1920 Census "Y"

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
130 257B 263 Yarbrough Callie Wife F W 35 Georgia
130 257B 263 Yarbrough Foster Head M W 42 Georgia
131 268B 109 Yarbrough Greg Head M W 35 Georgia
130 257B 264 Yarbrough Jane Mother F W 63 Georgia
131 268B 109 Yarbrough Mamie Wife F W 31 Georgia
131 268B 109 Yarbrough Nancey C. Mother F W 63 Georgia
129 238A 195 Yearby Agustus Head M B 48 Georgia
129 238B 105 Yearby Amanda Daughter F B 10 Georgia
129 241B 262 Yearby Charlie Son M B 12 Georgia
129 241B 262 Yearby Clento Son M B 12 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Cora Daughter F B 1 2/12 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby John Son M B 11 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Lizzie Mae Daughter F B 7 Georgia
129 241B 262 Yearby Lucy Head F B 46 Georgia
129 238A 195 Yearby Nellie Wife F B 32 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Rubye Son M B 3 5/12 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Versa Daughter F B 5 Georgia
129 238B 195 Yearby Virginia Daughter F B 9 Georgia
130 251B 129 Yearwood E. Eeffie Son M W 32 Georgia
130 251B 128 Yearwood Mary Wife F W 67 Georgia
130 251B 128 Yearwood Richard Head M W 64 Georgia
127 194B 96 Yerby Clara Wife F B 45 Georgia
127 194B 96 Yerby Clifford Grand Son M B 3 2/12 Georgia
127 194B 96 Yerby Kathrine V. Daughter F B 8 Georgia
192 211A 215 Yerby Lulie Bell Wife F B 17 Georgia
127 194B 96 Yerby Peter Head M B 53 Georgia
192 211A 215 Yerby Tom Head M B 36 Georgia
127 194B 96 Yerby Wilson P. Grand Son M B 2 3/12 Georgia
193 226A 60 Young Agnes Daughter F B 8 Georgia
125 168A 155 Young Arrie Wife F B 29 Georgia
128 215B 75 Young Cecil Son M B 8/12 Georgia
128 215B 75 Young Ethel Wife F B 19 Georgia
193 226A 57 Young George L. Head M W 24 Georgia
193 226A 57 Young Ho*ie N. Wife F W 26 Georgia
193 226A 57 Young James A. Son M W 3 2/12 Georgia
125 168A 155 Young Lillie Niece F B 16 Georgia
193 226A 60 Young Milton Son M B 10 Georgia
128 215B 75 Young Rich Head M B 19 Georgia
125 168A 155 Young Will Head M B 29 Georgia
129 230A 18 Young William Servant M B 20 Tennessee
193 226A 60 Young Willie Son M B 12 Georgia

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