Carrie McRee Jackson
Oconee Enterprise
Friday, May 20, 1927
Page One
Mrs. Carrie Jackson Answers Final Call
Friday morning, May 13, at 5 o'clock, Mrs. Carrie McRee Jackson, widow of the late Clerk of Court James W Jackson, departed this life at her home here. "Aunt Carrie," as she was known to nearly everybody, was 75 years of age and all her long years of usefulness was spent in and around Watknsville (sic).
While it was known her physical being was frail, it was nevertheless quite a shock to her loved ones and friends when it was learned that she had gone to join loved ones on the other shore, as her death was rather unexpected, she having been confined to her bed only a few days during her last illness.
Mrs. Jackson leaves one sister, Mrs. Dodd McRee, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Sallie Stovall, a number of nieces, nephews and other kindred, and just worlds of friends to mourn her passing. A stepson, Mr. Pierce Jackson, resides in New York City. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. W F Lunsford, from the Methodist church here Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, interment folowing (sic) in Watkinsville cemetery by the side of her late husband.
"Aunt Carrie" was indeed one of God's won gentlewomen, quiet in demeanor, intensely loyal in spirit to all things lofty, and the example of her pure life will ever be a constant guide to loved ones to reach out and strive to attain the heights she scaled during her long life of inspiration to all who were so fortunate as to come in the radius of her noble spirit.
Our hearts tender sympathy goes out in full measure to all who mourn the going away of this good woman