1920 Census "V"

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
125 161A 27 Vaughn Aline W. Wife F W 35 Georgia
125 158B 85 Vaughn Clarence Convict M B 17 Georgia
125 161A 27 Vaughn Earnest R. Head M W 42 Georgia
125 161A 27 Vaughn Earnest V. Son M W 9 Georgia
130 251A 125 Veal Arline Wife F W 22 Georgia
129 235B 145 Veal Barbara Daughter F W 8 Georgia
192 202A 47 Veal Ben M. Head M W 66 Georgia
192 202A 47 Veal Bob Brother M W 57 Georgia
129 238A 190 Veal Cathren Daughter F W 12 Georgia
129 238A 190 Veal Daisy Wife F W 36 Georgia
129 238A 190 Veal Dozier Son M W 9 Georgia
126 184A 195 Veal Effie Wife F W 4 Georgia
129 238A 190 Veal Elizebeth Daughter F W 12 Georgia
129 235B 145 Veal Ethel Daughter F W 15 Georgia
129 235B 145 Veal Geneva Daughter F W 11 Georgia
130 251A 124 Veal Herchel Head M W 24 Georgia
129 238A 190 Veal Hilda Daughter F W 3 1/12 Georgia
129 235B 145 Veal Joe M. Head M W 41 Georgia
129 235B 145 Veal Joe M., Jr. Son M W 1 0/12 Georgia
129 235B 145 Veal Lagaria Daughter F W 3 9/12 Georgia
129 240A 230 Veal Lucile Wife F W 27 Georgia
129 235B 145 Veal Maud Wife F W 36 Georgia
129 238A 190 Veal Mirian Daughter F W 5 Georgia
129 238A 190 Veal Orin D. Head M W 44 Georgia
129 238A 190 Veal Ralph Son M W 8/12 Georgia
192 202A 47 Veal Sarah Mother F W 86 Georgia
129 240A 230 Veal T. P. Head M W 35 Georgia
126 184A 195 Veal Thomas Jhead M W 28 Georgia
125 156A 33 Veale Desmond B. Head M W 46 Georgia
125 156A 32 Veale Elizah J. Head F W 71 Georgia
125 156A 32 Veale Fanida Daughter F W 6 Georgia
125 156A 33 Veale James E. Son M W 21 Georgia
125 156A 32 Veale Lenirah Daughter F W 36 Georgia
125 155A 8 Veale Lizzie L. Step-daughter F W 18 Georgia
125 156A 33 Veale Nancy M. Wife F W 46 Georgia
125 156A 33 Veale Paul B. Son M W 19 Georgia
125 155A 8 Veale Pearle P. Step-son M W 16 Georgia
125 156A 33 Veale Tom M. Son M W 13 Georgia
125 156A 33 Veale Wilhelmina Daughter F W 10 Georgia
125 156A 33 Veale William H. Son M W 17 Georgia
127 197A 146 Venable Cleo R. Wife F W 21 Georgia
127 197A 146 Venable Jewel H. Daughter F W 12 Georgia
127 197A 146 Venable John W. Head M W 46 Georgia
192 201B 30 Venable Mildred Mother F W 72 Georgia
127 197B 146 Venable Roy E. Son M W 5 Georgia
128 220A 169 Viciker Junie Head M W 49 Georgia
128 220A 169 Vick Lucy Ann Wife F W 46 Georgia
127 194A 84 Vickery Eula Daughter F W 16 Georgia
127 194A 84 Vickery Lottia Son M W 18 Georgia
127 194A 84 Vickery Marsh H. Head M W 53 Georgia
127 194A 84 Vickery Nolia Wife F W 48 Georgia
127 190B 20 Vickory Fannie M. Wife F W 18 Georgia
127 190B 20 Vickory Mack Head M W 23 Georgia
128 219B 151 Vincent Anna Wife F W 56 Georgia
128 219B 151 Vincent Pauline Daughter F W 17 Georgia
128 219B 151 Vincent Richard T. Head M W 57 Georgia
128 219B 151 Vincent T. Leon Son M W 19 Georgia
125 158A 79 Vinson Dollie M. Daughter F B 4 0/12 Georgia
125 158B 85 Vinson Falvin Convict M B 23 Georgia
125 158A 79 Vinson Hattie Wife F B 24 Georgia
125 158B 85 Vinson Henry Convict M B 23 Georgia
125 158A 79 Vinson Henry Head M B 25 Georgia
125 158A 79 Vinson Mattie L. Daughter F B 2 0/12 Georgia
125 158B 85 Virgil John H. Convict M B 52 Georgia

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