 234B 118 Smith Bob Head M B 65 Georgia
130 253A 168 Smith Burgess Son M B 5 Georgia
193 226B 70 Smith Callie Daughter F M 31 Georgia
127 193B 79 Smith Calvin J. Son M W 1 3/12 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Carrie L. Daughter F M 12 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Charlie Son M M 7 Georgia
127 195B 111 Smith Charlie Son M B 1 2/12 Georgia
131 265A 43 Smith Charlie C. Son M W 17 Georgia
131 267A 86 Smith Charlie F. Head M W 63 Georgia
129 232A 77 Smith Claud Grand Son M M 16 Georgia
126 187B 274 Smith Claude Son M B 18 Georgia
129 230A 18 Smith Cleve Servant M B 16 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Clifford Son M B 2 7/12 Georgia
126 189A 295 Smith Cliford Head M B 29 Georgia
129 243A 273 Smith Clyde Son M W 13 Georgia
131 267A 86 Smith Clyde Daughter F W 19 Georgia
129 229B 17 Smith Codell Daughter Law F B 6 Georgia
192 200A 5 Smith Cora Wife F B 28 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Cora Daughter F B 5 Georgia
126 183A 169 Smith Corra Daughter F B 13 Georgia
192 201A 22 Smith Deleon Son M W 11 Georgia
127 192A 55 Smith Dena Wife F B 20 Georgia
126 180A 126 Smith Dothail Son M B 5 Georgia
129 240B 244 Smith Dovie Daughter F W 6 Georgia
192 207B 150 Smith Ed T. Head M W 42 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Eddie Son M B 7 Georgia
130 246A 31 Smith Edna Head M B 38 Georgia
126 174A 4 Smith Edward Son M W 16 Georgia
130 253A 167 Smith Elec Head M B 60 Georgia
129 229B 17 Smith Elizebeth Daughter Law F B 15 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Ella Daughter F B 9 Georgia
126 186A 252 Smith Elmer Daughter F B 7/12 Georgia
129 243A 273 Smith Emory Son M W 15 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Enery Son M B 15 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Enest Grandson M B 2 1/12 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Enna Daughter F B 13 Georgia
130 249B 88 Smith Erma Wife F B 33 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Eunice Daughter F B 11 Georgia
125 168A 158 Smith Eusanna Wife F B 30 Georgia
131 269B 128 Smith Fannie J. Daughter F W 18 Georgia
129 229B 15 Smith Fannie Lou Daughter F W 11 Georgia
131 269B 128 Smith Farnie Daughter F W 20 Georgia
126 189A 295 Smith Florence Wife F B 21 Georgia
125 170A 193 Smith Frances Wife F B 57 Georgia
125 155B 27 Smith Francis C. Son M W 3 4/12 Georgia
126 174A 4 Smith Frank Son M W 11 Georgia
128 215A 68 Smith Frank Head M W 37 South Carolina
126 189A 295 Smith Gennie mother in law F B 53 Georgia
192 202B 53 Smith George Albert Son M W 9 Georgia
192 202B 51 Smith George B. Head M W 72 Georgia
130 249B 89 Smith Georgie Son M B 7/12 Georgia
127 195A 111 Smith Guy Head M B 38 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Guy Son M B 6 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Hallie Daughter F B 1 11/12 Georgia
127 198B 172 Smith Hampton Uncle M B 78 Georgia
126 174A 4 Smith Helen Daughter F W 8 Georgia
126 180A 122 Smith Henry Head M B 28 Georgia
131 261A 74 Smith Henry G. Head M W 25 Georgia
129 243A 273 Smith Herbert Son M W 11 Georgia
192 202B 53 Smith Herman Head M W 35 Georgia
129 234B 118 Smith Herman Son M B 5 Georgia
192 201A 22 Smith Herschel Son M W 3 3/12 Georgia
130 254B 190 Smith Hinton Grandson M B 11/12 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Honas Son M B 17 Georgia
130 250B 109 Smith I. T. Son M W 5 Georgia
192 201A 22 Smith Ida Wife F W 35 Georgia
128 215A 68 Smith Ida Wife F W 25 South Carolina
192 205A 97 Smith India Wife F B 54 Georgia
126 180A 122 Smith Ira D. Son M B 2 Georgia
129 243A 273 Smith J. Osco Head M W 45 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith J. W. Son M M 5 Georgia
131 264A 26 Smith Jacob Head M W 63 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith James Son M M 13 Georgia
125 170A 193 Smith James Grandson M B 11 Georgia
127 192A 51 Smith James Son M B 7 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith James Son M B 11 Georgia
130 249B 88 Smith James Son M B 3 4/12 Georgia
126 174A 4 Smith James H. Son M W 13 Georgia
127 192B 61 Smith Jarrel C. M B 12 Georgia
125 155B 27 Smith Jeanette Daughter M W 13 Georgia
127 193B 80 Smith Jeff D. Head M W 57 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Jenie Wife F B 33 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Jessie Daughter F B 19 Georgia
125 173A 256 Smith Jett Head M B 34 Georgia
127 193B 79 Smith Jewel Daughter F W 12 Georgia
126 174A 4 Smith Joel W. Head M W 39 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith John Head M B 37 Georgia
127 193B 79 Smith John H. Head M W 35 Georgia
127 193B 79 Smith John H. Son M W 6 Georgia
125 155B 27 Smith John R. Son M W 11 Georgia
128 215A 68 Smith Johnie Son M W 3 Georgia
129 229B 15 Smith Johnson Son M W 6 Georgia
126 180A 122 Smith Joseph Son M B 4 Georgia
131 269B 128 Smith Joseph C. Son M W 6 Georgia
126 186A 252 Smith Julia Daughter F B 10 Georgia
127 192A 51 Smith Julia Wife F B 30 Georgia
192 201A 22 Smith Jurell Daughter F W 8 Georgia
126 180A 122 Smith Kallie Wife F B 19 Georgia
129 229B 15 Smith Kattie Mae Daughter F W 14 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith L. I. Son M B 3 11/12 Georgia
192 200A 7 Smith Laur Step Child F B 8 Georgia
126 174A 4 Smith Lena Wife F W 40 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Lena Daughter F B 14 Georgia
130 253A 167 Smith Leona Son M B 13 Georgia
130 249B 88 Smith Leroy Son M B 11 Georgia
125 155B 27 Smith Lila C. Wife F W 38 Georgia
126 183A 169 Smith Lilian Daughter F B 12 Georgia
127 193B 79 Smith Lilla Daughter F W 10 Georgia
127 195B 111 Smith Liza Daughter F B 3 11/12 Georgia
130 250B 110 Smith Loise Daughter F W 3 2/12 Georgia
131 265A 43 Smith Lona B. Daughter F W 8 Georgia
192 202B 51 Smith Lottie Daughter F W 38 Georgia
126 180A 126 Smith Lottie Son F B 13 Georgia
131 265A 43 Smith Louis Son M W 14 Georgia
126 174A 4 Smith Louise Daughter F W 13 Georgia
129 243A 273 Smith Louise Daughter F W 9 Georgia
126 180A 126 Smith Lovina Daughter F B 29 Georgia
126 186A 253 Smith Mack Head M B 32 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Maggie Wife F M 35 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Maggie Daughter F B 9 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Magnolia Daughter F M 11 Georgia
125 168A 158 Smith Magnolia Daughter F B 1 6/12 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Mamie Wife F B 37 Georgia
126 183A 169 Smith Manny Wife F B 33 Georgia
192 202B 53 Smith Marie Wife F W 27 Georgia
130 249B 88 Smith Marion Head M B 35 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Marshall Son M M 9 Georgia
192 202B 53 Smith Martha Sue Daughter F W 6 Georgia
192 200A 5 Smith Mary Daughter F B 9 Georgia
127 193B 79 Smith Mary Daughter F W 14 Georgia
127 194A 80 Smith Mary Wife F W 62 Georgia
131 264A 26 Smith Mary A. Wife F W 67 Georgia
127 195A 108 Smith Matilda Wife F B 65 Georgia
129 234B 118 Smith Mattie Wife F B 47 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Maude Daughter F B 8 Georgia
192 201A 22 Smith Millard Head M W 38 Georgia
130 249B 88 Smith Mino* Daughter F B 5 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Molie Daughter F B 6 Georgia
192 202B 51 Smith Myrt Daughter F W 46 Georgia
126 180A 126 Smith Ned Head M B 70 Georgia
192 200B 12 Smith Neely Maude Grand daughter F B 2 Georgia
127 195A 111 Smith Nellie Wife F B 29 Georgia
129 243A 273 Smith Nellie Wife F W 46 Georgia
192 200A 5 Smith Nelly Maude Daughter F B 3 Georgia
192 200A 7 Smith Nora Head F B 39 Georgia
127 195B 111 Smith Obadia Son M B 7 Georgia
131 269B 128 Smith Octavia Wife F W 44 Georgia
192 207B 150 Smith Oneal Son M W 8 Georgia
193 226A 65 Smith Pecola Grand daughter F B 13 Georgia
130 246B 31 Smith Quella Daughter F B 8/12 Georgia
131 269B 128 Smith R. Dolphus Head M W 51 Georgia
129 243A 273 Smith Ralph Son M W 19 Georgia
128 215A 68 Smith Refus Son M W 8/12 Georgia
125 168A 158 Smith Robert Head M B 45 Georgia
125 155B 27 Smith Robert H. Head M W 57 Georgia
130 249B 88 Smith Roberta Daughter F B 9 Georgia
127 192B 61 Smith Rosa Sister F B 35 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Rosie Daughter F B 18 Georgia
192 201A 22 Smith Rubye Daughter F W 13 Georgia
192 207B 150 Smith Rubye Wife F W 30 Georgia
129 240B 244 Smith Sallie Wife F W 34 Georgia
127 193B 77 Smith Sallie E. Wife F W 65 Georgia
126 178A 91 Smith Sam Boarder M B 15 Georgia
192 208B 167 Smith Sarah Wife F W 70 Georgia
131 267A 86 Smith Sarah F. Wife F W 58 Georgia
131 265A 43 Smith Sarah L. Wife F W 39 Georgia
192 208B 167 Smith Smith Wess Son M W 43 Georgia
130 256B 240 Smith Squire Head M B 78 Georgia
192 202B 51 Smith Susan Ida Wife F W 67 Georgia
192 202B 51 Smith Susie Daughter F W 28 Georgia
126 179B 117 Smith Susie Daughter F B 6 Georgia
130 253A 167 Smith Susie Daughter F B 6 Georgia
125 167A 139 Smith Susie M. Daughter F B 3 7/12 Georgia
192 208B 167 Smith Taylor Head M W 70 Georgia
126 186A 252 Smith Thelma Daughter F B 7/12 Georgia
127 195A 108 Smith Theodore Head M B 68 Georgia
130 254B 189 Smith Thomas Head M B 40 Georgia
126 180A 126 Smith Toser Daughter F B 13 Georgia
127 192A 51 Smith Walter Head M B 33 Georgia
127 195B 111 Smith Walter J. Son M B 6 Georgia
192 201A 22 Smith Waren Son M W 6 Georgia
128 215A 68 Smith Waver Son M W 7 South Carolina
131 261A 74 Smith Wenell Daughter F W 1 7/12 Georgia
192 205A 97 Smith Will Head M B 53 Georgia
125 170A 193 Smith Will Head M B 60 Georgia
130 249B 88 Smith William Son M B 12 Georgia
127 192A 55 Smith William A. Head M B 32 Georgia
131 269B 128 Smith William B. Son M W 16 Georgia
131 265A 43 Smith William L. Son M W 15 Georgia
127 193B 77 Smith William T. Head M W 66 Georgia
126 187B 274 Smith Willie Head M B 53 Georgia
127 192A 51 Smith Willie Son M B 5 Georgia
127 195B 111 Smith Willie Son M B 5 Georgia
131 265A 43 Smith Willis Son M W 5 Georgia
192 200A 7 Smith Wolver Grand Child M B 4 Georgia
128 215B 71 Snellings Clay Son M W 10 Georgia
128 215B 71 Snellings Elizebeth Daughter F W 7 Georgia
128 215A 71 Snellings Henry Head M W 41 Georgia
128 215B 71 Snellings Hershal Son M W 13 Georgia
128 215A 71 Snellings Mattie Wife F W 38 Georgia
128 215B 71 Snellings Paul Son M W 16 Georgia
128 215B 71 Snellings Roy Son M W 1 6/12 Georgia
128 215B 71 Snellings Samson Son M W 4 Georgia
128 215B 71 Snellings Willie Daughter F W 18 Georgia
193 227A 76 Sorrell Rabon Boarder M B 31 Georgia
192 204A 85 Sorrow Leb Head M W 36 Georgia
192 204A 85 Sorrow Mollie Wife F W 39 Georgia
192 201A 26 Sorrow Ruth Wife F W 28 Georgia
192 201A 26 Sorrow Tom W. Head M W 33 Georgia
193 225B 51 Sosbee Annie Daughter F W 8 Georgia
193 225B 51 Sosbee Ellie Wife F W 28 Georgia
193 225B 51 Sosbee James Head M W 34 Georgia
193 225B 51 Sosbee Marie Daughter F W 5 Georgia
193 225B 51 Sosbee Raymond Son M W 2 1/12 Georgia
193 225B 51 Sosbee Roy Son M W 9 Georgia
130 256B 233 Sparks *. *. Nephew M W 10 Georgia
130 256B 232 Sparks A. E. Nephew M W 14 Georgia
130 256B 232 Sparks Irenie Neice F W 13 Georgia
129 244B 306 Spratlin Charlie Son M W 12 Georgia
129 244B 306 Spratlin Clifford Son M W 6 Georgia
129 234B 115 Spratlin Coile Son M W 11 Georgia
129 234B 115 Spratlin Fannie Wife F W 37 Georgia
129 244B 306 Spratlin Fannie Wife F W 34 Georgia
129 234B 115 Spratlin Guy Son M W 17 Georgia
129 234B 115 Spratlin Henry Son M W 8 Georgia
129 234B 115 Spratlin Holstine Head M W 39 Georgia
129 234B 115 Spratlin Hubert Son M W 4 3/12 Georgia
129 244B 306 Spratlin J. F. Head M W 37 Georgia
129 234B 115 Spratlin Lillie mae Daughter F W 14 Georgia
129 244B 306 Spratlin Pearl Daughter F W 1 1/12 Georgia
129 244B 306 Spratlin Robert Son M W 4 1/12 Georgia
129 234B 115 Spratlin Sybil Son M W 1 5/12 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Bonnie S. Daughter F W 14 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Gertrude Daughter F W 16 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Henry D. Son M W 19 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Lavonia Daughter F W 8 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Martha S. Wife F W 23 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Paul Son M W 12 Georgia
125 167A 136 Spratling Pelham Head M W 45 Georgia
192 208B 164 Stanly Bertha Wife F W 34 Georgia
192 208B 164 Stanly Lary Son M W 12 Georgia
192 208A 164 Stanly Robert Homer Head M W 39 Georgia
192 208B 164 Stanly Willie May Daughter F W 5 Georgia
130 245A 9 Stelmar Anne L. Daughter F W 21 Georgia
130 245A 9 Stelmar Charlie Son in Law M W 32 Georgia
131 268A 102 Stephens Blanche Daughter F W 6 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Callie M. Daughter F B 7 Georgia
125 162B 60 Stephens Carrie L. Daughter F B 3 0/12 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Claudie Son M B 10 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Clemens Son M B 10 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Cora L. Daughter F B 9 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Dave, Jr. Head M B 35 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Dave, Sr. Head M B 60 Georgia
131 267B 102 Stephens Dewey Son M W 16 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Ellen Wife F B 28 Georgia
125 162B 60 Stephens Elvin Son M B 9 Georgia
131 267B 102 Stephens Emma Wife F W 39 Georgia
125 161B 39 Stephens Eula M. Daughter F M 19 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Eula Mae Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 165B 109 Stephens Frances Daughter F B 1/12 Georgia
130 250A 102 Stephens Grady Head M B 26 Georgia
131 268A 102 Stephens Grady Son M W 14 Georgia
125 165B 109 Stephens Hazel Daughter F B 7 Georgia
192 209A 176 Stephens Henry Head M B 19 Georgia
125 162B 56 Stephens Herschel Head M B 19 Georgia
125 161B 39 Stephens Hocie Son M B 11 Georgia
131 268A 102 Stephens Homer Son M W 2 1/12 Georgia
125 162B 60 Stephens Hosey Head M B 40 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Idella Daughter F B 12 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Ieunice Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 162B 56 Stephens Jessie Wife F B 19 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Jim Head M B 32 Georgia
125 161B 39 Stephens Johnnie Head M B 60 Georgia
125 165B 109 Stephens June Head M B 26 Georgia
193 225A 42 Stephens Leroy Grand Son M M 8 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Lilla Wife F B 30 Georgia
125 162B 60 Stephens Lizzie Wife F B 25 Georgia
125 165B 109 Stephens Lola Wife F B 24 Georgia
131 267B 102 Stephens Luther Head M W 37 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Maria Wife F B 42 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Marie Daughter F B 4 1/12 Georgia
125 161B 39 Stephens Mattie Wife F B 54 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Modine Daughter F B 11 Georgia
131 268A 102 Stephens Norman Son M W 8/12 Georgia
125 161B 39 Stephens Oliwee Daughter F M 13 Georgia
125 161B 39 Stephens Osby Son M B 16 Georgia
125 165B 107 Stephens Otis Son M B 12 Georgia
125 162B 60 Stephens P. C. Son M B 4 1/12 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Rogers Son M B 3 2/12 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Roy Son M B 14 Georgia
131 268A 102 Stephens Ruby Daughter F W 9 Georgia
125 165B 110 Stephens Ruhl Son M B 5 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Ruth Daughter F B 6 Georgia
130 250A 102 Stephens Vertie Son M B 4 7/12 Georgia
130 250A 102 Stephens Viola Wife F B 26 Georgia
125 172A 236 Stephens Willie Son M B 1/12 Georgia
130 250A 103 Stephens Willie Son M B 3 11/12 Georgia
126 175B 43 Sterling Annie M. Daughter F W 22 Georgia
126 175B 43 Sterling Annie S. Wife F W 44 Georgia
126 175B 43 Sterling James D. Head M W 52 Ala.
126 176A 43 Sterling James D., Jr. Son M W 4 Georgia
126 176A 43 Sterling Janette Daughter F W 9 Georgia
126 175B 43 Sterling Louise Daughter F W 16 Georgia
126 176A 43 Sterling Marvin Daughter F W 11 Georgia
126 175B 43 Sterling Stewart Son M W 30 Georgia
126 176A 43 Sterling William Son M W 13 Georgia
129 230B 36 Steuart Mamie Servant F B 25 Georgia
129 240B 245 Stewart Arie A. Wife F B 49 Georgia
129 240B 245 Stewart Carrie Daughter F B 24 Georgia
129 240B 245 Stewart Danial Head M B 70 Georgia
129 240B 245 Stewart Henry Son M B 16 Georgia
129 240B 245 Stewart Jeff Son M B 13 Georgia
129 240B 245 Stewart Leroy Soon M B 20 Georgia
125 160B 21 Stonall Lelma Daughter
125 160B 21 Stonall Paris Son M B 10 Georgia
125 160B 21 Stonall Susie Wife F B 33 Georgia
125 160B 21 Stonall Velma Daughter F B 12 Georgia
125 161A 21 Stonall Virtis Son M B 1 6/12 Georgia
125 160B 21 Stonall Will Head M B 37 Georgia
125 160B 21 Stonall Willie Son M B 5 Georgia
130 251A 123 Stone Alton Head M W 46 Georgia
129 235A 132 Stone Charlie Head M B 27 Georgia
130 251A 123 Stone Estell Wife F W 34 Georgia
130 251A 124 Stone John Son M W 12 Georgia
129 235A 132 Stone Kattie Wife F B 29 Georgia
130 251A 123 Stone Roger Son M W 15 Georgia
130 251A 123 Stone Warren Son M W 14 Georgia
126 186A 247 Stonewall Polean ****** M B 13 Georgia
126 188B 283 Stout Eunice Daughter F W 13 Georgia
126 188B 283 Stout Jese B. Head M W 49 Georgia
126 188B 283 Stout Louise Daughter F W 4 Georgia
126 188B 283 Stout Lulia Wife F W 41 Georgia
126 188B 283 Stout Thomas Son M W 20 Georgia
126 188B 283 Stout Walter Son M W 8 Georgia
131 258B 12 Stovall Alie Gran Daughter F W 22 Georgia
192 204B 90 Stovall Angelo Son M W 17 Georgia
192 205A 103 Stovall Daisie Daughter F W 9 Georgia
192 206A 114 Stovall Deal Border M B 21 Georgia
192 204B 92 Stovall Evy E. Wife F W 73 Georgia
125 155B 18 Stovall Florine Daughter F W 14 Georgia
192 204B 91 Stovall Hellen Daughter F W 2 7/12 Georgia
131 258B 12 Stovall Lena Gran Daughter F W 24 Georgia
192 204B 91 Stovall Linnie May Wife F W 24 Georgia
125 155B 18 Stovall Louise Daughter F W 23 Georgia
125 155B 18 Stovall Madeline Daughter F W 18 Georgia
192 204B 91 Stovall Margretha Daughter F W 7 Georgia
192 204B 92 Stovall Mark E. Head M W 74 Georgia
131 258A 12 Stovall Mattie Daughter F W 54 Georgia
192 204B 90 Stovall Minnie Wife F W 50 Georgia
192 205A 103 Stovall Os R. Head M W 41 Georgia
192 204B 90 Stovall Otis Son M W 12 Georgia
192 204B 91 Stovall Powhatan W. Head M W 36 Georgia
125 155B 18 Stovall Sallie B. Head F W 44 Georgia
192 204B 91 Stovall Sarah Daughter F W 4 7/12 Georgia
192 205A 103 Stovall Shelbie Wife F W 48 Georgia
192 204B 91 Stovall Virginia Daughter F W 7/12 Georgia
192 205A 103 Stovall Willie Frank Son M W 12 Georgia
192 204B 90 Stovall Wm. Head M W 51 Georgia
126 183B 186 Stovewall Bell Daughter F B 15 Georgia
126 183B 186 Stovewall John Head M B 60 Georgia
126 183B 186 Stovewall Marie Wife F B 40 Georgia
130 256B 236 Stow Rose Wife F W 33 Georgia
130 256B 237 Stow Shirley Daughter F W 1 3/12 Georgia
130 256B 236 Stow Thomas Head M W 34 Georgia
130 256B 236 Stow Thomas, Jr. Son M W 4 1/12 Georgia
129 234B 117 Stowall John H. Son M B 16 Georgia
129 234B 117 Stowall Marian Nephew M B 12 Georgia
129 234B 117 Stowall Matt Head M B 53 Georgia
129 234B 117 Stowall Sweat B. Daughter F B 14 Georgia
125 170A 201 Strand John Head M B 21 Georgia
125 170A 200 Strand Katie L. Wife F B 17 Georgia
129 231B 63 Strange Ernest Step Son M B 7 Georgia
130 245B 20 Strickland Clifferd Son M W 10 Georgia
130 246A 20 Strickland Florene Daughter F W 2 3/12 Georgia
130 245B 20 Strickland Holman Son M W 4 2/12 Georgia
131 267A 85 Strickland James B. Head M W 64 Georgia
130 245B 20 Strickland John Head M W 34 Georgia
130 245B 20 Strickland Larra Wife F W 30 Georgia
131 267A 85 Strickland Mary E. Wife F W 63 Georgia
130 245B 20 Strickland Massie Daughter F W 8 Georgia
126 174B 19 Strictland Son M B 6 Georgia
126 174B 20 Strictland Ethel Servant F B 14 Georgia
126 174B 19 Strictland Fannie Wife F B 20 Georgia
126 174B 19 Strictland John Head M B 24 Georgia
126 187B 271 Stroud Anderson Head M B 28 Georgia
129 234B 116 Stroud Anna Wife F B 45 Georgia
127 194A 82 Stroud Annie B. Daughter F B 8 Georgia
192 201B 34 Stroud Annie Lou Wife F B 15 Georgia
192 201B 34 Stroud Charlie Head M B 21 Georgia
126 187B 271 Stroud Daisy Wife F B 22 Georgia
129 234B 116 Stroud Daisy Daughter F B 14 Georgia
126 186B 260 Stroud Edison Son M B 5 Georgia
126 186B 260 Stroud Edward Head M B 48 Georgia
126 186B 260 Stroud Elise Daughter F B 6 Georgia
129 234B 116 Stroud Emma Daughter F B 18 Georgia
127 194A 82 Stroud Floyd Son M B 3 2/12 Georgia
127 194A 82 Stroud Fred Son M B 2 Georgia
126 186B 260 Stroud Georgia Son M B 12 Georgia
129 234B 116 Stroud Grace Daughter F B 12 Georgia
192 201B 34 Stroud Grady Brother M B 19 Georgia
129 234B 116 Stroud Hattie Grand Daughter F B 3 6/12 Georgia
126 186B 260 Stroud Idina B. Daughter F B 8 Georgia
127 194A 82 Stroud Isabelle Wife F B 23 Georgia
127 194A 82 Stroud John Son M B 3/12 Georgia
126 186B 260 Stroud Lilliman Son M B 14 Georgia
192 201B 34 Stroud Louise Wife F B 16 Georgia
127 194A 82 Stroud Love Head M B 31 Georgia
126 186B 260 Stroud Matilada Daughter F B 3 Georgia
126 186B 260 Stroud Mattie Wife F B 39 Georgia
126 187B 271 Stroud Mattie M. Daughter F B 1 Georgia
126 186B 260 Stroud Soloman Son M B 9 Georgia
126 187B 271 Stroud Thomas Son M B 4 Georgia
129 234B 116 Stroud Tommie Son M B 16 Georgia
126 187B 271 Stroud Warl Daughter F B 2 Georgia
129 234B 116 Stroud Will Head M B 51 Georgia
127 194A 82 Stroud Willie B. Son M B 4 6/12 Georgia
130 254B 193 Stuart Chester Son M W 3 11/12 Georgia
130 254B 193 Stuart Cuel Son M W 6 Georgia
125 161B 31 Stuart Harold S. Son M W 14 Georgia
125 161B 31 Stuart Henrietta F. Daughter F W 10 Georgia
125 161B 31 Stuart Henry B. Head M W 33 Georgia
125 161B 31 Stuart J. R. Son M W 4 1/12 Georgia
130 254B 193 Stuart James Head M W 36 Georgia
130 254B 193 Stuart Janes Son M W 8 Georgia
130 254B 194 Stuart Kate Daughter F W 1 9/12 Georgia
125 161B 31 Stuart Mary A. Daughter F W 10/12 Georgia
130 254B 193 Stuart Mattie Wife F W 33 Georgia
125 161B 31 Stuart Nellie L. Wife F W 33 Georgia
130 254B 193 Stuart Vestra Son M W 11 Georgia
125 168B 166 Sull Fred Head M B 27 Georgia
125 168B 166 Sull Julia Wife F B 22 Georgia
126 177B 74 Sutherland Agnes Daughter F W 15 Georgia
126 177B 74 Sutherland Elsie Daughter F W 4 Georgia
126 177B 74 Sutherland Girthard Daughter F W 5/12 Georgia
126 177B 74 Sutherland Howard Son M W 10 Georgia
126 177B 74 Sutherland Ophelia Wife F W 36 Georgia
126 177B 74 Sutherland Walden Son M W 19 Georgia
126 177B 74 Sutherland William Head M W 40 Georgia
126 177A 68 Swatak Katherne Daughter F W 26 Georgia
131 258B 14 Sykes Ethel Sister F W 40 Georgia
131 258B 19 Sykes James M. Head M W 70 Georgia
131 258B 19 Sykes Maggie A. Sister F W 78 Georgia
131 258B 14 Sykes Mancy Head F W 64 Georgia
131 258B 14 Sykes Robert W. Brother M W 54 Georgia
129 231B 62 Syshat Henry Brother in law M B 16 Georgia

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