1920 Census "Z"

Select by first letter of last name:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enum Page Fam # Last Name Given Name Rel Sex Race Age Birthplace
126 178A 89 Zachery Andrew Son M B 20 Georgia
126 178A 89 Zachery Annie Wife F B 45 Georgia
126 178A 89 Zachery Frank Son M B 9 Georgia
126 178A 89 Zachery Henry Son M B 18 Georgia
126 178A 89 Zachery Joseph Son M B 1 Georgia
126 178A 89 Zachery Lilian Daughter F B 15 Georgia
126 178A 89 Zachery Nellie Daughter F B 14 Georgia
126 178A 89 Zachery Pearl Daughter F B 11 Georgia
125 160A 2 Zachery Peter Head M B 22 Georgia
126 178A 89 Zachery Raliegh Head M B 49 Georgia
125 160A 2 Zachery Swedie Wife F B 22 Georgia
129 232A 76 Zackery Anderson Head M B 25 Georgia
129 232A 76 Zackery Lessie Wife F B 20 Georgia
126 189A 297 Zuber Daisy Wife F W 36 Georgia
131 260A 50 Zuber James C. Nephew M W 14 Georgia
126 189A 297 Zuber Jennette Daughter F W 7 Georgia
131 260A 50 Zuber John D. nephew M W 10 Georgia
126 189A 297 Zuber Marina Daughter F W 15 Georgia
131 260A 50 Zuber Martha Neice F W 3 10/12 Georgia
131 260A 50 Zuber Ruby C. Sister F W 43 Georgia
126 189A 297 Zuber Viviven Daughter F W 10 Georgia
126 189A 297 Zuber William A. Head M W 49 Georgia
126 189A 297 Zuber William A., Jr. Son M W 1 Georgia
131 260A 50 Zuber William G. Nephew M W 18 Georgia

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