1920 Census "T"

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 162A 43 Talbert Scott Boarder M W 22 Georgia
126 177A 70 Tarpley Alfred E. Son M W 1/14 Georgia
126 177A 69 Tarpley Bessie Daughter F W 19 Georgia
126 177A 70 Tarpley Gussie Wife F W 30 Georgia
126 177A 70 Tarpley Harold Son M W 7 Georgia
126 177A 69 Tarpley Howel Son M W 24 Georgia
126 177A 70 Tarpley Hugh D. Son M W 3 Georgia
126 177A 69 Tarpley Joel Head M W 60 Georgia
126 177A 70 Tarpley Joel Head M W 32 Georgia
126 177A 70 Tarpley Russel Son M W 11 Georgia
126 174A 1 Tate Marttia Wife F W 65 Georgia
126 174A 1 Tate Mary Daughter F W 16 Georgia
126 174A 1 Tate Staling G. Head M W 64 Georgia
125 170A 203 Taylor Arvil H. Head M W 20 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Asberry Son M B 8 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Bessie Daughter F B 10 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Cleo Daughter F B 19 Georgia
125 171B 233 Taylor Clyde Wife F B 32 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Elvan Son M B 12 Georgia
130 257A 258 Taylor Ema Daughter F W 17 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Ethel Daughter F B 8 Georgia
126 181A 142 Taylor Ferdan Daughter F B 12 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor George Head M B 35 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Hewell Son M B 4 */12 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Jim Son M B 1 1/12 Georgia
125 171B 233 Taylor Jim Head M B 34 Georgia
126 181B 142 Taylor Joe brother M B 48 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Joe H. Son M B 5 Georgia
126 181A 142 Taylor John Son M B 10 Georgia
130 257A 257 Taylor John L. Head M W 57 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Levie Daughter F B 13 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Lizah Daughter F B 4 1/12 Georgia
126 181A 142 Taylor Lizie Daughter F B 16 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Marie Daughter F B 7 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Mattie Daughter F B 6 Georgia
130 257A 257 Taylor Mattie Wife F W 49 Georgia
125 172A 233 Taylor Minnie L. Daughter F B 6 Georgia
126 181A 139 Taylor Poper Boarder M B 20 Georgia
126 181A 142 Taylor Rose Head F B 26 Georgia
126 181B 142 Taylor Ruby Daughter F B 3 Georgia
125 170A 203 Taylor Ruby T. Wife F W 16 Georgia
129 237B 178 Taylor Sack Wife F B 36 Georgia
126 181A 142 Taylor Truele Daughter F B 5 Georgia
126 181A 142 Taylor Wesley Son M B 7 Georgia
126 181A 142 Taylor Willie M. Son M B 9 Georgia
126 181B 149 Taylor Woodson Boarder M B 20 Georgia
125 162A 40 Tederix Amanda Daughter F B 15 Georgia
125 161B 36 Tederix Joe S. Head M B 32 Georgia
125 161B 36 Tederix Johnnie Son M B 11 Georgia
125 162A 40 Tederix Johnnie Grandson M B 1 0/12 Georgia
125 161B 36 Tederix Laura Daughter F B 6 Georgia
125 161B 36 Tederix Lena Wife F B 32 Georgia
125 161B 40 Tederix Lola Daughter F B 19 Georgia
125 162A 40 Tederix Mary Daughter F B 14 Georgia
125 161B 40 Tederix Mollie Wife F B 42 Georgia
125 161B 40 Tederix Westly Head M B 50 Georgia
125 162A 40 Tederix Willie Daughter F B 8 Georgia
130 250B 107 Tedrick Charlie Head M M 24 Georgia
130 250B 108 Tedrick Curtis Son M M 1/12 Georgia
130 250B 107 Tedrick Ruby Wife F M 19 Georgia
129 231B 66 Telder D. R. Head M W 62 Georgia
129 231B 66 Telder Sarah Ann Wife F W 52 Georgia
129 231B 66 Teldfer Rowan Son M W 23 Georgia
128 214B 61 Tells Mary Jane Servant F B 50 Georgia
126 184B 216 Tench Clanie Wife F W 34 Georgia
126 184B 216 Tench Eesstin Son M W 21 Georgia
126 184B 216 Tench Ethel Daughter F W 16 Georgia
126 184B 216 Tench Thelma Daughter F W 9 Georgia
126 184B 216 Tench Willie Head M W 45 Georgia
129 241B 266 Tendall B. Head M B 40 Georgia
129 241B 266 Tendall Calvin Son M B 18 Georgia
129 241B 266 Tendall Choice Daughter F B 14 Georgia
129 241B 266 Tendall Delia Daughter F B 12 Georgia
129 241B 266 Tendall Ella Wife F B 41 Georgia
129 241B 261 Tendall Gary Father M B 80 Georgia
129 241B 266 Tendall Georgia Daughter F B 16 Georgia
129 241B 261 Tendall Harrison Head M B 26 Georgia
129 242A 266 Tendall Maggie Daughter F B 10 Georgia
129 241B 266 Tendall Ralph Son M B 20 Georgia
129 231A 46 Terrell Atrell Daughter F B 14 Georgia
129 231A 46 Terrell Harvie Son M B 16 Georgia
129 231A 46 Terrell John Head M B 38 Georgia
129 231A 46 Terrell Mary Wife F B 38 Georgia
129 231A 46 Terrell Tom B. Son M B 12 Georgia
130 250A 100 Th***d Anie Wife F B 33 Georgia
130 250A 100 Th***d Non Head M B 50 Georgia
125 169A 176 Thacker Florrie Daughter F W 21 Georgia
125 169A 176 Thacker Gray T. Son M W 19 Georgia
125 169A 176 Thacker Harry J. Son M W 15 Georgia
125 169A 176 Thacker Hettie M. Wife F W 47 Georgia
125 169A 176 Thacker Jim E. Head M W 54 Georgia
125 169A 176 Thacker Warren P. Son M W 10 Georgia
130 249B 89 Thermond Ara Head F B 47 Georgia
130 249B 89 Thermond John Son M B 16 Georgia
130 251B 134 Thermond Johnie Head M B 21 Georgia
130 250A 97 Thermond Sallie Sister in Law F W 51 Georgia
130 251B 135 Thermond Sara Wife F B 22 Georgia
130 249B 89 Thermond Sidney Son M B 14 Georgia
130 249B 90 Thermond Tulebone Son M B 10 Georgia
130 249B 89 Thermond Willie Son M B 12 Georgia
128 212B 28 Thomas Albert Son M B 9 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Albert Head M B 35 Georgia
129 239A 213 Thomas Andrew Son M B 11 Georgia
130 252B 160 Thomas Anna Head F W 51 Georgia
126 188B 287 Thomas Annie Wife F B 20 Georgia
129 232B 80 Thomas Annie B. Wife F B 20 Georgia
129 230B 41 Thomas Annie Lou Wife F B 22 Georgia
126 181A 140 Thomas Bellie Daughter F B 6 Georgia
129 241A 257 Thomas Ben Head M B 40 Georgia
126 178B 94 Thomas Bradford Son M W 15 Georgia
129 235B 138 Thomas Calvin nephew M W 17 Georgia
129 241A 257 Thomas Carl Son M B 12 Georgia
129 239A 213 Thomas Central Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 170B 208 Thomas Chester Son M B 18 Georgia
125 170B 208 Thomas Clarke Head M B 67 Georgia
125 170B 208 Thomas Claude Grd. Daughter F B 7 Georgia
130 252B 160 Thomas Cora Daughter F W 1/12 Georgia
130 252B 161 Thomas Cora Daughter F W 13 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Doctor Son M W 12 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Donie Daughter F W 2 4/12 Georgia
129 237A 175 Thomas Earl Head M W 46 Georgia
192 211A 214 Thomas Ed Son M W 48 Georgia
129 241B 257 Thomas Eddie Son M B 4 9/12 Georgia
129 237A 175 Thomas Edna Wife F W 44 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Edna Wife F W 32 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Edward Son M W 8 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Ellene Daughter F B 6 Georgia
130 253A 163 Thomas Ervin Son M B 2 8/12 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Eussie Daughter F B 5 Georgia
192 211B 224 Thomas Eva Wife F B 40 Georgia
129 241A 257 Thomas Foster Son M B 9 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas George Son M W 9 Georgia
126 188B 287 Thomas George C. Head M B 23 Georgia
128 220B 183 Thomas Golden Head M W 40 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Goyt Son M W 6 Georgia
128 213A 31 Thomas Grady Head M W 26 Georgia
129 230B 41 Thomas Harold Son M B 3/12 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Harrison Son M B 7 Georgia
126 178B 94 Thomas Helen Daughter F W 4 Georgia
130 252B 160 Thomas Henry Son M W ** Georgia
192 200A 2 Thomas Henry A. Border M W 69 Georgia
130 245A 8 Thomas Herbert Head M W 35 Georgia
126 178B 94 Thomas Herschal Son M W 14 Georgia
128 220B 183 Thomas Hugh Son M W 3 3/12 Georgia
129 235B 138 Thomas Hugh nephew M W 13 Georgia
128 212B 28 Thomas Ida Wife F W 26 Georgia
130 253A 162 Thomas Ina Daughter F B 18 Georgia
130 252A 148 Thomas Irene Wife F W 22 Georgia
129 241B 257 Thomas J. B. Son M B 7 Georgia
126 178B 94 Thomas James P. Son M W 7 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Jewel Daughter F B 2 2/12 Georgia
129 237A 175 Thomas Jimmie Son M W 17 Georgia
126 181A 140 Thomas Joe Head M B 38 Georgia
192 211A 214 Thomas John Head M W 77 Georgia
129 239A 205 Thomas John Head M B 20 Georgia
126 178B 93 Thomas John B. Head M W 35 Georgia
129 241A 257 Thomas Josia Wife F B 37 Georgia
130 253A 162 Thomas Julia Daughter F B 8 Georgia
126 187B 265 Thomas Julian sister in law F B 21 Georgia
128 213A 31 Thomas Lagront Son M W 4/12 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Larry Son M W 4 7/12 Georgia
126 178A 91 Thomas Lee G. Head M B 16 Georgia
129 239A 213 Thomas Leila Daughter F B 10 Georgia
129 241A 257 Thomas Lenton Son M B 14 Georgia
130 253A 162 Thomas Leona Daughter F B 11 Georgia
130 246A 29 Thomas Leroy Son M B 4 1/12 Georgia
126 178B 94 Thomas Lillia M. Daughter F W 12 Georgia
130 245A 8 Thomas Lillian Daughter F W 9 Georgia
130 246A 29 Thomas Lillian Daughter F B 2 6/12 Georgia
130 250B 112 Thomas Lillie Wife F B 24 Georgia
126 181A 140 Thomas Lizie Wife F B 34 Georgia
128 213A 28 Thomas Lizzie Mae Daughter F B 6 Georgia
128 213A 31 Thomas Lonnie Son M W 2 Georgia
128 220B 183 Thomas Louise Daughter F W 5 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Loula Wife F B 23 Georgia
126 178B 93 Thomas Lucy Wife F W 25 Georgia
130 253A 162 Thomas Luetha Son M B 16 Georgia
129 232B 80 Thomas Mack Nephewon M B 13 Georgia
130 245A 8 Thomas Maggie Daughter F W 32 Georgia
130 245A 8 Thomas Magnolia Daughter F W 13 Georgia
128 220B 183 Thomas Mamie Wife F W 34 Georgia
126 183A 174 Thomas Mamy Daughter F B 2 Georgia
125 170B 208 Thomas Margaret Wife F B 67 Georgia
125 170B 208 Thomas Margaret, Jr. Grand-daughter F B 6 Georgia
130 253A 162 Thomas Martha Wife F B 35 Georgia
129 237A 175 Thomas Marvin Son M W 15 Georgia
192 211A 214 Thomas Mary Daughter F W 38 Georgia
126 178B 93 Thomas Mary Daughter F W 4 Georgia
126 188B 287 Thomas Mary Daughter F B 2 Georgia
129 239A 205 Thomas Mary Lou Wife F B 18 Georgia
126 183A 174 Thomas Mattie Wife F B 19 Georgia
129 239A 213 Thomas Mattie Head F B 30 Georgia
130 250B 113 Thomas Mattie Daughter F B 5/12 Georgia
129 241A 257 Thomas Mattie M. Daughter F B 11 Georgia
130 252A 148 Thomas Miller Head M W 27 Georgia
129 239A 213 Thomas Moenia Daughter F B 4 3/12 Georgia
130 246A 29 Thomas Molie Wife F B 23 Georgia
129 241B 257 Thomas Nancy Daughter F B 6 Georgia
126 181A 140 Thomas Nellie Daughter F B 11 Georgia
129 232B 80 Thomas Nellie M. Daughter F B 3 10/12 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Paron Head M W 32 Georgia
129 235B 138 Thomas Pearl Sister in law F W 37 Georgia
130 252B 159 Thomas Pearl Daughter F W 14 Georgia
128 213A 31 Thomas Polley Wife F W 22 Georgia
128 212B 28 Thomas Ralph Head M B 22 Georgia
128 213A 28 Thomas Ruby Daughter F B 8 Georgia
130 253A 162 Thomas Ruby Daughter F B 5 Georgia
130 252B 160 Thomas Rupert Son M W 15 Georgia
129 241B 257 Thomas Salena Daughter F B 3 11/12 Georgia
192 211A 214 Thomas Sallie Wife F W 74 Georgia
192 211B 224 Thomas Sandy Head M B 50 Georgia
130 250B 112 Thomas Sanuel Head M B 30 Georgia
130 245A 8 Thomas Shanon Son M W 3 8/12 Georgia
126 188B 287 Thomas Sylvester Son M B 4 Georgia
126 183A 174 Thomas Theodus Head M B 25 Georgia
129 230B 41 Thomas Tommie Head M B 28 Georgia
126 183A 174 Thomas Trudy Daughter F B 2/3 Georgia
129 241B 257 Thomas Vennie R. Son M B 5/12 Georgia
126 178B 94 Thomas Vera Wife F W 38 Georgia
126 188B 287 Thomas Victor Daughter F B 1 Georgia
130 246A 29 Thomas Walter Head M B 25 Georgia
130 252B 162 Thomas Walter Head M B 40 Georgia
129 237A 175 Thomas Waymon Son M W 18 Georgia
130 252A 148 Thomas Waynond Son M W 1 11/12 Georgia
129 232B 80 Thomas Willet Head M B 27 Georgia
130 246A 29 Thomas William Son M B 1 Georgia
126 181A 140 Thomas Willie Son M B 8 Georgia
129 237A 174 Thomas Willie Uncle M B 40 Georgia
126 178B 94 Thomas Willie J. Head M W 50 Georgia
128 213A 28 Thomas Willie Mae Daughter F B 6 Georgia
131 268B 115 Thomas Willis Son M B 9/12 Georgia
125 171B 225 Thompson Arthur C. Son M B 2 0/12 Georgia
129 232B 85 Thompson Avin Son M B 6 Georgia
125 171B 225 Thompson Clara Wife F M 26 Georgia
125 158B 85 Thompson Cleveland Convict M B 29 Georgia
129 238A 192 Thompson Dewey Son M W 20 Georgia
127 191B 37 Thompson Edgar Son M B 16 Georgia
129 232B 85 Thompson Ella Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 158A 76 Thompson Emma Wife F B 40 Georgia
127 190A 9 Thompson Frank P. Head M B 40 Georgia
125 158A 76 Thompson Frank S. Head M B 54 Georgia
126 174A 7 Thompson Gena Daughter F W 20 Georgia
129 238A 192 Thompson George W. Son M W 2 8/12 Georgia
127 191B 37 Thompson Gussie Wife F B 39 Georgia
127 191B 37 Thompson Hallie Daughter F B 19 Georgia
127 191B 37 Thompson Henry Head M B 47 Georgia
127 191B 37 Thompson Henry A. Son M B 14 Georgia
125 171B 225 Thompson Herman Son M B 5/12 Georgia
129 238A 192 Thompson Hope Son M W 12 Georgia
125 171A 225 Thompson Irwin Head M B 20 Georgia
129 238A 192 Thompson J. P. Head M W 53 Georgia
129 238A 192 Thompson J. P., Jr. Son M W 6 Georgia
127 191B 37 Thompson Jim Father M B 84 Georgia
129 232B 85 Thompson John Son M B 12 Georgia
129 238A 192 Thompson John W. Son M W 8 Georgia
131 258B 16 Thompson Lennie S. Wife F W 62 Georgia
129 232B 85 Thompson Lila Daughter F B 9 Georgia
127 191B 37 Thompson Louis Son M B 10 Georgia
129 232B 85 Thompson Loura Wife F B 29 Georgia
127 190A 9 Thompson Mainie Wife F B 22 Georgia
126 174A 7 Thompson Margie Daughter F W 22 Georgia
126 174A 7 Thompson Mary Daughter F W 9 Georgia
131 261A 66 Thompson Moselle Gran Daughter F W 17 Georgia
129 238A 192 Thompson Pauline Daughter F W 15 Georgia
131 258B 16 Thompson Robert Head M W 64 Georgia
129 243A 274 Thompson Rosa Wife F W 20 Virginia
127 191B 37 Thompson Sallie M. Daughter F B 4 Georgia
129 232B 85 Thompson Seab Head M B 30 Georgia
127 190A 9 Thompson Seaborn Son M B 21 Georgia
126 182A 158 Thompson Susie Head F B 20 Georgia
129 238A 192 Thompson Susie Wife F W 49 Georgia
126 174A 7 Thompson Toonie Head F W 45 Georgia
129 243A 274 Thompson W. W. Head M W 31 North Carolina
131 261A 68 Thompson William D. Nephew M W 15 Georgia
131 258B 16 Thompson Willie G. Daughter F W 26 Georgia
125 158A 76 Thompson Zillah B. daughter in law F B 18 Georgia
128 219A 140 Thomson Frank Head M B 42 Georgia
128 222A 212 Thomson Hulda cousin F W 77 Georgia
128 219A 140 Thomson Willie mae Daughter F B 10 Georgia
126 180A 124 Thornton Albert Son M W 4 Georgia
125 170A 199 Thornton Asa J. Head M W 66 Georgia
128 215B 77 Thornton Bennie Son M W 4 Georgia
128 215B 77 Thornton Bertha Daughter F W 8 Georgia
128 215B 77 Thornton Bob Head M W 38 Georgia
128 215B 77 Thornton Carl Son M W 13 Georgia
192 209A 184 Thornton Charlie Head M B 46 Georgia
131 259A 28 Thornton Clara Daughter F W 24 Georgia
193 224A 25 Thornton Clarence E. Son M W 17 Georgia
126 178A 87 Thornton Clyde A. Son M W 7 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Cora Wife F W 47 Georgia
128 215B 77 Thornton Curtes Daughter F W 11 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Edward D. Son M W 16 Georgia
125 170A 199 Thornton Elizah J. Wife F W 63 Georgia
128 215B 77 Thornton Harold Son M W 6 Georgia
125 172A 239 Thornton Harry M. Brother in law M W 19 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Harvey A. Head M W 52 Georgia
193 224A 25 Thornton Hellen R. Daughter F W 10 Georgia
193 224A 25 Thornton Hugh B. Son M W 14 Georgia
126 178A 86 Thornton Hugh D. Son M W 3 Georgia
126 178A 86 Thornton Ira Head M W 27 Georgia
126 178A 86 Thornton Jack D. Son M W 7/12 Georgia
126 178A 87 Thornton John Head M W 35 Georgia
193 224A 25 Thornton John B. Son M W 16 Georgia
126 178A 87 Thornton John D. Son M W 11 Georgia
128 215B 77 Thornton Johnie Son M W 1 6/12 Georgia
126 180A 124 Thornton Launa Daughter F W 14 Georgia
192 209A 184 Thornton Lethie Wife F B 30 Georgia
128 215B 77 Thornton Lula Wife F W 35 Georgia
128 215B 77 Thornton Macon Son M W 16 Georgia
126 180A 124 Thornton Mark Head M W 37 Georgia
193 224A 25 Thornton Mary E. Head F W 43 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Mary E. Daughter F W 22 Georgia
126 178A 87 Thornton Maud Wife F W 34 Georgia
126 180A 124 Thornton Mildred Daughter F W 10 Georgia
126 180A 124 Thornton Nanny Wife F W 31 Georgia
126 178A 87 Thornton Nellie Daughter F W 2 Georgia
126 178A 86 Thornton Ola Wife F W 20 Georgia
126 180A 124 Thornton Ouidia Daughter F W 8 Georgia
193 224A 25 Thornton Ree C. Daughter F W 18 Georgia
131 259A 28 Thornton Robert S. Head M W 85 Georgia
125 172A 242 Thornton Vester E. Son M W 13 Georgia
126 180A 124 Thornton Willie May Daughter F W 12 Georgia
192 207B 143 Thorton Elzo nephew M W 13 Georgia
128 212B 20 Thraser Lady B. Daughter F B 15 Georgia
126 187B 268 Thrasher ***line Wife F B 20 Georgia
130 248B 67 Thrasher **s*e Daughter F B 8 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Addie Wife F M 45 Georgia
127 190A 3 Thrasher Agnes M. Cousin F W 23 Georgia
125 160B 14 Thrasher Alfred Head M B 25 Georgia
130 247A 42 Thrasher Alis Brother M M ** Georgia
127 190A 2 Thrasher Alton C. Son M W 6 Georgia
126 180A 123 Thrasher Andrew Nephew M B 15 Georgia
126 186A 255 Thrasher Andrew Son M B 15 Georgia
127 198B 174 Thrasher Annie L. Daughter F W 3 9/12 Georgia
127 194B 90 Thrasher Archie R. Head M W 40 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Attie Daughter F M 15 Georgia
125 159B 105 Thrasher Barton E. Head M W 69 Georgia
127 199B 194 Thrasher Bascomb C. Head M W 23 Georgia
127 194B 90 Thrasher Bernice Daughter F W 18 Georgia
125 161A 23 Thrasher Bernice S. Daughter F B 2 1/12 Georgia
127 190A 2 Thrasher Bethel L. Wife F W 45 Georgia
126 180A 123 Thrasher Birt Niece F B 23 Georgia
127 194B 91 Thrasher Burtrice Daughter F W 2 3/12 Georgia
127 190B 22 Thrasher Cap Head M B 52 Georgia
127 190B 21 Thrasher Carrie Wife F W 30 Georgia
125 158A 73 Thrasher Carter L. Prisoner M B 33 Georgia
125 161A 24 Thrasher Causby Son M B 17 Georgia
125 161A 23 Thrasher Charlie Head M B 50 Georgia
125 161A 25 Thrasher Charlie, Jr. Head M B 26 Georgia
127 193B 78 Thrasher Cilla Wife F B 28 Georgia
127 194B 91 Thrasher Clara L. Wife F W 24 Georgia
127 190B 22 Thrasher Claud nephew M B 11 Georgia
127 190B 21 Thrasher Cleveland F. Head M W 35 Georgia
125 159A 97 Thrasher Clois B. Brother M W 21 Georgia
125 160B 14 Thrasher Daisy Wife F B 25 Georgia
130 248B 67 Thrasher Darsy Wife F B 28 Georgia
126 186A 255 Thrasher Edd Son M B 23 Georgia
127 193B 78 Thrasher Edmond Son M B 9 Georgia
127 198B 174 Thrasher Edna M. Daughter F W 1 6/12 Georgia
127 198B 174 Thrasher Ellie E. Wife F W 26 Georgia
127 199B 193 Thrasher Estelle L. Daughter F W 9 Georgia
125 161A 25 Thrasher Exula Wife F B 22 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Flora Daughter F M 12 Georgia
127 190B 21 Thrasher Frank Son M W 11 Georgia
127 190A 8 Thrasher Frank E. Head M W 28 Georgia
130 247A 42 Thrasher Fred Head M B 37 Georgia
127 190A 2 Thrasher Garland A. Son M W 14 Georgia
125 161A 23 Thrasher Gladys I. Daughter F B 11 Georgia
127 190A 8 Thrasher Grace A. Daughter F W 1 11/12 Georgia
127 190A 8 Thrasher Grace D. Wife F W 29 Tennessee
127 198B 174 Thrasher Grady L. Head M W 27 Georgia
127 199B 193 Thrasher Harold A. Son M W 14 Georgia
127 199B 193 Thrasher Hassie S. Daughter F W 16 Georgia
127 190B 22 Thrasher Hattie Wife F B 40 Georgia
127 194B 91 Thrasher Herbert W. Head M W 24 Georgia
127 195B 114 Thrasher Hessie E. Wife F W 49 Georgia
131 267B 94 Thrasher Hiram Son M B 18 Georgia
125 164B 95 Thrasher Hosby Son M B 21 Georgia
126 187A 259 Thrasher Hugh Head M B 53 Georgia
126 186A 255 Thrasher Idia Wife F B 55 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Ike Head M M 40 Georgia
125 160B 14 Thrasher Inus E. Son M B 4 0/12 Georgia
126 179A 107 Thrasher Isaac Head M W 55 Georgia
127 193A 64 Thrasher Isaac Head M B 25 Georgia
127 193A 64 Thrasher Isaac Son M B 3 Georgia
125 159A 97 Thrasher Isaac T. Brother M W 27 Georgia
128 212B 21 Thrasher James Son M B 3 Georgia
127 190B 21 Thrasher Jannette Daughter F W 8 Georgia
126 187B 268 Thrasher Jessie Head M B 23 Georgia
128 212B 21 Thrasher Jimmie Head M B 25 Georgia
127 192B 60 Thrasher John Cousin M B 48 Georgia
127 193A 64 Thrasher John Son M B 1 Georgia
127 199B 186 Thrasher John D. nephew M W 20 Georgia
128 212A 15 Thrasher Johnie Hired man M B 14 Georgia
125 161A 24 Thrasher Josephine Wife F B 55 Georgia
127 194B 90 Thrasher Lessie Wife F W 36 Georgia
126 180A 123 Thrasher Lisey Daughter F B 40 Georgia
126 187A 259 Thrasher Lizie M. Wife F B 33 Georgia
125 161A 23 Thrasher Lizzie Wife F B 31 Georgia
127 199B 193 Thrasher Lizzie M. Head F W 46 Georgia
125 159A 97 Thrasher Loren O. Brother M W 23 Georgia
130 257B 266 Thrasher Louise Daughter F M 13 Georgia
127 190A 2 Thrasher Louise M. Daughter F W 15 Georgia
127 199B 194 Thrasher Luella Wife F W 22 Georgia
125 161A 23 Thrasher Mabel A. Daughter F B 5 Georgia
127 193B 78 Thrasher Magnolia Daughter F B 6 Georgia
130 257B 267 Thrasher Mamie Daughter F M 8 Georgia
127 190B 21 Thrasher Margaree Daughter F W 5 Georgia
127 193B 78 Thrasher Mark A. Head M B 47 Georgia
193 228B 98 Thrasher Martha Wife F B 56 Georgia
131 267B 94 Thrasher Martha Head F B 43 Georgia
125 164B 95 Thrasher Matt Wife F B 44 Georgia
125 159A 97 Thrasher Maude E. Head F W 37 Georgia
125 161A 24 Thrasher Melvin L. Head M B 65 Georgia
125 161A 23 Thrasher Middy H. Daughter F B 13 Georgia
125 161A 25 Thrasher Morna Daughter F B 4 2/12 Georgia
126 186A 255 Thrasher Nedy Sister in law F B 17 Georgia
127 199B 193 Thrasher Nellie M. Daughter F W 24 Georgia
125 160B 14 Thrasher Nevie Son M B 2 2/12 Georgia
125 160B 14 Thrasher Nina C. Daughter F B 6 Georgia
127 194B 90 Thrasher Norman Son M W 16 Georgia
128 212B 21 Thrasher Parriele Wife F B 23 Georgia
125 159A 97 Thrasher Ralph A. Brother M W 34 Georgia
127 194B 91 Thrasher Rastus Son M W 3/12 Georgia
128 216B 95 Thrasher Rubin nephew M B 11 Georgia
131 267B 94 Thrasher Ruby M. Daughter F B 14 Georgia
125 159A 97 Thrasher Ruth A. Sister F W 17 Georgia
126 176B 57 Thrasher Salem Boarder M W 32 Georgia
125 159B 105 Thrasher Sallie F. Wife F W 67 Georgia
127 190A 2 Thrasher Samuel H. Head M W 64 Georgia
127 190A 2 Thrasher Samuel H. Son M W 2 5/12 Georgia
127 195B 114 Thrasher Sarah M. Daughter F W 32 Georgia
193 228B 98 Thrasher Seab Head M B 58 Georgia
127 199B 193 Thrasher Stephens C. Son M W 18 Georgia
127 193A 64 Thrasher Tina Wife F B 25 Georgia
127 190A 2 Thrasher Truman O. Son M W 21 Georgia
130 248B 67 Thrasher Walter Head M M 30 Georgia
125 161A 24 Thrasher Weldon Son M B 14 Georgia
125 164B 95 Thrasher West Head M B 44 Georgia
125 161A 25 Thrasher Weymon Son M B 2 1/12 Georgia
127 195B 114 Thrasher William T. Head M W 57 Georgia
125 161A 23 Thrasher Wilmot B. Daughter F B 9 Georgia
127 193A 64 Thrasher Woodrow Son M B 6 Georgia
126 186A 255 Thrasher Zack Head M B 58 Georgia
126 179A 107 Thrusher Ella Daughter F W 13 Georgia
126 179A 107 Thrusher Esstell Daughter F W 4 Georgia
126 179A 107 Thrusher Icy G. Wife F W 41 Georgia
126 179A 107 Thrusher Ida Daughter F W 15 Georgia
126 179A 107 Thrusher Louis Son M W 7 Georgia
126 179A 107 Thrusher Susie Daughter F W 11 Georgia
125 172B 246 Thurman Arthur Son M B 7 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Claudie Daughter F B 6 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Conie Son M B 18 Georgia
125 172B 246 Thurman Dutch Son M B 14 Georgia
125 172B 246 Thurman Effie Wife F B 43 Georgia
125 172B 246 Thurman Elzz Son M B 29 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Eugene Daughter F B 11 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Fancy Head M M 50 Georgia
125 172B 246 Thurman Fred Son M B 11 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Hattie M. Daughter F B 10 Georgia
125 172B 246 Thurman James Son M B 17 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Jimmie Son M B 13 Georgia
125 172B 246 Thurman John Head M B 46 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Liga Wife F B 40 Georgia
125 172B 246 Thurman Marie Daughter F B 9 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Purce Son M B 14 Georgia
125 172B 246 Thurman R. D. Son M B 4 2/12 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Roy Son M B 3 2/12 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Ruth Daughter F B 4 3/12 Georgia
129 241B 258 Thurman Willie Son M B 8 Georgia
129 232A 75 Tift Rosa Wife F B 21 Georgia
129 232A 75 Tift Willie Head M B 25 Georgia
193 225B 54 Tiller Charlie Son M W 14 Georgia
193 225B 54 Tiller Floyed Son M W 7 Georgia
193 225B 54 Tiller Grady Son M W 13 Georgia
193 225B 54 Tiller Hallie Daughter F W 11 Georgia
193 225B 54 Tiller James B. Head M W 20 Georgia
193 225B 54 Tiller Mattie Mother F W 39 Georgia
126 175A 22 Tim Albert H. Grand Son M W 1 1/2 Georgia
126 175A 22 Tim Althretto Daughter F W 22 Georgia
130 252B 154 Tompson Enory Son M B 9 Georgia
130 252B 155 Tompson Mirdora Wife F B 29 Georgia
130 252B 155 Tompson Weldon Head M B 50 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Bertha Daughter F W 12 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Blanche Daughter F W 19 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Cendle Son M W 28 Georgia
129 240B 243 Toney Chester Daughter F W 19 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Ervin Son M W 17 Georgia
129 240B 243 Toney Hester Daughter F W 19 Georgia
129 240B 243 Toney Hobut Son M W 21 Georgia
129 240B 243 Toney Hoytie Daughter F W 12 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Icy Wife F W 39 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Inez Daughter F W 4 2/12 Georgia
129 240B 243 Toney J. M. Head M W 50 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney J. P. Son M W 2 4/12 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Johnnie Head M W 41 Georgia
129 240B 243 Toney Judson Son M W 26 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Juselle Daughter F W 9 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Lessie Daughter F W 7 Georgia
129 240B 243 Toney Mary Lou Daughter F W 16 Georgia
130 255A 201 Toney Olla Son M W 13 Georgia
129 240B 243 Toney Susie Wife F W 48 Georgia
129 240B 243 Toney Winnie Daughter F W 14 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Elic Head M B 43 Georgia
130 253B 173 Tory Elizebeth Daughter F B 8/12 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Julia Daughter F B 11 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Mary Daughter F B 14 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Mattie Wife F B 36 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Reed Daughter F B 3 4/12 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Ruth Daughter F B 6 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Walter Son M B 15 Georgia
130 253B 172 Tory Woodrow Son M B 2 2/12 Georgia
128 214B 60 Towns Eveline Head F W 57 Georgia
128 214B 60 Towns George M. Son M W 28 Georgia
128 216A 83 Traed Richard Son M B 5 Georgia
128 216A 83 Treadwell Ama Wife F B 30 Georgia
128 216B 90 Treadwell Dora Wife F W 45 Georgia
128 216A 83 Treadwell Henry Son M B 6 Georgia
128 216A 83 Treadwell Howard Head M B 34 Georgia
128 216A 83 Treadwell Howard Son M B 2 Georgia
128 216A 83 Treadwell Jessie mae Daughter F B 5 Georgia
128 216A 83 Treadwell Julia Daughter F B 12 Georgia
128 216B 90 Treadwell Marion Head M W 55 Georgia
128 216B 90 Treadwell Odell Daughter F W 21 Georgia
128 216B 90 Treadwell Raybon Son M W 18 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell Auvern Daughter F W 11 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell Joe Son M W 7 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell Mary B. Daughter F W 3 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell Ora Wife F W 34 Georgia
125 170A 202 Tredwell William T. Head M W 45 Georgia
193 227B 85 Tribble Alice Wife F B 23 Georgia
193 227B 85 Tribble Bennie Head M B 30 Georgia
125 171A 221 Tribble Emma Wife F B 52 South Carolina
125 171A 221 Tribble Neut Head M B 61 South Carolina
125 166A 119 Trout Walton C. Boarder M W 40 Georgia
125 158B 84 Truett Delira D. Head M W 26 Georgia
125 158B 84 Truett Maria C. Wife F W 25 Georgia
130 251B 143 Tucker Albert Son M B 7/12 Georgia
125 168A 152 Tucker Albert S. Son M W 2 7/12 Georgia
130 251B 142 Tucker Jack Head M B 30 Georgia
130 256B 243 Tucker Jessie Wife F M 20 Georgia
125 167B 152 Tucker Leonard P. Wife F W 42 Georgia
130 251B 142 Tucker Molie Wife F B 32 Georgia
130 251B 142 Tucker Pearl Daughter F B 3 3/12 Georgia
125 167B 152 Tucker Robert E. Son M W 7 Georgia
125 167B 152 Tucker Robert W. Head M W 48 Georgia
130 256B 244 Tucker Sara Daughter F M 9/12 Georgia
125 168A 152 Tucker Vennie L. Daughter F W 5 Georgia
130 256B 243 Tucker William Head M B 21 Georgia
125 168A 152 Tucker William R. Son M W 5/12 Georgia
192 209B 191 Tulaker Mattie Daughter F W 12 Georgia
192 209B 191 Tulaker Tom Head M W 51 Georgia
192 209B 191 Tulaker Violet Daughter F W 7 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Amon L. Son M W 8 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Dock A. Head M W 59 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Ethel Daughter F W 21 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Lester G. Son M W 16 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Louis E. Son M W 13 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Rodie Wife F W 49 Georgia
125 165B 112 Tumlin Venie E. Daughter F W 20 Georgia
193 224A 24 Turk Cicero D. Head M W 44 Georgia
193 224A 24 Turk Clara S. Daughter F W 12 Georgia
193 224A 24 Turk Flora M. Daughter F W 17 Georgia
193 224A 24 Turk James D. Son M W 4 1/12 Georgia
193 224A 24 Turk Lucile L. Daughter F W 9 Georgia
193 224A 24 Turk Ron W. Son M W 14 Georgia
193 224A 24 Turk Vonie A. Wife F W 44 Georgia
125 165A 96 Turnbull Clara L. Daughter F W 15 Georgia
125 164B 96 Turnbull Dora I. Wife F W 43 Georgia
126 177B 79 Turnbull Edward Son M W 6 Georgia
125 165A 96 Turnbull Hoke S. Son M W 9 Georgia
126 178A 83 Turnbull James H. Father M W 76 Georgia
126 177B 79 Turnbull Joseph H M W 41 Georgia
126 177B 79 Turnbull Lodie Wife F W 37 Georgia
125 164B 96 Turnbull Luscius *. Head M W 47 Georgia
125 165A 96 Turnbull Mary E. Daughter F W 17 Georgia
126 178A 83 Turnbull Sadie Sister F W 52 Georgia
126 178A 83 Turnbull Thomas F. Head M W 37 Georgia
126 177B 79 Turnbull Verman Son M W 14 Georgia
126 177B 79 Turnbull Weymon Son M W 1/6 Georgia
125 165A 96 Turnbull Woodrow Son M W 6 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner Allin Son M B 20 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Autry Son M B 8 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Blanche Daughter F B 18 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Erwin Son M B 14 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner Hermon Son M B 22 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Hershall Son M B 4 3/12 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner John H. Head M B 48 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner John T. Head M B 64 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Louise Daughter F B 6 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Lucy Daughter F B 10 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner Maggie Daughter F B 16 Georgia
193 226A 61 Turner Tom Son M B 24 Georgia
193 227B 83 Turner Vallie Wife F B 38 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Baxter brother in law M W 18 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Cecil Son M W 2 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Corrie Sister F W 12 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Frank brother in law M W 20 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Lucie mother F W 48 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Pearl Wife F W 22 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Richard Head M W 28 Georgia
126 180B 131 Turping Ruth Daughter F W 4 Georgia

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