Mollie Willoughby
Oconee Enterprise
Friday, October 22, 1926
Page 5
Miss Mollie Willoughby Answers Final Summons
Miss Mollie Willoughby, age 60, after a long illness, died Wednesday of last week at the home of her brother, Mr. Charlie Willoughby, with whom she had made her home in the Goshen neighborhood of our county. Of the immediate relatives only a brother, Mr. C.D. Willoughby, and a sister, Mrs. Belle Anderson, survive her, besides numerous other relatives and just worlds of friends.
Her remains were interred in Antioch cemetery last Thursday, Rev. E.L. Shelnutt, of Winder, conducting the services in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing loved ones and friends.
"Miss Mollie" loved her church and in her community she will be sorely missed from the councils of those standing for community uplift and right-living, and with hundreds we mourn the passing of this good woman.