Sam Patrick

Oconee Enterprise
Friday, May 18, 1928
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Mr. Sam Patrick Laid to Rest Saturday Afternoon

Mr. Sam Patrick, 76, of Barnett Shoals, who died at this home early Friday afternoon after a seven months illness, was buried at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon in the Johnson cemetery, after services which were held in Johnson’s Methodist church. The Rev. S.P. Segars conducted the services, with McDorman-Bridges Funeral home in charge of arrangements.

Mr. Patrick was borne in Greene county, and had resided at Barnett Shoals for three months. He had lived in Greene and Oconee counties all of his life, and had been instrumental in the upbuilding of the communities where he lived.

The deceased is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary Patrick; four daughters, Mrs. J.A. Maxey Watkinsville, Mrs. Albert Roth, Barnett Shoals; one step-daughter, Miss Ethel Lomax, Barnett Shoals; two sons, S.T. Patrick, of Laurel, Miss.: and William Patrick of Barnett Shoals; one step-son, Everet Lomax of Barnett shoals. The sons and grandsons acted as pallbearers.