Boyd D. Wells
Oconee Enterprise
Friday, October 1, 1926
Page 5
B.D. Wells
Bravely battling with the inevitable through long days and weary nights since early spring, Boyd D. Wells, age 24, son of Mr. And Mrs. E.B. Wells of our town, on last Sunday night, at 10:40 heeded the call all humanity will one day hear, and obediently launched his bark in life's and eternity's stream, with prow pointed toward the sunrise of endless day, thus beginning a new life in a new country, from "whose bourne no traveler returns."
Funeral services for this extremely popular young man was held from the Baptist church last Tuesday morn at 11 o'clock, conducted by his pastor, Rev. E.D. Kelley, asisted (sic) by his former pastor, Rev. W.R. Coile of Winterville, interment following in Watkinsville cemetery.
The following pals and old schoolmates tenderly bore all that was mortal of their beloved comrade to his last resting place: Bruce McRee, Harold Elder, Carlton Downs, Joe Boyd McRee, Tom Murray Veale and Albert C. Elder. The honorary escort was composed of college chums and older friends, as follows: Everett Mongomery, J.H. Patman, Roy Carroll, Jimmie Crowder, Roy Crowley and Warren Downs.
Surviving the deceased are his parents, Mr. And Mrs. E.B. Wells, Watkinsville,; six sisters, Mrs. E W Coile, Arnoldsville: Mesdames W H Hodges, Jr., and H T Hodges, Watkinsville; Miss Grace Wells, Greenville, S.C.; Misses Emily and Blanch Wells, Watkinsville; five brothers, B.R. Wells, Meridian, Miss.; Messrs. O.R., Hoyt, Eugene and Billy Wells of Watkinsville
"B.D.," as he was affectionately known to loved ones and friends, was a young man of stealing character, lovable nature and fascinating manners. By dent of pleasing personality, indefatigable spirit and lofty ambition, he was making his way thru the School of Technology, after graduation in the high school here, and no young man ever attending this noted institution had made and retained more friends than he in a like brief period of time.
Just facing life's threshold, with the world before him and every promise that he would use his time and talent for the good of all, death's icy fingers closed his eyelids still and to human understanding it seems unduly pathetic that his bright youth should be so cut down in life's morning, but the All-Seeing One moves in mysterious way His wonders to perform and no one knows but God the purpose of his removal from loved ones and friends.
But in the bye-and-bye time of the afterwhile, when all of us come to the end of a perfect day, these now inexplainable providences will stand revealed in the light of eternity's noonday sun and all can and will rejoice together in glad acclaim in a world that knows no sorrow and no pain.
If words could comfort bleeding hearts, there would then be no tears at death's inexorable entrance ever, but time alone can cure such heartaches, and in tenderest manner may the great God of the Universe comfort and console those now dwelling in clouds of gloom because of the passing of one they so much loved and adored.